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Why hate one and love the other?
Isaac Sullivan
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Camden Sanders
Socialism indulges in materialism, Book of James taught that those who are materialists or "friends with the World" becomes an enemy of God.
Also communists are excommunicated you can't be a Christian and a Communist.
Austin Jackson
Charles Hall
Bernie didnt die
Blake Rogers
John King
The Bible doesn't promote stealing from people, quite the opposite actually.
Gabriel Cox
>Socialism indulges in materialism
in what universe?
Isaac King
I know, right? It makes no sense, why does the left hate Jesus so much?
Dominic Miller
Jesus was a miracle maker, and that's exactly what it would take to make socialism work.
Easton Wood
cause one's a droop eyed sandnigger
Mason Johnson
I'm indifferent to both, but Christianity was in the past, while Socialism will be in the future.
The way to handle automation and large scale unemployment is a welfare state, thats where everyone is headed.
t. hard working engineer who doesn't benefit from it, just saying it how it is
Jacob Smith
jesus is an anarchist, quite the opposite of a socialist
Benjamin Myers
Nathan Fisher
Ethnically Jewish but the first culturally and religious anti Jew
Believed people should be compensated fairly for their work and that charity at the end of a sword isn't charity. Promoted you pay your taxes but not be robbed.
Andrew King
Fuck off with that socialist shite, JESUS WAS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE A SOCIALIST. When will you guys learn? He was supporter of people taking action on their own to help the poor and not expect the government to help them, be the change you want to be for the people rather than begging for free ride from the government by STEALING from people who have money. Socialism is against the ten commandments.
Lucas Russell
Bernie Sanders isn't a Jew. He's part of the Synagogue of Satan.
Ian Cruz
Ryder Watson
are you not familiar with OPs flag?
Angel White
>He was supporter of people taking action to help the poor
so a socialist.
Aiden Barnes
I don't. Christianity is for morons and sanders is a Commie kike
Dylan Carter
One is voluntary while the other is involuntary.
Brandon Reed
Socialists take from others rather than doing charity work from their own bank accounts, stop spreading bullshit about socialism theft is theft and government stealing from citizens and distributing the wealth is basically robbing them in daylight.
Jonathan Robinson
Nope, Christian charities have helped the poor for centuries but are not socialist. Christ did not advocate any political system, especially not one that condoned theft in the guise of humanitarianism
Benjamin Williams
I don't hate Bernie I just don't want him to be president
Mason Garcia
Yep, it would've been a monarchist theocracy if there was a nation ruled by Jesus, just saying.
Gavin Russell
Why not hate both? They're both vile communist kikes.
Ryan Gray
Jesus didn’t give a fuck about material wealth distribution. He wanted you to give and to take care of your neighbor so that YOU will grow spiritually and grow closer to god through sacrifice. It has nothing to do with the material benefits given to the recipient of charity
Jackson Morales
>taxes are theft
i will blow your mind...
you can only pay tax in the governments currency.
the government created the currency by spending a made up currency.
why should the government care that you give it's own made up currency back to it? if a theft has occurred, it occurred when the government spent a made up fraudulent currency with no inherent value.