Is the next recession coming soon?

If the jews really control the financial system then shouldn't we expect an economic recession?

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only if trump isn't elected in 2020

Around 2022, maybe 2023.

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Good thing the past 7 months trumps has been keeping the Dow around the same level.

This is trumps 4D chess.

0% interest rates between '09 and like '15, that's how markets became so high

as to why they're still high, it may have something to do with trump's economic reforms as we were seeing some turbulence in 2015

but lord knows it's going to correct sooner or later and it's going to be not so pretty

Keep an eye on the percentage difference between 2Y and 10Y bonds. When yield on 2Y bonds is bigger you have a recession.

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and we are one of the only few country that never recovered from 2008...that sucks

shiller p/e

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>believing we won't have another crash right after he's reelected

Will be around 2022

yes the tax breaks ruin everything. so now they have no choice but to cry foul and hope you dont notice

this time around things will be different. im expect a lot more white suicides and more property to be burned down. a lot of stuff doesnt make it to national news its like 1 day detorit is a city and the next 1/3 of it is condemned and or burned down . we didnt get daily updates on that transition but it was noted the general population was stuck in some kind of series of retaliation strikes using arson

I don't know but I'm making so much money in the stock market

10 and 30 year rates are near the same.

basically says nobody is long on the us

Do you count the inflation?

>chaotic system behaves chaotically

of course, things cannot grow indefinately. should happen somewhere in the next 2 years or so. i still wonder what the cause will be. 00's was the dot com bubble, 07/08 housing crash, what will the next thing be? my possibilities:
-some chain event started by brexit
-some technology sector breaking down, perhaps dot com 2.0? or renewable energy ends as a meme?
-all these tariffs spiralling into a full trade war
-something privacy related i.e facebook crashes for good

What's going to end it for good is bumping up against hard limits of what is physically possible. Nature does not care about your arbitrary trading medium.

Of course you should.

But the ones on Wall Street are profiting majorly so they aren't going to crash it now, they're making money.

When we find out all the disgusting shit they've been doing in less than 5 years it'll come crashing down as usual.

It'll make Bernie Madoff look light in comparison.

Buy masari or monero

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>If the jews really control the financial system then shouldn't we expect an economic recession?
A recession is coming for sure. Crisis is unavoidable in capitalism. You can try to delay it, or soften the blow but it will happen and keep happening. Not only that but the gap between recessions will keep getting shorter and shorter.

I mean, I'd expect some kind of economic recession, with the tariffs being instated and all, but the economy won't crash unless trump decides to repeal regulations relating to things like the stock market n shit. Then the Jews have all the room they want to meddle

Is that dropping?


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2008 launched bitcoin.
The resulting chaos led gov's trying to steal peoples money(and they did in the end), and almost none went to jail for the whole saga.
Bitcoin took off as a way to hide your money from the prying eyes of the gov and everyone else.
If you really believe that we are heading for another crash then invest in coins like monero and masari.....truelly fungible and hidden from gov interference

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No we finally beat the trade cycle by doing exactly the same thing that failed before.