What are you plotting White Men??

The alt-right has been busy building itself an alternative version of the internet. Pick a social media platform, and in the last couple of years you can bet that the alt-right has taken a crack at creating its own version. There’s Gab (alt-Twitter), WrongThink (alt-Facebook), Voat (alt-Reddit) and PewTube (alt-YouTube). There’s even an alt-right Wikipedia, Infogalactic. On its homepage, the “In the News” box blames Netflix’s dip in new subscriptions on its “far-left programming.”

Attached: 20180724024_164800.png (1285x1964, 506K)

--t. leftist trying to divide and concur

And Bitchute, Dtube

So basically the alt-right is making shittier clones of already shitty websites?

If you want to see what they're doing, go to their own sites and take a look for yourself. You'll find it's basically everything they accuse the left of doing, right down to following Saul Alinsky's 'how to be an asshole in political arguments' guide like it was the Bible.

And please stop conflating 'alt-right' and 'white men'. Most white men hate Nazis, even if Nazis pretend they're working for the white man's benefit. Charlottesville had plenty of white men living there... yet Spencer had to bus in Nazis from all over the country to pull off ONE terrorist attack and a handful of beatings.

Nah, OP's a stormshill pretending to be a leftshill. The tell here is 'White Men' when he means 'alt-right'.

>thinks gab was made by the alt right
no, just no

>There’s Gab (alt-Twitter), WrongThink (alt-Facebook), Voat (alt-Reddit) and PewTube (alt-YouTube)
also brainlet detected
None of those were made by the alt right. You are dumb to think that

Friendly reminder that the alt-right doesn't exist.

I'd thought Gab at least invited the alt-right over and PewTube was something to do with some idiot who screams about games. Who invites tiki nazis in if they aren't fashy themselves?

Christ you sound like a drooling retard who actually believes the shit MSM pushes

There is no 'alt right' it's just a broad stroke they use for everything they don't like. There is no 'alt right internet' for the wheels to fall off of. These people are making shit up and then getting scared of the things they made up. Then they tell each other the things they made up are falling apart and congratulate themselves for defeating the thing they made up.

They're fucking insane

there's no such thing as the alt-right, you fucking ignorant faggot.
you've invented your own worst enemy because that's what you niggers like to to.
have a nice day