I’m curious. Who started the movement of transgender reassignment surgery? Was it the mentally ill patients requesting it or was it the sexual deviants wanting to feel better about their perversions? I could see it going either way. Doctors caving from the public pressure of the lgbqt community or being coerced by the Jews to mutilate young men.
Who Started Gender Reassignment Surgery?
Tumblr/Millenial generation + Soros funds combined together into a beautiful movement of acceptance!
it was probably some jew
India and Thailand had cross dressing hookers for centuries.
Why do you care so much, wanna change sex?
it goes back
>In Berlin in 1931, Dora Richter, became the first known transgender woman to undergo the vaginoplasty[52] surgical approach.
>This was followed by Lili Elbe in Dresden during 1930–1931. She started with the removal of her original sex organs, the operation supervised by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. Lili went on to have four more subsequent operations that included an unsuccessful uterine transplant, the rejection of which resulted in death. An earlier known recipient of this was Magnus Hirschfeld's housekeeper,[53] but their identity is unclear at this time.
>Dora "Dörchen" Richter (born 1891) was the first known person to undergo complete male-to-female gender reassignment surgery.[1] She was one of a number of transgender people in the care of sex-research pioneer Magnus Hirschfeld at Berlin's Institute for Sexual Research during the 1920s and early 1930s. She underwent surgical removal of the testicles in 1922, followed in 1931 by removal of the penis and vaginoplasty (construction of a vagina).[2]
>In June 1931, Richter had a penectomy performed by Institute physician Dr. Levy-Lenz, and then an artificial vagina was surgically grafted by Berlin surgeon Prof. Dr. Erwing Gohrbandt (1890–1965),[7][6] making her the first transgender woman of whom records remain to undergo vaginoplasty. In May 1933, with growing Nazi influence in Germany (Hirschfeld had fled the country the previous year), a mob attacked the Institute, and burned its records. No later information about Richter has come to light.[5]
There was this one guy who pushed for it and ruined some kid's life in the process. I'm sure you'll find it on wikipedia, and there's also a screenshot collage thing from Jow Forums floating around, maybe someone could post it.
>The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was an early private sexology research institute in Germany from 1919 to 1933. The name is variously translated as Institute of Sex Research, Institute of Sexology, Institute for Sexology or Institute for the Science of Sexuality. The Nazi book burnings in Berlin included the archives of the Institute.
The Institute was a non-profit foundation situated in Berlin's Tiergarten. It was headed by Magnus Hirschfeld. Since 1897 he had run the Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee ("Scientific-Humanitarian Committee"), which campaigned on conservative and rational grounds for gay rights and tolerance.
>Hirschfeld was born in Kolberg (now Kołobrzeg, Poland), in an Ashkenazi Jewish family, the son of a highly regarded physician and 'Medizinalrat' Hermann Hirschfeld.
God damn it, why did I even bother to check.