
This is a thread for pro-illuminati, pro-satanism, pro-pedo, pro-globalism, pro-kabbala.

trigger warnings: moralfaggotry, spooks, christfags

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Hello how do I into Jewish Mysticism???

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>Jewish Mysticism
lmao idk bro, the jews just told me to make this thread. they didnt pay me or anything. im not sure what to recommend you.

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yo lads i went to r9k for the first time in a year and these guys are hilarious

it also scared me, im way too similar to those fucks. will praying to satanic jews get me out of my rut and into wealth heaven??

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fuckin checked boiiii
spoderman's boos is not wrong

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>le spooks le spook
subhuman Stirner-spergs need to be gassed immediately.

theres this thread on r9k of some roblox player catfishing people out of money by pretending to be a real gril. guys just fucking give him money because he pretends to be a female. why do guys do this?
ive seen this on discord and twitch so often. cute girl streams, people literally give her 500 dollars per stream because she's cute. doesnt even show her face for more than 10 minutes. plays some shit game. $5 dollars streams in. she shows her face; 20 dollars, 50 dollars.
its fuckin insane lads.

and then she comes down with anxiety and doesn't stream for a while.
a mean holy shit if i could make 50$ by showing my face to some totally insolvent dickless betas i'd be doing it 7 days a week.

im mildly convinced that 60% of males are complete faggots. not homosexual- just fucking fags. do women really have this much control over men?

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check mein d u b s, niggers

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>Forgetting brown pill