The Smart way to IRL organise

The one thing that the alt-right got right was to treat the third position as a counter-culture.
Every other branch of the movement has been keen to point out that there are no other methods we can use to win. Not through the courts, not through the Ballot box, and given the company most of us would be keeping (and the risk eurofags would be taking) not through street presence either. Our own perceptions of our actual strength are so dire that most of us banking on total societal collapse make the effort worth it.
But we don’t feel that same weakness in our cultural strength. We know that our message, boiled down to policy & philosophy, would be supported in whole or part by the majority of society, and that’s just as things stand right now. We know know that the evidence behind our beleifs is solid, documented in all it’s fields, and that the facts behind them have consistently proven to be one of our best weapons when it coms to revealing to people that they’ve been lied too. We know that, when these holes have been blown into their trust in the narrative, the topics of acceptable conversation suddenly expand, and it becomes far more likely that they will explore the rest of the journey themselves. Perhaps most important of all, we know this from experience; both the individual experience of our personal journeys & attempts at discussion, and the collective experience of events like the 2016 election and the Krautism saga.

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These successes didn’t come from political action, or mass allies of supporters; Unite the right only succeeded in undermining the success and positive feeling of the previous year. They came from the culture war. The battle for the hearts & minds. From a relatively small corner of the internet, We managed to terrify governments with our success so thoroughly that the UK went into lockdown mode to resist the usual pattern of contamination from America.
So why, with all of the other roads to power locked without a certain level of guaranteed support, and the path to that support staring us in the face, are we not taking it?
Because it’s HARD. It’s easy to sit in our rooms or our cars, talking about ethnostates and economics and cultural Marxism and how the latest trend in ‘aesthetic’ is becoming cringy. It’s hard to learn how to draw, how to make music, how to write interesting stories; how to make things that they cannot simply arrest to get rid of, things that people will pay attention too, will get invested in, will start to absorb.
But If we want to get serious about political activism, about changing the hearts and minds of our generation and the generations to come, then all other activity has to stem from & add to the counterculture. And if we want to get serious about the counter-culture changing those hearts & minds, then we need to go on the attack. We need to start meeting up, helping each other improve and making the kind of works that break through those cultural boundaries into the mainstream and into people’s day-to-day lives.

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But what if they start arresting us? It’s true that outside of America, this tactic is not entirely without risk. None is. If we are serious about changing the harts and minds of our generation and those to come, then we have to accept the fact that eventually, they will come for us. If you live in Europe especially, you should know by now that even hiding on a Bengali train-spotting forum isn’t going to give you a safe haven forever. But if they come after you for making music, writing books, filming movies? These the same people that have spent the last half a century ‘fighting’ for their right to do the same? When has forcing them to go against their own stated principles in such an obviously oppressive fashion eve turn out well for them? When did creating martyrs ever make a cultural revolution back down?

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But what if we aren’t perceived well? I often find this question doesn’t so much apply to movements, as people’s perceptions of themselves. When talking about optics, it’s pretty clear that the thought of ‘radical’ ideas getting a public outing isn’t what terrifies people; it’s the thought of it being done by a mass movement of people like US. Most of us can’t even make the small and necessary step to setting up self-improvement routines. But then why would anyone trust us? Why should people listen to us when it means abandoning ideas about society so deeply engrained in their education & communities, especially when there’s such a high price attached to even questioning them, if they take one look at us and decide we can’t even look after ourselves? The outside world has become so depressing that we lock ourselves onto this website, feeling more & more down-heartened with every piece of news that gets put up, every board that gets infested with MAGA boomerism & Stormfag LARPers, doing nothing to improve ourselves or our own social conditions because as things stand now there’s no reason to improve; and then we wonder why nobody else is doing anything. Or we wait in vain hope for the next leader to arrive, not realising that all the people needed for the movement he has to lead is on here, getting called a honeypot. Because for all our talk of winning, we sure seem to be comforted by our imminent loss.
Self-improvement would be easier, of course, if there was a little less ‘self’ involved; if there was a small group of us in the same boat, working on making it together, dispelling the mental perceptions that come from getting your worldview from this cancerous corner of the internet while sitting in an isolated room.

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TL;DR: If the third position is going to survive the next few decades, to become a force to be reckoned with & challenge the great replacement, then it needs to stop sulking around and waiting for the end. The best way to do that is through building our own IRL circles to talk to face-to-face, and using that immediate de-isolisation & pooling of talents to improve ourselves and break open a new front in the culture war.

Just a thought I’ve been looking to get off my chest, anyway.

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Prime examples of the kind of cancer i'm talking about. Pay attention to these, they're the knee-jerk reaction of the typical Jow Forumsack to the title & amount of text alone. They didn't even have the foresight to wait a few minutes to pretend like they had enough time to read it.

Attached: strawman.jpg (550x446, 65K)

Jow Forums is one person and you know what's best for shim/sher, right?

>The one thing that the alt-right got right
what a lot of pointless blog posting for a retarded newfaggot