The Apocalypse is already here...

the Apocalypse is already here. in the next 5 years scientist predict that we will witness the first "Blue Ocean" scenario. meaning all the ice in the northern polar will melt completely with will course the ocean to absorb all the sun light that was previously reflected back into space by the ice. huge amounts of methane gas will be released.

we must abolish the Techo-Industrial society as soon as possible.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Israel first

More fearmongering from the commie establishment.

No, I'm not gonna subscribe to your channel op.

Screen shot this and report back in 5 years.

>all the ice in the northern polar will melt
Not gonna happen.

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Ice caps all melted during human prehistory, and the world didn't die. This isn't even the hottest the world has been in even historical times.

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You forgot your memeflag, Chaim.

will do


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yeah climate change will cause lots of shit to go down over the next three decades, the 21st century will make the 20th century look like a cakewalk in terms of depopulation and mass war

I don't understand why so many right wingers so vehemently deny global warming, talk to any rural person over a certain age involved in farming thar has interacted with the environment for a living for most of their lives and they will definitely admit it's a real thing

>that flag
>that post

Yeah... not happening buddy


Shut up glownigger

Attached: download (6).jpg (300x168, 5K)

Antartic Sea Ice reaches record maximum.


Climate Change communists are literally flat earthers pretending that since we can't see the ice caps by looking out the window they can say whatever the fuck they want.

Attached: antarctic_seaice_sept19_1.jpg (985x554, 25K)

nice disinfo, shill

Attached: SeaIce.png (590x300, 20K)

This is literally satellite imagery that is publically available. There is nothing disinformational about it. Its literally the Artic in 2008, 2016 and the Antarctic from 2014 to now.

How do you argue with data you can literally go find on Google....right now?

Attached: arctic-sea-ice-min-volume-comparison-1979-2012-v4_resize.png (640x360, 233K)

Attached: fordummy.jpg (452x254, 19K)

Left one is at winter, right one at summer.

>giving a shit

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Shills gonna shill. We literally live in backwards world with these global warmists.

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You're not even trying shill

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And we live in it while they try to refute actual scientific data with NO U.

I mean wtf.

stupid ass, this is THIN ICE.

the polar always expanded during the winter ans shrank during the summer but the was a layer called PERMANENT ICE or THICK ICE winch was always there, the thing is that for 40 years now this permanent THICK ICE is melting, during the winter THIN ICE still firms but it SHIT ICE, THIN ICE. the photo you posted dont show how deep the ice is

you're intentionally comparing a sea ice minimum with a maximum, here's the 2008/2009 maximum

either you're shilling or you should inform yourself better, start by reading the article you linked lol:

>Antarctica and the Arctic are two very different environments: the former is a continent surrounded by ocean, the latter is ocean enclosed by land. As a result, sea ice behaves very differently in the two regions. While the Antarctic sea ice yearly wintertime maximum extent hit record highs from 2012 to 2014 before returning to average levels in 2015, both the Arctic wintertime maximum and its summer minimum extent have been in a sharp decline for the past decades. Studies show that globally, the decreases in Arctic sea ice far exceed the increases in Antarctic sea ice.

Attached: polar_trend_graphs_1979-2013.png (700x653, 117K)

wrong picture, here the maximum

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>Ice kept melting for hundred thousands of years.
>Now it's melting.
Yes, of natural causes.

OP got owned and no one noticed. sad!

some people refuse to see, oh well. the evidence is all there

You don't get THICK ICE from a previous melt for DECADES after a recovery.

And guess what? THIS IS NORMAL. It happens cyclically. Acting as if the icecaps have always been thick ice until some dumbass human being drilled an oil well is literally LUDDITE levels of scientifically backwards. The geological record on Greenland and McMurdo ice cores shows CONSTANT cycles of thick ice/thin ice periods.

Whatever this con is, they're obviously hiring really dumb interns to push it on the internet.

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Brainlet, abolishing the techno industrial society means no capability to build larger dams to protect oneself from rising tides.

Reaction by the fingers-in-ears batshit crazy denialists to the suggestion they look at actual data.

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The fact you homos have gotten way too comfortable posting here speaks mountains. Hopefully non Semitic demons can see through this. The past ten days has seen an increase of your shit holes flag. As well as first poster being 50 percent time a fellow Semitic demon.

Your hubris has always been the chink in your armor.

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>first "Blue Ocean" scenario
Well, finally my dream will come true of owning a property at sea shore

dude you are fucking delirious

look, this is NASA's video. the fucking pentagon considers global warming one of Americas biggest security threats.

are you seriously that dumb? its like the petrol industry created its on walking talking bots, either that or you just trolling me for fun. climate "change" or "chaos" rather, is undeniable. not even the people who deny it believe themselves , they simply get mony from people who rather see the world burns rather then give up on their right-now profits. those people are total nihilists

get fucked you literal jew
i hope you fall into a pile of aids-needles

>tfw this data coincides directly with historical accounts of Noah's flood

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You treat that as if it is a bad thing.

Wow! Such arguments!

>are you seriously that dumb?
No. I'm literally a geologist and I know where to look for historical data that backs up the fact that you're misrepresenting cyclic climate changes as man made. They simply aren't and they can't be.

All the numbers you flat earth science people point to are shown to be the exact opposite of what you claim. You went into a furor because atmospheric c02 went over 400 ppm and ignored the fact that it was trending downwards even as it reached that number, and also went into serious doom mode with it as if the earth hasn't had periods where it was just fine at 600ppm or higher.

Climate change IS real....the climate changes ALL THE TIME. You're lucky you have a 1 degree change in temperature to worry about in the current warm period because NORMALLY YOU'D BE SHOUTING ABOUT IT FROM UNDER A MILE OF ICE.

The entire history of human existence going back 150,000 years now has been in a little spot where the fucking planet wasn't half covered in ice. Be thankful for what you have.

What we must abolish are the avaricious Jew billionaires and their underlings and the Jew stranglehold on US politics.

If you think we can stop this train than you’re in for a surprise. Buckle your seatbelt kid, you’re in for a ride that comes once in an eon.

>I don't understand why so many right wingers so vehemently deny global warming, talk to any rural person over a certain age involved in farming thar has interacted with the environment for a living for most of their lives and they will definitely admit it's a real thing
The farmers I know deny climate change.


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Dude, we know there was a massive prehistoric flood that changed sea levels, turned the Mediterranean Basin into the Mediterranean Sea, but the story of the Great Flood predates the Jewish-crafted tale in Genesis by thousands of years. Reminder, the Torah was pretty much all written in the 3rd century BC and was a response to and revision of Egyptian and Babylonian histories.

nice strawman. there is no controversy regarding glacial periods. the concern is regarding the rate of change (of many variables).

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We can see through your lies you fucking kike.

Ah yes, the prediction that's spouted every year for the last twenty years, yet never seems to come true. New York was suppose to also be submerged into the ocean by now also.

How is presenting core data showing cyclic melt periods and reglaciations a strawman?

Why do all your graphs look just like Al Gore's hilarious one from an An Inconvenient Truth thats already been proven to be laughably erroneous?

Even if this is true you guys fucked it up by burning everyone's trust in climate science with false wolf crying.
See you in the afterlife bucko.

>biggest security threat
>only solution is carbon tax which actually does nothing to solve the problem.

Yeah they sure are taking this absolutely massive threat seriously.

you dont know how ridiculous you are, 99% of the scientific community agrees that climate change is a result of human carbon emission. what do they get out of saying that?

go buy a tactical ass wiper from alex jones and put your Tin foil hat on. you just went full retard

>Be thankful for what you have.

>dont bite the hand that feeds you

right wing cuckoldry 101

im not claiming that they do. the solution is world wide massive insurrection

>99% of the scientific community
No they don't, but its cute that you believe that because the noted Climate Scientist Jon Oliver says so.

This article probably has way too many references for you to bother with but here you go.

if you had read any course on environmental science which you as a geologist have, you would have seen the diagram as it's in basically all textbooks. again as you seem to have a hard time grasping my post; no one is arguing about cyclic melt periods, the argument is the rate of decline. you also misrepresented data (comparing min and max sea ices) which leads me to believe you are actually not a geologist but a shill or troll.

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It's always "in the next 5 years" like the last time when Al Gore predicted in 2008 that in the next 5 years the polar ice cap would be completely gone, and here we are 10 years later and it isn't. So spooky. But just wait! 5 more years is all it needs to really take off!

>every problem causing, liberal infested, coastal shithole underwater


>we must abolish the Techo-Industrial society
But that's not the reason why it's happening.
The reason is all natural. We had an ice age and it's getting warmer.

50 million years ago it was almost 10 degrees C hotter than now.

fine, have a 10 years. 15 years? 20 years!

you won baby.

I live 4000ft above sea level why should I care again

> what do they get out of saying that?
are you seriously this fucking dense? do you not know that scientists' careers in particular rely on getting funded, which in turn relies on delivering certain results/furthering certain agendas?

>we gave this faculty 10.000.000$ to research a certain topic, and their (honest) result was that it is inconclusive
>well that was a waste of money, cease all funding


>we gave this faculty 10.000.000$ to research a certain topic, and they are telling us the world will end
>holy shit give them MORE, this is too important to be ignored

are you, furthermore, implying that science is somehow democratic?
if one man today delivered a solid proof that most of modern physics was wrong, the entirety of physics would be completely reworked - why? because science is NOT democratic. percentages are inherently worthless and irrelevant, and anyone who claims differently is an unscientific propagandist.
i refuse to believe that someone as eloquent as you would be so naive, which leaves malevolence and willing deceit as your motivation.

die in a fire please.

In a world run by you fucking kikes, I say let it all burn to the fucking ground. I hope you guys like it hot.

OOOOh the sky is falling you say? ok chicken little.

...j...just another 5 years, I promise! The catastrophe I've been predicting for 30 years will happen then...I...I just need 5 more years (and a few hundred million more dollars if its not too much to ask...)

It's always about the shekels with you people, isn't it?

Threads like these and climate denialism in general make me ashamed to call myself a rightwinger desu.

>climate denialism

No one denies that the climate is changing and getting warmer. But, it's natural change and not made by humans.

How can I misrepresent data that is literally two pictures MARKED SPECIFICALLY WITH THEIR YEAR OF IMAGING.

Everyone knows there was a serious decline in sea ice in 2008 no one argues about that, but in the last 8 years there has been a reglaciation of much of the previous ice that was lost.

Yes its THIN, but it needs another 8 years or so to stop being THIN.

All of this is so easily provable that I wouldn't even need to have a degree in geology to find it. Any vaguely intelligent person on the internet can pull up polar satellite imagery from any year going back even into the 1970's if they know where to look, and imaging gets more and more common in the 80's and 90's so its not like there isn't plenty of observational imagery that supports the cyclic change of the polar ice.

Theres nothing misrepresented about what I've added here. Literally a 5 year old can find it.

> to call myself a rightwinger
there are only two kinds of people who unironically see themselves as part of some kind of right-wing-movement:

1.) shills
2.) fedora-tier autists

i honestly don't care what category you fall into. be ashamed for all i care, you massive faggot.

what makes you believe it's natural and not man-made?

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We live inside the concave Earth.

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We have had glacier readings since the 17th century here in Norway, and the glacier arms have been shrinking at a constant speed (even before the industrial revolution).

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There is something evil underneath the ice.

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>7 and a half billion people shitting, eating, fucking, and created 30 pounds of garbage per day per person has no effect on the planet.

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Daily reminder that, as the earth warms and billions are displaced by inevitable ecological disaster, the coming years will require a cold heart

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It has an effect, but it's very small compared to the natural change. The worst human effect is the local pollution (and I hate that - I want nature to be clean).

At last, you're finally getting gassed

Yes, worry about that and not about the Jews

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>from the same people who brought you Global Cooling, Ozone Layer Holes and Global Warming


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gas bill's getting high

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years have this thing called seasons, I already linked the actual 2008/2009 max, did you miss it?

just to be clear, are you claiming that the decline is completely natural or are you just saying that there is a natural component while not denying the man-made component? because the latter is what, as far as I know, is the general consensus. If you have any links or names to articles claiming otherwise feel free to post them (I have access to databases).

Attached: ghg-concentrations-figure3-2015.png (528x344, 22K)

incredibly simplistic.
for every human on the planet, a certain amount of animals is being displaced.
you therefore have to subtract all the animals from that which would exist if was nature untouched.
if we unpopulated areas, they would simply fill with shitting, farting cows, deer and so on.

>literal maths genius
>handsome as fuck
>still couldn't get a gf
What hope is there for the rest of us?

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>>still couldn't get a gf
>What hope is there for the rest of us?

My hope is very close to 0
Feelz bad man

A Jew trying to shut down an industry??
(((Who's))) behind this?

>just to be clear, are you claiming that the decline is completely natural or are you just saying that there is a natural component while not denying the man-made component?

My argument that man made climate change cannot affect things at the level the models predict and the models have consistently and constantly been proven to be wrong for two decades now.

I am not saying that we have no environmental impacts on the planet, that is patently absurd, what I am saying is our global aggregate is not enough to achieve any of the catastrophic results the models predict.

The entire argument for morphogenic climate change is predicated on models built on data that isn't relevant nor does it adjust for emissions reductions, technological improvements over time at all.

If I built my climate models based on emissions data and atmos CO2 from 1995, and then stood by them as scientific gospel, as of 2018 everything I was saying would be wildly wrong....which is exactly where the climate change debate is right now....its 100% wrong at this time by 2035 we won't be 2035 there won't be a harvest in Canada....because the growing season will be too short.

So much this. The irony is that even Jews themselves would have been better off with a world run by Aryans. Hitler offered to relocate you to Israel with the Havaara agreement. If you stupid cockroaches had simply agreed to let Germany be independent and manage their own affairs he probably would have given you a colony in South America or Africa. But as always, what the Jew cannot measure up to he always seeks to destroy.

Let it all burn to the ground. A world run by Jews isn’t worth living in anyway. You parasites turn everything you touch to shit. First it was France, then Russia, then Germany, now the US and Britain. How can a single group of individuals be this fucking incompetent? The answer: thousands of years of inbreeding and genital mutilation rituals.

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>implying I don't want the end to come to destroy the world
>implying brown people won't be hit worst

Lets suppose it's true, whites can just colonize Siberia and Canada. Problem solved. We're due a mass die off.

Humans used to be mobile hunter-gatherers, of course they didn't die. Modern humans have this thing called infrastructure and while not everyone will die, it's going to be a huge happening.

>there's a slight problem with the system
Or, just hear me out, OR, we could tweak the system?

Just give up, sweedude destroyed you

The only solution to mediocre technology is superior technology.
Ted did not understand this.

We will be fine.

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kill yourself ippc/noaa shill, all he did was appeal to (((authority)))