Fellow burgers, anytime an Aussie tries to critique you...

Fellow burgers, anytime an Aussie tries to critique you, always remember these fucks live on an island with an ethno demographic of Brits dominating 67.4% of the population, other European ethnicities such as the Irish holding 8.7%, Italians holding 3.8%, and Germans holding 3.7%. The Chinese represent 3.6% and natives holding another 3%. This is all after figuring in the fact they have a population equivalent to one 13th of the United State's population. They're completely irrelevant to the real world, caught up in their little Utopia, and it's laughable when a fuckin Australian critiques a country on literally anything. THEY CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE NIGGERS DID TO US.

Attached: Eutopia.jpg (525x435, 50K)

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Or just say guns

>eat your heart out cunt.

Who copied who's flag here faggots?

Your women are ugly as shit.

I'm moving to Australia.

Of course people identifying as british dominate here we are a British colony you faggot.

Get off my Aussie hate thread Kebab.

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Aus copied ours and we copied some island niggers

nope, I'm moving to Australia. And we're full.

Go fuck a kangaroo you piece of shit.

At least they're not brainwashed to fuck niggers like in your collapsing country

Wew. Zing.

You think that's funny you cunt? We owned the God damn world until some fuck thought it was a good idea to let em drink our white water dispensers.

Australia is unironically your greatest ally, show some goddamn respect.

>nope, I'm moving to Australia. And we're full.

You can't do that, that's cheating. Oh that's right, Volkswagen merchant.

LOL @ the seppo incel!

>Implying we can weaponize kangaroos

I never could take Australians seriously. Not after I learned in grade school that Australia was a penal colony. They're the offspring of the dregs of Britbong society. There's no overcoming their damning dna.

>what is WW2

meme flag
ignore meme flags

>When a fucking greek says anything

greeks are better than other people

Typical ameri-mutt. Slagging on a country that is majority white-Anglo.

No, I get it. Y'all fucked up big time. Imported them as slaves, let them stay as citizens. Worst of all possible choices. Obviously those southerners should have picked their own motherfucking cotton or used Irish indentured servants.

>A fucking leaf.

Always uninvited and 10 mins late.

One of my ancestors signed your constitution.

>They're completely irrelevant to the real world, caught up in their little Utopia
You sound envious. Just get rid of your niggers, ship them off to Africa or something.

so not a shithole then?

A bit late for that.

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You're not a real American

Australian women ugly? Even I know that's just a bold face lie. Their 2's is like an American 8. They are liberal cunts though, but all women are.

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>When kebabs critiques patriotism

Shart in mart.

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Whoah whoa whoa, hang on there cunt, you’re obviously one of the Jew seppos, none of those true yanks hate us, I thought we were mates

Wrong. All Australian women look like this.

Attached: Gunzarebaednshieet.jpg (199x253, 5K)

It's probrably that whiny tranny bitch M0ot.

"look at this burger, he thinks they owned the world"

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Fuck off we're full

Probably I mean.

>burgers knowing things
two thirds of ireland was either transported or forced to leave by absentee landlords raising tithes on crops facing blight. When Africans sperg about slavery i remind them of this and they shut the fuck up. Irish Welsh and Scottish settlers went to the edge of Empire to do all the building, fighting and writing while the Brits sat at home eating sugar and drinking gin.
Now England is garbage and we export motorcycle parts to Harley Davidson.
Burgers btfo.

>new worlder making fun of another new worlder's history
You're an absolute peanut. We're all dredges of society in the eyes of Europeans. Countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US need to stick together rather than engaging in petty bickering

So was America you absolute spastic.

My best friend's dad is actually named Bruce and looks a lot like this meme. He is a retired cattle-buyer, and actually wore a hat like that too.

Sorry mate, cant quite hear you over all those school shootings.

Real Brits aren't Europoors. They are Islanders.


You do know they started dumping prisoners here after the previous place they dumped prisoners revolted right?


>Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US need to stick together
Trump is making being a friend of the US less desirable and less necessary. A global power with no global interests, etc.

Daddy doesn't want aids, not sure what you expected.

I blame Reddit, Canada, Theresa Mao the Cunt and Europe mainly.

Attached: australia___pamant_romanesc__2_by_malburian.jpg (900x720, 127K)

Shhh, the burger is trying to bring the bantz without knowing anything about his target.
Wait til he falls down the stairs, then laugh at him.

Fuck off Romania. I'll take the leaf over you.

Don't something like half the negroes have herpes? Those water fountains are probably covered with disease by now


Your prisons are world renowned AIDS and Hep C incubators, i think your diet of corn syrup and psych meds has melted your brain, matey.

>when thats all it takes to ruffle a muff
Go suck trumps sweaty ballbag you little mixed breed bitch

The really ironic thing is that the negro slaves were far more expensive than the Irish political prisoners that were used before them in the American and Australian colonies later on.

It’s always been dissapointed in you Dad, I don’t know why. It’s. Or just the loicence meme, although it could be worse, you could be Afghanistan.
They have a Tellyban.

>Why should I participate in a society that funds the stupid & poor to breed?
>Why should I participate in a society where I have little to no rights and am totally dependant on the anarcho-tyranny of the state and criminal class?
>Why should I participate in a society that dose not offer men stable marriages, secure jobs or affordable housing?
>Why should I participate in a society where even ASKING such questions or having un-liberal opinions gets me socially ostracized and in fear of unemployment?

At this point in Australia even having basic bitch conservative opinions, hobbies and viewpoints makes you a 'fair game' target for the liberal authoritarians & histrionic leftists that have usurped control of this country.

I will never give up my right to free speech. Never.

Americans are getting BTFO here. Reminder Roosevelt an Italian Mobster killed Patton.

alot of burgers don't realise we entertained the Confederate Navy in your Civil War. it's a great part of history.
"Australia became directly involved when the Confederate navy visited in order to repair one of their warships. This led to protests from the Union representative at Melbourne, while the citizenry of nearby Williamstown entertained the Confederates and some Australians joined the crew. "

Now look at your bloated shithole of a country Amerifat, your people are in debt till the day they die, you can't barely support your own cities and towns, you all have a massive shitfit when you hear of countries interfering with others yet you do it on the regular which often ends with violent uprisings and finally you've been called out a lot for being the Golem of Israel I bet it's fun knowing that your elected representatives suck on the balls of the filthy disgusting kikes while another fucks them from behind all the while ripping money from their pocket.

Next time you try and talk shit about my country just remember you're living in the tyranny your founding fathers described, also say what you want about my countrymen but at least we're not dumbshits that can mistake America for Africa.

tl;dr you're a fat piece of shit Americunt, enjoy working till you're 70.

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You sick cunt m8. Straya cunt m8. U r even giggle m8.


Guns did this?

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The amount of people who are trying to kill Brexit and using demoralization tactics are astronomical. Literally all of the major powers that be are trying to water it down to nothing.

Aren't you still miles from even being considered a first world?

Some cities are first world m8.

Sorry to inform you, but AUS is fatter than the US by a good margin. US is around 40% fat and you're hitting 70%. What the fuck are you cunts eating?

America doesn't have a Muhammad problem, at least yet. You're thinking of Europe.
Our problem is Nogs and Beaners.

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every continent is an island you stupid fuck

I'll see your Aussie women are ugly as shit and raise you American women talk too much and WILL NOT SHUT UP.

No, pretty sure the mods arn't supposed to let you fucks in anymore.

Bitch please, Americans were practicing FGM in the Midwest till the 1980's and just drive south of the Mason-Dixon line.

NZ was meant to be a state of Australia. So they copied us.

Mate, always with the negative vibes.

>We owned the God damn world
you came over and killed a bunch of Europeans because your government was full of Jews and Communists you dumb cunt. you ruined imperial Europe and now you're flooding the world with your gay culture, feminism and fast food. the 20th century should go down as the one where the Godless Americans ruined everything.

There is a difference between islands and continents in terms of geology. Continents sit on continental lithosphere, which is part of tectonic plates floating high on Earth's mantle. Oceanic crust is also part of tectonic plates, but it is denser than continental lithosphere, so it floats low on the mantle.

Stupid fucking cunt.

get facked cunt

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We fly to your country by "airplane" and fuck your whore women senseless, because they crave Aussie cock. That's right faggot get cucked.

M8 You are not to talk here either, meanwhile dealing with Detroit and 56% white population.

Not to mention BLACKED out roasties

Can someone translate this? I don't speak mutt

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Why the fuck are you still here?

The fact he made you go goggle that for his own (and our) pleasure shows you who is truly the stupid cunt. Also gullibility is an American disposition, as shown. Prick

Same question.

Zealandia is a weird looking continent

Attached: zealandia.jpg (500x307, 49K)

This is this the best thread in a long time. I think I can feel my dick again.. I think?

>Abandoning Deutschland when it needs you the most

Disgraceful. Also, F U L L

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Because I'm not a second world commie fuck?

also the ridges beneath Fiordland looks like nz is taking a shit.

Atleast we'd have better internet

Yeah, you are a 56%.

Or is it third? I think we all stopped paying attention.

>Aussies slate burgers frequently
>Burger be mad and sweaty
>Burger thinks US is impervious to criticism
>Burger wants apology

Apologize you fuck or I'll nuke you.