((( Hitler )))

((( Hitler )))



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((( Hitler ))) destroyed Germany and called the German people faggots when they lost the war against the Russians - a war that was completely unnecessary. ((( Hitler ))) was put in power by the Rothschilds for the sole purpose of creating the state of Israhell by the means of 6 gorillion gassed kikes.

Greaseroaches are morons... who would have guessed

But israel existed already long before that... nice try shlomo

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>Greek Orthodox
They're almost worse pedos and kikes than actual kikes are.


Israhell would not have existed were it not for ((( Hitler ))) - everyone is being played by the kike-übermench.

Kys everyone in this thread


I just proved you that it just did
God you jews are really weak with your bait

>easily could have holocausted the jews
>did fucking nothing

(((hitlerstein))) was the biggest controlled opposition kike of them all.
even his original name sounds like shekelgrabber

told ya so.
jews don't publish books of people they hate, they ignore them completely and erase them from history instead

stop calling me jew - i took the kike-test and i am 0% jew

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Hello my slavic brother.

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Why should he do something he never said or planned to do
Not his fault he didn't did your wet dream

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you do realize that Stalin was preparing to invade Europe right? the only mistake Hitler did was that he didn't attack earlier.

((( Hitler ))) was an employee of the Rothschilds. His mission was to 'create an excuse' for the establishment of the state of Israhell.

This swedish nigger gets it

Hitler's only God was Jesus. You kikes worship Satan aka Lilith. Suck a fucking chode you fucking bastards

((( Hitler ))) was spreading the German army very thin (probably on purpose) so the Germans would get slaughtered. He went against the advises of his Generals in order to reduce the German population as much as possible. Once the Germans lost, the German women got raped by Russians further destroying the German gene pool.

I am no jew you fat f*cking mongrel kike-cultivated nigger.

i'm confused

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No confusion here. Never forget that RedShields fund BOTH sides in EVERY war.

The cuck scandanavian doesnt get Israel was created before Hitler took power.

(((Communist Soviets)))
(((WW2))) was a massive jewish infight.

Angela Hitler (Adolf Hitler's older sister) - manager of Mensa Academia Judaica, a boarding house for Jewish students

Paula Hitler (Adolf Hitler's younger sister) - housekeeper at a dormitory for Jewish university students

ALL the leading nazis were jews.
They were employed by the Rothschilds/Sephardic jewish Ruling Class to ...
1) Move jews OUT of the cities that were going to be burned to safety and then on to the new state of 'israel'.
2) Exterminate the German people and then the rest of the European people.

Both of which they achieved.
Not one jew was killed in any 'holocaust'. Not One!
The German people were systematically exterminated. The population in Germany was already a replacement population by 1960.

((( Creation of Israel, 1948. On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day. )))
>((( May 14, 1948 )))


That is some heavy MDF (wholesaler) stuff.

I love all the stories the left makes up to demonize hitler and simultaneously tries to make him non-appealing to the right.

>hitler was an anti-semite
>but he was also a secret jew

>hitler was actually gay
>but he totally raped his niece and was in love with her
>although he was actually also impotent and had only one ball

>hitler was a demonic person who carefully premeditated the murder of the 6 gorillion
>but he was also insane and not smart at all

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citations would be highly appreciated

Laughable thread. Hitler kicked out the Rothschilds and freemasons and shutted their central Bank Canal down.

Low iq anons are almost dumber than niggas, Hitler was the last aryan archetype fighting against the destruction of our white race and against global jew supremacy.

Hitler adoring faggots are still sucking on the jewish cock.
The story was implanted in them when they were pre-critical infants - then one day they got 'woke' (so they think) and thought 'Oh that means I must be on the other side of the jewish narrative my Masters told me. I'm a 'nazi'.


Kikes everywhere in this thread, pathetic attempt and fruitless.

Fascism will rise again, this time the world brothers. Heil Victory.

Does wiki count? (I'm new here to the protocol)


Right, the fascist modern German state uses its kindrgartens to further a neon nazi agenda within the minds of its infants, tranny shit is just for confusion, our elderly like Merkel want to create the 4th Reich. Brilliant analysis John, brilliant.

>Kicking out the Rothschilds goes to prove that ((( Hitler ))) did nothing wrong.

Part of the plan Kraut. Had to be convincing towards the world. Besides, ((( Hitler ))) was about to let the bombs rain over Germany - not a safehaven for the Rothschilds.

Anyone who still claims to believe the 'nazis wanted to save Europe' narrative is no more than a traitor at this stage. .... they are using it to hide from themselves and others just how serious they situation is.
They are taking refuge in a LARP from where they say brave things like '1488' or some other crap.

The narrative proposed by 'neo-nazis' is the same as that maintained by the (Ruling Class). They have merely switched the cowboys and indians around - but they are still at the picture show.

One of the many sad things about this situation is that Europeans are so used to seeing these Sephardic Jews as if they were the 'clever' 'educated' or 'aristocratic' part of their own group that they make themselves blind to the ethnic difference and antipathy that their (Ruling Class) themselves feel so intensely.

A fatal mistake.

Anyone who thinks the 'nazis' look European has lost their mind

At this point, it would take nothing short of a miracle to save Europe and its white population. Believe me, I dont want to dent your spirit but we are being played beyond our imagination ..and the endgame is stil ahead of us. Stay awake Kraut.

Will pursue this. Thanks.

I guarantee that if Jow Forums was around in the 1920s, Hitler would be labeled controlled opposition after the Beer Hall Putsch failed.

You are trying to justify your delusion with scraps.

The Rothschilds donated plenty of facilities to the 'nazis' just as they did to the British and Americans. (large houses, acres of land &c) No surprise. They ARE/WERE the 'govt'. It's the same Sephardic jewish Ruling Class.

It was the mass population that was to be exterminated. And was exterminated.

The Sephardic jews OWNED Germany. You think they let the ordinary people 'kick them out' with the help of a 'nazi' yiddishe theatre troupe?

Take your gay fantasies elsewhere you idiot.

Attached: Jews_Financed_Hitler.png (1680x1998, 260K)

Didn't ya know, everybody is both a kike and a fed?

I suspect there's a connection between the fake 'neo-paganism' that's around and the tendency to believe the ridiculous jewish story about the 'nazis' wanting to save Europe.

Just look at Varg. An otherwise perceptive and questioning person who (because of his supposed 'neo-paganism') feels compelled to believe in the Hitler fantasy.

The word 'nazi' in yiddish and Hebrew means Leader of the jewish people! A fact that may be lost on the average neon-nazi, but which every jew understands perfectly well.

Nāśī’ (נָשִׂיא) is a Hebrew title meaning "prince" in Biblical Hebrew, "Prince [of the Sanhedrin]" in Mishnaic Hebrew, or "president" in Modern Hebrew.


The Sephardic jewish Ruling Class/Rothschilds were actively planning 'israel' at least since 1800 or so.(Scouting out the land &c) It's part of an even bigger plan.
But they needed a population to be transferred there.
Who would really want to leave Europe to live in a desert with 40'C summer temperatures?
Everyone needs a 'story'.
We have ALL (Including jews!) been colonised by these genocidal maniacs and their fucking stories and brutality.

Hitler reduced the german population because his goals have always been 1. an alliance with britain to stop communism and 2. isolationism

Germany suffered from the economical consequences of the pact of versaille and financial crises because our population was too large. Nazi germanys main goal was to become self-sufficient as a result

When hitler figured out that britain and the soviet union grouped up, he went completely mad and thats absolutely reasonable. Britain basically gave us a choice to invade the soviet union and get completely destroyed OR wait until the soviet union invades all of europe

Hitler was a piece of shit and especially the SS were disgusting. Yet, their ruthlessness saved europe from being overrun by the soviet union

Get fucked, uneducated idiot

its another episode of "i blame hitler for the rest of the world taking orders from the kikepuppets instead of joining hitler and hitler for not just becommming another kikepuppet"

guess what i write in the options

fuck off schlomo
muh (((national))) ((((((SOCIALISM))))))

I rather wonder how brits believe in the stories of nazis being inherently evil when they are the ones that started economical sanctions with the goal of starving off 1/3 of our population 4 times in a row.

These economical sanctions triggered ww1, the surrender of Germany during ww1, the misery during the Weimar republic and nazi Germany invading poland

whats the bigger plan m8?

First of all, there are no 'Brits'. Britain is a fake name invented by the Sephardic jewish Ruling Class during their ascendency in London in the 17th century as a cover for their Empire.

Second, you are trying to make it into a 'Brits' v 'nazis' thing. But you should already know that the Ruling Class in both places was the same. Their target was the extermination of the ordinary people who they decided they no longer wanted around.

Thirdly, your silly 'just-so' stories make you sound like you have been watching television or reading blockbuster 'histories' which you are thoughtlessly parroting in the mistaken belief the you have some sort of 'knowings!'

You think that makes you 'educated'? It makes you a muppet. With a string up your arse.

I don’t think Hitler personally believed in the deity of Jesus Christ considering he was a deist

The fact remains that Jews profited from Hitler the most.

not a single argument

feel free to correct me about the summary of britain destroying germany because of her decision to become self-sufficient

hitler was financed by big bankers, but betrayed them when he announced his plans of "lebensraum" and isolationism policies. This was the moment the economical sanctions were massively increased and britain allied with the soviet union to avoid other countries following germanys path


It is clear that the Imperial Ruling Class' plan for Europe and the Middle East must go back many centuries - since their active public plans for 'israel' alone can be traced back 2 centuries.
The only uncertainty is their plan for addressing the Far East power. But you can bet they have a plan - and it will involve scapegoating 'white' people (or whatever remains of them) for whatever crimes this Sephardic Empire gets up to.

As far as the bigger plan of judaism .... they have been quite clear have they not. That only 'jews' belong in the 'book of life' and all others are to used and destroyed. Perhaps people think they are joking.
Does it look like they are joking?

The poor people trapped in German cities in the 1940s thought no-one could so anything so monstrous as burn them alive. Right up to the last moment.

It sounds like you are painting them as "evil"

This whole story is simple, old tribalism, grounded in the jewish religion. While everyone else becomes global, their religion is purely based on class seperation between their kind and the goyim

Hitlers rumblings were fairly psychopathic, but the main message is very true in itself and their post war propaganda ensured that nobody ever dares to touch them again while their nepotism results in "jewish" corruption infesting and spreading more and more

it is simply a historical fact..