Butch Hartman

Another "conservative goes against the mainstream leftist hollywood culture" episode.

How do help this guy amidst all the dogpiling and slander?

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Other urls found in this thread:


the fairly odd parents and Danny phantom creator getting slandered? what??

The best thing I can think of is to support whatever he's doing. I heard he began a kickstarter recently to begin a 'family friendly' livestream service to compete with netflix, and it triggered this gender pronoun triggered person on twitter twitter.com/ponettplus/status/1020079078995611648 ...I may think about contributing to it then if it triggered this person.

he is getting RAKED over the coals my friend

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he's not perfect, and I don't like his biblethumping, but they've caught wind that he's not a leftist and now want to do anything possible fora reddit-tier witchhunt to demonize him because he no longer smells right.

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bump 4 butch

PieGuyRulz rekt this scamartist really hard.


Its hard not to take so much self-pride when doing something like this but it makes him look so bad. Frankly, I'd love for his dream to be reality. All the new cartoonists to bloom on a platform to put the stake in the heart of CN forever. I'd fund it a million times if I could, but even if he did get it off the ground, the ball isn't going to be rolling fast without some startup money (and a good reason for people to either watch or cancel their netflix accounts)

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That’s a hell of a lot of butt hurt tweeting
>A little bit fixated potentially


You are BP af or Butch Hartmann

based Butch "Fagsbane" Hartman

christians are so cringe

i wouldnt mind seeing more danny phantom being a fag desu

oh no pol. I don't think he should be slandered because of this people have opinions and if he hates fags, so be it
tldr faggot.

it's tldw you newfag
pol shouldnt worship someone with conservative values if hes a scammer as well
it just destroys our narrative even further like this faggot wants to

Your channel is a good as dead if you didn't pump videos of Butch, Pie. Fuck off.


>created Ember's Ghost Squad

Shouldn't you like be working on a new Butch video, Pie? You need it if you want to keep your channel. But then again, shilling on pol could work.

>that cartoonist boomer who still watches "SJW Owned" compilations

i always knew this guy was based

based cybercrusader

I was watching the The Fairly Oddparents recently, and I'm surprised with some of the humor they got away with.

>Muh scammer
like I said give me a tldr Pie

watch the last video

I can tell you're a shitskin because you care about views.

>if you don’t post a picture of suckling a cock once a day you are against LGBT
>my life is so meaningless I define my whole persona on who I jerk off to

Maybe he was unnerved by tranny phantom?

>says the guy who DEPENDS on views
kek. Whatever you say Pie.

dude, he doesnt even have a patreon in his desc

>Muh vagueness
Who cares, It might work, it might not
>converting people to Christianity
Cool, I don't see why he is pissed. He doesn't have 100% proof he is doing this and even if he is, who cares.
>Muh ego
Who cares
>Non refundable
Meh, the person willingly put money into the project. He should have waited a bit longer and thought a bit more carefully with his decision if he might regret it.

You are trying really hard here Pie, but you don't have much 'proof' he is a scammer. Come back to Jow Forums when you are on StopDrop&Retro's level

>Jewtube money for days

I don't know any of your e-celebs, but the point was that he misinformed his supporters and that the whole entertainment channel thing is most likely not going to work out.

>Meh, the person willingly put money into the project. He should have waited a bit longer and thought a bit more carefully with his decision if he might regret it.
This is the exact point, he wanted to warn people.

crazy what this mindset will do to you. Like the perfect parasite. It will destroy everything. All that which was once cherished. Relationships, past memories, habits. It weeds its way into the soul and makes itself the most important thing. Fucking crazy and idiotic. I don't even know what "homophobic" is supposed to even mean now. Is anyone *actually* homophobic?

Butch is a child molester just like anybody else whos worked at Nickelodeon. He just hides behind the Bible like how catholic preists do.

He also supports race-mixing as well, but it’s okay since jewsus loves all people.

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This guy does better expose videos on actual scams
>This is the exact point, he wanted to warn people.
>That it is non refundable
>Like most kickstarters
Ok, I still don't see why that is bad
People willingly put money into projects, I personally wouldn't do it but they are literally gambling and they don't know whether or not the product will be available in the end and I don't feel any pity for the people who do put money into this.

Try harder pie

just give up, butchy

>I don't feel any pity for the people who do put money into this.

I don't care about the money he got.
I care for the fact that he's a scammer.

You can't just pull that christian shit off when you're as vague as he was at the beginning.
You wouldn't be saying any of that if he was quiet about everything at first and then revealed himself to be a muslim trying to put "heavy muslim" values into his shows.
Do you know why?
Because you don't care about principles.

So you support:
- Censorship
- Dishonest Businesses
- Indoctrination through Television

Go to church cuck


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fuck god

>You can't just pull that christian shit off when you're as vague as he was at the beginning.
You can if you do a kickstarter. Fuck he might not even create his project and say 'uh oh, that wasn't actually enough money'.
I don't care because, 'It's kickstarter'
The backers are literallly gambling on wether or not the product will be what it says on the tin and usually it is not. It's not really dishonest because it's too vage and that should have tipped most people off of donating.
If someone actually put money into it, I don't give a shit, why should I give a shit.
>You wouldn't be saying any of that if he was quiet about everything at first and then revealed himself to be a muslim trying to put "heavy muslim" values into his shows.
I wouldn't give a shit, it is the backer's problem if he or she gives money to him and doesn't think critically and what they are backing. youtube.com/watch?v=0iyD2D4J7yY
>Because you don't care about principles
I never said I support censorship, if you are saying removing comments on a a website(it's not like you can talk about it on other websites) as censorship then
>Dishonest Businesses
I never said that
>Indoctrination through Television
This happens all the time if you think about it a certain way, the real question is to what extent.

> the tin
The tin is really vauge

>"My show has always been about Christian values"
>MPreg was not only in FOP, but was used as a fucking plotpoint

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Kickstarter is a private company if they allow censorship on their website they have every right to whether right or not. If they allow companies to censor negative comments then you should be cross at them.

what is MPreg

>I never said I support censorship, if you are saying removing comments on a a website(it's not like you can talk about it on other websites) as censorship then
Why is it not censorship?

>>Dishonest Businesses
It is dishonest business.
It's like buying meat filled with estrogen receptors when the butcher tells you that it's 100% safe to eat.
It will not kill you or harm you, he's technically right, but he still didn't tell you about something you care about.

>>Indoctrination through Television
I see a difference between indoctrination and sending a message.

>It's all a gamble
Yeah, all kickstarters are. I am not denying this.
It's just that we're certain that this won't work and that there is a degree of dishonesty showing so we can safely call him out on it instead of praising it like the shills above.

>Kickstarter is a private company
This stupid fallacy again...
All you have to have in mind is that it is Butch or any of his underlings commanded by Butch doing the censoring.
It's not about the fact that it is against any constitutaional right or that he has the ability to do so, but the fact that he CENSORS people in the first place.
That alone shows alot about his character.
If you defend someone's right to censor you because he does it in a vicinity where it is allowed, then you are not for freedom of speech.
This is what we call a "safe space".

And we didn't even talk about the fact that he censored people who wanted to learn MORE about the campaign.

>I don't give a fuck
This is the rest of your post.
If you don't care about the topic at hand, stop replying to me.

>I care for the fact that he's a scammer.
TLDR I don't care, the backers are literally gambling and there is no proof that really states he is a scammer unlike StopDrop&Retro's vids.
You rely on 'Muh vaugness' and have no real leads that prove he is a scammer and his business won't work

Why the fuck do you want to waste your time with this idiot? Pol is retarded today.

see my last point, I am done with a shill such as yourself.

>Thinking I didn't know about his character from the vid
I don't really care about burch, but he is doing the same thing that every other kickstarter does.
Shady to an extent but not enough so I give a shit, If you had real info that it's a scam like StopDrop&Retro maybe the video would have been better
>It's just that we're certain that this won't work and that there is a degree of dishonesty showing so we can safely call him out on it instead of praising it like the shills above.
Most kickstarters fail, will his one fail, yes absolutely and I don't feel sorry for the people that buy into this.
>It's not about the fact that it is against any constitutaional right or that he has the ability to do so, but the fact that he CENSORS people in the first place.
>Hurr hurr your a shill
You still don't have any leads that he is doing a Smach Z Pie

I used to love his cartoons.

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>'just so sad about accusing Butch, this Christian, of homophobia'
>'look, not all Christians....'
>'...a decent amount of religious folk are not okay with LGBT'
>all the rest

This is insanity. The level of disrespect you have to retain, the level of cognitive dissonance to believe your accusations of perforating, voiding this 'social contract of LGBT' in lieu of commitments to centuries old, civilization building religion are in any way accusations which hold water, demonstrates narcissism at peak.

These ingrate faggots have been a conceptual, logistical, medical and legal strain on the respective aforementioned systems of society and they have the absolute GALL to think that Christians owe them the authority assertion to put Christians to "facts" like they're on trial?

Head on a pike for these cunts.

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I'd always thought that Butch was going to be some kind of degenerate furry or at least the type of guy to beat off to cartoons.

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What I'm saying Is
>The kickstarter won't work
>You don't have info that he is scamming, just 'muh vaugenuss' and you are not 100% certian
Do I think he is scamming
I dunno if he is smart enough to scam

Butch Hartman

>opened multiple schools in shithole countries
>feeds the homeless/destitute on a regular basis
>is a benefactor to many public hospitals
>helps his daughter runs a pageant focused on encouraging women to be principled and upstanding
>genuinely wants the best for you and provides biblical insight to help develop personal character rather than morality police like people claim

This whole thing is clearly a witch hunt by aspies off their meds

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>So is he a scammer
It could a passion project that will fail
Due to the nature of kickstarter you don't really know.
Also just because I said
>I don't feel any pity for the people who do put money into this.
Doesn't mean I don't care at the topic Pie
BUT HE'S """""""""""SCAMMING"""""""""""" THO

>good Christian guy gets slandered for not being a leftist

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Final bump
Also (you) haven't convinced anyone on Jow Forums that Buch is a bad guy Pie. Try harder