Israel will start WW3

Just happened, Israel Shoots Down Syrian Fighter Jet Penetrating Israeli Airspace.

>Israel shot down a Syrian fighter jet that penetrated Israeli airspace on Tuesday, the Israeli army said. According to the IDF spokesperson, the Russian-made Sukhoi was under surveillance when it entered some two kilometers into Israeli airspace and was shot down by two Patriot missiles.

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Apparently the pilot ejected into IS controlled territory, F if true

And just like last time nothing is going to happen.


Looks like it

Yes, hence why the thread. Retaliation sure to come.

Nothing will happen

Israel, a nation so small they can't use planes that don't turn on a dime.
>IDF flies over neighbors all the damned time
>Oh noez, ton nit shrit aoyf meyn toez
Plane goes boom

Russia will talk Syria out of escalation. They have just had a massive drive to improve ties with each other

Zero people care enough about Syria to start an actual war over it, especially Putin.

So basically what they are saying is that a Syrian jet was bombarding the last ISIS stronghold right near the Golan heights border where Israel and IS have co-existed peacefully), which is Syrian airspace and soil about to reclaimed by the only legitimate and internationally recognized Syrian government, so they shot it down?

Well done Israel. I guess they didn't finish evacuating their ISIS and White Helmets pet Jihadists before the Syrian army started pounding them?

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Syria already backed down.

Syrian military has confirmed the jet was shot down along the border. The pilot mistakenly crossed over the border after bombing Daesh in the northwestern corridor of the Yarmouk Basin.

Nobody is enemy reporting on it. Non story.

That or your sources are shit. I wonder which.

>Israel is promoting jihad

So this is the power of Jow Forums understanding

>was shot down by two Patriot missiles.
Fake news, everyone on Jow Forums knows that Patriot missiles never even launch properly

So ISIS has shared a border with Israel for over a year.

Not a single sortie was launched against these terrorists by Israel. Not a single mortar shell was lobbed at them.

Instead. Israel has been sniping targets deep inside Syria against Assad every week for nearly 7 years.

What does that tell you?

Isn't Israel an ally of the USA? Aren't they obligated to assist against global terrorism?

Israel is an ally of the USA, so it attacks Assad. It doesn't provoke a war on its border with isis as that would be an incredibly dangerous move putting Israeli lives at risk.

The only way you could think this isn't a sensible position is if you're a Russian shill trying to defend Assad.

Israel does not want to promote a fight near home territory. It's the same premise the US goes to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria to fight--to KEEP THAT SHIT OFF YOUR DOORSTEP.

Fucking mogoloid.

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>the worst islamic death cult of the past decades only wages war against different brands of muslims but gets along fine with israel
really activates my almonds. I wonder how something like that is possible

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>t doesn't provoke a war on its border with isis as that would be an incredibly dangerous move putting Israeli lives at risk.

Nice Hasbara idiot.

How exactly can ISIS threaten Israel on the militarized Golan border zone, where there is not a Kike civilian for miles inland?

Does ISIS have ICBMs?

>keep that shit off your doorstep
i'm not sure if you're up to date but i'm pretty sure israel considers the golan heights to be their territory and doesn't intend to ever give it back. In which case they can't keep isis away from their doorstep since they already live on it

>Israel does not want to promote a fight near home territory.

What's with all the retarded IDF dick sucks?

It's obvious the reason Israel does not engage ISIS and vice versa is their deep strategic co-operation between the Saudi-funded Wahhabites.

>No, it's not this incredibly obvious and sensible explanation, it's clearly a Jewish conspiracy

Every Israel thread

A Syrian Sukhoi?
Do Russians even let Syrians fly SUs?

Su 22 Fitters. That Gender in the earlier image was killed by a Turkish F-16 in 2014 or something like that.

Syria won't do shit.

This. They know Russia won't actually back them against Israel, so they will back down.

There are quite a few towns and kibbutzes that are close to the border fence and are susceptible to IDF.

So why is Israel allowed to do things like this over and over?

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Because USA has their back, none of their Arab neighbors can take them on one-on-one, and they don't trust each other enough to join forces against Israel.... and even if they did, it would still be really costly and potentially futile to even attempt to take Israel out (because nukes).

Because they’re a “western” stronghold in an otherwise uniformly Islamic area, and USA likes having them there.

Yeah god forbid they shoot down someone invading their airspace

>why would they want to destabilise the region?
>what is "divide and conquer"

>enter foreign airspace
>get shot
Oh wow, it's ficking nothing

That's like saying an armed burgler was shot by a homeowner


Israel has shot down Syrian aircraft numerous times. And Syrian AA has fired at Israel aircraft and drones in the past. It's nothing new. This even happened before the Civil war iirc

Defend itself?

Is it known what plane the IADF used? Could this be the first Israeli F-35 kill?


It was shot down with Patriot missiles.

USA IADS beats Russian planes, imagine that.

Damn. I hoped it was the 35. Also I suck dick for not reading the OP.


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It's literally nothing. Syrians should have stayed out of Israeli airspace. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>Retaliation sure to come.
No, it's not. It never comes. This shit happens all the time and no one does anything.

>aggressors fly over united states
>united states shoots them down
>why is the united states allowed to do something like this?

Literally who cares what a bunch of sandniggers do to each other within their own borders?

I think you might actually be mentally retarded.

>fires 2 missiles to shoot down one jet
>50% accuracy

wow why is the patriot such a piece of shit

Nobody cares about Syria.

>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Go back to r*ddit faggot. No such thing as "Israeli airspace" faggot. Israel isn't even a real country.

>sand nigger flies into enemy airspace and gets down for doing so

you mind not attacking syrians, they're friends of jews

Based Jews.

nah they're streetshitting shitskins

Jesus Christ/ k/ has a lot of Israeli shills

Does this mean that the Patriot has more confirmed kills than the S-300?

was Golan Heights
not Shitrael turf

Why do countries not intercept and lead out anymore why do they just shoot them down or is this just kikes and roaches that act this way