Conservative men:

Conservative men:
>I want to marry a virgin girl and have a bunch of kids!

Modern conservative men
>I want to fuck a lot of virgin girls, have a giant harem, if I get married, I wanna cheat on her, that's what conservativism means!
>Kids are gross, I don't want kids, I love money and videogames!

How do we fix this?

Attached: 1517998231735.jpg (500x497, 70K)

Christian faith, trust, submission and love for God, nothing else can do it. You'll see. It's going to get worse than you could ever fathom.

You’re the same roastie who was shitting on conservative men the other day fuck off.

Tracucks are insufferable, the time for NatSoc is now.

God bless you, user.

Roasties love the current system

side chick to a loyal nigga =Is equal to= main chick to a cheater

... ffs. This is Orwellian on a ghetto level

Pic related is fucking stupid

The "loyal nigga" you're a side chick to is cheating on his main girlfriend with you so you're with a cheating guy either way

Reactionary Conservatism that resembles fascism

I recommend you go WGTOW. Conservative men are the male roasties. They fuck their traps, get fucked in the ass, do coke and other drugs and think they're so pure.