>everything is meaningless
>I play video games all day long
>any kind of work is futile
>you can't find any fulfillment in a pointless existence
>nothing is serious
>I need a 10/10 girlfriend, but since only 10/10 men get them and I'm a 1/10 beta male, I'll rant about how females are whores
>society needs to adapt to my demands because I'm infallible and need not improve myself
>Science explains everything
>I have never seen evolution or the big bang occur but they're proven facts
yeah, atheism is our problem, atheists are blowing themselves up on the streets, ethnically replacing us
kys pls
>morals are subjective
>no actions are good or bad
>humans are animals
>natural selection is real
>What are you, a larper?
drop the meme flag now
so? every modern nation already has its values figured out, and they differ very much from the bible, thats how we develop. sandniggers on the other hand...
This OP is so shit that it's good. Made me genuinely laugh for 10 seconds.
How to go to Heaven
Plain and simple Truth:
For fedoras:
For religious slaves:
For liberals:
> somehow manages to re-enforce ops point that atheists are childless pussies
Neck yourself brainlet
kiwi pls, i dont want to hear about your fucking totems
>every modern nation already has its values figured out
>no values have purpose because everything is meaningless
>everything is random
>mathematical equations are the highest source of truth