“Give me an example of a multiethnic, multicultural society, where the indigenous population still live ... where they live in a peaceful, societal union? I don't know of any. Somewhere deep in our genes we want a (racially) defined group”
t. Dutch foreign minister
Carter Long
Other urls found in this thread:
Tyler Long
Brandon Jenkins
Daaasassssssss rrrRRRraassssssisss
Easton Phillips
is nederland's foreign minister, dare i say /ourguy/?
Kayden Nelson
Based Jeroen agrees
Connor Barnes
>A politician tells the truth
>This is a global news item
Asher Parker
i can't believe someone could say something so absurd in 2018
i'm pretty sure that's ILLEGAL!!!
Lucas Taylor
This is a question Jow Forums can't answer.
I commend you contrary French chum.
John Barnes
A witty leaf, how refreshingly rare.
Cooper Gutierrez
Media is going apeshit over it. How can he say such mean words. Isn't the Netherlands a successful multicultural society? lel