Why is the US one of the few first world countries left in the world that still uses the death penalty...

Why is the US one of the few first world countries left in the world that still uses the death penalty? It'a been proven that the whole rigamarole that comes with the death penalty makes it more expensive than a life of incarceration. I also think that more often than not a shitty life of confinement would be MORE punishing than the release of death. You also avoid that 1 in a million chance of wrongful execution / being setup by the feds to take a death penalty charge. And no criminal is out there worrying about the death penalty, their lives are fucked to where they can only worry about the day to day.

Why does the USA feel it absolutely needs to kill certain criminals?

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>It'a been proven that the whole rigamarole that comes with the death penalty makes it more expensive than a life of incarceration
Where ? Source ?

Because imprisonment can lead to parole which could give the offender another chance to commit the same crime, naturally. Put them away for good, O.P.

God demands it. Retard.

>Why is the US one of the few first world countries left in the world that still uses the death penalty?

It's not. Developed nations with the death penalty:

South Korea
The United Arab Emirates

So that's at least 7 in addition to the US. Japan hanged 8 people in a single day just a couple weeks ago.

The japs dont have any hung though, thats for sure.

You should know by now that when American leftists say "the rest of the world" it really means "Canada and western Europe."

I dont understand whats so expensive about a length of rope? Why cant we just hang people after conviction? It would be much cheaper.

It makes for less of an event?

Sounds like we need to reduce the rigamarole then. Sounds like there is too much comfort involved.
I say a 4 gallons of gas poured down the throat and a flame put out on their tounge should be pretty cheap way to do it.
Or just run them over

>You also avoid that 1 in a million chance of wrongful execution
so that means in the last century we've statistically not wrongly executed one person and will not for another thousand years.

The negative cost to benefit analysis is due to our idiotic liberal courts. The vast vast majority of people on death row for 10+ years are obviously and without question guilty. We just have liberal activist judges deciding they should waste a lifetime of money on murderers.

I personally am against the death penalty for religious reasons, but I acknowledge there is no objective reason to say we should not have the death penalty.

The true redpill is realizing we can use technology to keep prisoners locked up at 1/10th of the current cost and still maintain the hippie ideal of "human rights" for the undeserving psychopathic murderers who are usually not white.

We need to go back to the old days where the trial happened and then the hanging took place next afternoon. A rope is less than a dollar.


Literally took a couple seconds to prove you wrong, hassan.

If you think I'm concerned that they might be innocent after 15 years of appeals and 'free my nigga he dindu nuffin' campaigns, you are mistaken.

Prisoners also commit murders in prison all of the time.

We should bring back the rope public executions stockades and flogging

>sandnigger countries
Kek only by wealth statistics, in reality..

>The true redpill is realizing we can use technology to keep prisoners locked up at 1/10th of the current cost and still maintain the hippie ideal of "human rights" for the undeserving psychopathic murderers who are usually not white.
Utterly incompatible with american domination, corporatism and rampant capitalism make sure profit will be looked for during the running of prisons, which makes the system incredibly susceptible to draining public money.

Your product is fucking criminals, whats going to stop you?

>first world country
You sure about that?

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First day on 4chin?

It's necessary to kill some criminals, because some crimes are so reprehensive that these criminals cannot be rehabilitated and the death penalty is the only punishment worthy of their crimes. For example: Lawrence Bittaker & Roy Norris were serial killers that drove along the highways and picked up young girls. These girls were tortured in horrendous ways, before they were killed with an icepick and hammer blows or via strangulation.
One of the victims was Lynette Ledford. She was kindapped and tortured. At the start Bittaker sodomizes her. He hits her while forcing her to sexually pleasure him. Then he opens his toolbox. After he is done with the rape he destroys her genitals, rectum and breasts with pliers. He inserts the pliers into her genitals and starts to twist them in order to tear her apart from the inside. He also twists her nipples with the pliers and tears them off. Norris records the whole torture scene. After Bittaker is done, they switch the positions. Norris vaginally raped all victims before, but her genitals and anus were completely torn apart by the pliers rendering her incapable of having intercourse. Norris breaks her arms with hammer blows, while mocking her. The tape ends with Ledford begging for death. Norris strangles her to death.
Other victims were killed with an icepick that was pushed through their skulls with hammer blows or kicks. On one occasion, Bittaker pushed the icepick into the ear of a victim and stamped it into the skull. They recorded their crimes.
I was against the death penalty before, but after reading about these two sick animals I am in favour of the death penalty. Do you know what's even worse: Bittaker and Norris forged their friendship in jail, Bittaker was sitting there for attempted murder, while Norris was a serial rapist. After jail they started with the killings. Bittaker and the public have been waiting for the execution for years and Norris can be released because of his testimony.

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A hanging would be way more of a spectacle than lethal injection though.

Puritanical roots; the "bidding up" of punishments by politicians; and a hard-to-erase idea that death penalties are a deterrent.

Thou Shalt Not Kill

China makes it nice and cheap. Shoot them. Bill the next of kin. Next!

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I kind of hope you get falsely convicted of a capital crime

Except if it was you?

This. Violent crimes would decrease if people were more afraid of the consequences. Also OP is a pussy.

I don't understand. Why not just make them work instead of keeping them in prison not doing anything? Why not make them assemble cars and stuff like that?

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I would also be equally concerned even if I actually did it lol

I think crucifixtion would make sense here

>the whole rigamarole that comes with the death penalty makes it more expensive than a life of incarceration.
>the whole rigamarole

that's another name for bleeding heart shitlibs with a soft spot for niggers. The rest of us would just put a bullet in them and be done with it.

hang em

>It'a been proven that the whole rigamarole that comes with the death penalty makes it more expensive than a life of incarceration

having a well regulated justice system is alot more expensive than not having one at all.

>I also think that more often than not a shitty life of confinement would be MORE punishing than the release of death

wishing to inflict unnecessary pain on another human just makes you a sadist.

>You also avoid that 1 in a million chance of wrongful execution / being setup by the feds to take a death penalty charge

This would be an issue with the legitimacy of having a justice system itself rather than just a death penalty.

>And no criminal is out there worrying about the death penalty, their lives are fucked to where they can only worry about the day to day.

how do you know that a possible death sentence does not deter criminal behavior? Any criminal who is so determined to commit a crime that would result in their death almost certainly would not care what the consequences of their actions are.

Death penalty is wrong and the max prison sentence should be 20 yrs change my mind

> It'a been proven that the whole rigamarole that comes with the death penalty makes it more expensive than a life of incarceration.
>be Texas
>put in an express lane to the spike
>kill violent offenders for half the $$

Why are these animals still breathing?
>sentenced to death in CA

civilization is about law. I always hear some cuck complain that we need to do away with the death penalty since we are civilized.

what a complete fallacy, law must be upheld. What do we learn and teach from trying to rehabilitate someone who has broken the fabric of our civilization?

Even if you do whack a few innocent people, far less people are going to step out of line if you start giving just punishment. To break the law is to disrespect civilization, people who break the law are not fit to live amoung those who don't.

>kills your children
Good talk.

I think some mexican cartel shit is better. Of course with a team of medics on standby to keep them alive as long as posible.

It was for

>Paying so much money to execute some dindu
A rope and a soap are like 2 bucks and can be reused, what's the problem, burgers?

Nah mate, 'maximum suffering' should never be the point, we live in a society. It should just be fucked up enough to scare people and prove a point. Crucifixion is perfect because it's public and painful but not too depraved.

Odds are one to a million, so I doubt that will happen.

Do you have a license for that racist joke?

>first world

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Bullets are cheaper

>US one of the few first world countries left in the world that still uses the death penalty?
You are a fucking moron. Plenty of first world nations still exercise the death penalty. Is this your idea of did you learn this in school? Answer the question faggot.

There is more. They don't advertise it.

>I personally am against the death penalty for religious reasons
Eye for an Eye. It is demanded of you by God. Most pagan religions also demand retribution against evil acts. I don't know what cuck religion you're following.

We should go full on death race or that weird gerald butler movie. No chance of winning freedom but they can win nights with hookers or some shit. The PPV can pay for the prisons.

because it works, reoffending risk is 0.0%

If only, the private prison industry and the politicians they pay kickbacks to would actually be down.

>It'a been proven that the whole rigamarole that comes with the death penalty makes it more expensive than a life of incarceration
Argument against government, not proportionality. If you leafs think that government can handle national healthcare but not justice, you're delusional
>You also avoid that 1 in a million chance of wrongful execution / being setup by the feds to take a death penalty charge.
Set the standard of prosecution to be empirical evidence.
>And no criminal is out there worrying about the death penalty, their lives are fucked to where they can only worry about the day to day.
Citation needed, also not an argument on ethics.
>Why does the USA feel it absolutely needs to kill certain criminals?
Because people like you exist.

I am waiting for brutal and violent reality TV like The Running Man to replace executions.

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I'm more baffled about US using so much lethal injection despite it being among the most unreliable execution methods. Why don't you just shoot them to back of the head and again when the convict is down? Literally 0% risk of botched execution and it's over before criminal knows it hit him. Quicker, cheaper and much more humane too in my view. It sure is more messy and brutish, but the thing would end up with convict dead anyways.

Is it just to "put distance" between executors and executed or does someone just make so much money out of chemical executions?

It's about money, it costs the state alot of money for the "Doctor" to administer it. Not to mention the cost of the equipment . It was cheaper to electrocute or hang. It's all about money and lobbying. It was easy to un-botch an electrocution, throw the switch again.

Prison should not be punishment. On a basic level the law was created to prevent pain. If your answer to someone who creates pain is pain, then you are just as guilty as they are. If there is no hope for rehabilitation then the inmate should be euthanized. N02 is 100% painless and effective, with no residual chemical residue or special clean required.

Criminals serving life terms should be put to down, the reason they are not is three fold. Prisons use other criminals to keep the whole prison in line. Think of it as cheap labor. The second reason is prisons operate as a industry. They generate revenue, the prison union fights hard to pump more money into their pockets. The life is sacred argument is always the last. Life is not sacred, we'll kill a million ants just because they annoy us. We'll stomp on thousand cockroaches or burn down an entire forest to make way for homes. Human life has been elevated to such a high point because a dead body does not generate much revenue.

TL:DR - The max prison term should be 6 years, anything more than that should be execution.

>Leaf misses an obvious joke.
I don't know what he expected.

That and countries with the death penalty for treason only. Lots of those out there.

License plates and other doodads are made in prisons, and cleaning highways. Assembling a car might be a bit much though, criminals aren't known for their intelligence as a whole.

Criminals are a product of the system, from the cradle to the grave.

Guess what the ethnic background of 90% of the traitors. Than you will understand "WHO" is pushing for executions to be abolished.