Is there anything we can do to teach black people to stop being violent and stop assaulting innocent people for 20...

Is there anything we can do to teach black people to stop being violent and stop assaulting innocent people for 20 bucks? I think they are a lost cause. We have a clear problem with Jews trying to empower these psychopaths

btw anyone know any more info about webm related?

Attached: Dindu vs Pregnant Boost Mobile girl.webm (1002x568, 1.94M)

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It's a lost cause. Sub 80 IQ isn't suitable for civil society.

>Black "People"

Attached: 1532423952323.webm (360x640, 867K)

create a reservation area spanning the whole american and mexican border. Just put a wall on the american side. Sustain with regular air drops of conservable food, spears and shiny jewelry. Live-stream it for 15 dollars a month to finance it.

Chemically castrate the men when they go to jail and the same to the women when they get abortions. They’ll self cull and only the decent ones will be around in a generation.

I think you all are fucked in the head. I don’t need a gun to defend myself and I’m not scared of niggers. You scaredy white fucks need to grow the fuck up.

attempted murder kidnapping and robbery in New orleans

Attached: 1532416596603.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

Breed them with white peoples. It's the only way.

Attached: elevator stabbing.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

Look at all the webms of dindus hitting their own babies. And I mean, literal babies. I don't know if the violent behaviour is learned or genetic, but at this point I don't care. They truly are a lost cause.

New Orleans again. Mugging

Attached: 1532415357597.webm (640x358, 1.85M)

Attached: Man brutally beat, kicked in Lufkin convenience store.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

you brought them here... now deal with them

Jews brought them here.
We tried sending 'em back.

at least your police are not cucks...

Attached: 1532415583139.webm (640x360, 2.35M)

they also had a whole country set up, liberia, for them, but they also fucked that up. whats your next solution med nog?

vaccinate them to extinction? ask Israel for gibs for them? create a religioin that prophecize their homeland is Africa and will be a great empire?... I don't know man, you are the smart ones not us, we are just cartel niggers.

Attached: 1532415808549.webm (360x640, 1.24M)

I feel like it's not impossible to train them to behave like human beings, after all we can make literal monkeys do it. It just takes discipline, which Jewish tricks cause the opposite of.

I suggest we try mass execution.


no its genetic
MOAO gene in them is double and sometimes triple that of any other race.
Niggers will always be violent because it overpowers logical reasoning.
Add the MOAO gene fact to the fact that niggers have smaller frontal lobes that control planning, judgment, decision-making skills, attention span, and inhibition.
Basically it's genetics, genetics and more genetics that keeps them like savages.
Any other reason is bullshit. They shouldn't even share schools with our children because they learn differently than all other races, but liberals in a attempt to make things equal that will never be and can never be equal they share the schools and are dumbing down our children to be equal to them.

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Nobody attacks the strong. More than one culture needs to change.

i love how the women just watch and try to solve the situation by their feminist powers of persuasion

fuck women seriously

Attached: Man uses brass knuckles to punch homeowner.webm (720x518, 2.8M)

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Look at the actions of this nigger here. So much aggression for fucking what? NO reason whatsoever, all for 35 fucking dollars. I know niggers are dumb but god damn this level of entitlement just blows my mind

Click on "google" for this webm - "animal " comes up
Yep even kike google knows theyre animals


fucking dumb ass got 10 years or something

Attached: 1532415827541.webm (640x640, 1.96M)

I hate them so much I can't stand going to class and seeing them not knowing if one will attack me as I can't bring my gun to class.

what a nigger

the prison system should ensure the dumbest and most violent ones won't reproduce, officer involved shootings will do the rest.

Giving some kinds of arms to negroes can be a good thing.

Attached: 1532415970894.webm (608x360, 2.26M)

Can someone post the webm of the old man getting attcked by the black guy over the parking spot and the old man shoots the guy? Happened a few days ago

Attached: 1531122119207.jpg (1024x554, 77K)

They dindu nutin, just give them some space.

You can't tell so easily in the video because the white kid is tall but the nignog is substantially older. IIRC the nig is 16 and white kid 12. Absolutely pathetic.

Attached: niggers are not actually even human.webm (840x676, 561K)

here it is

Attached: 1532443846073.webm (166x144, 603K)

That nigger tried to shoot him in the head like 4 times. The ape Couldn't figure out how to unjam his tec 9. If that dude lived, he is lucky.

i really really wonder what compels these scumbag niggers to just hit people for no reason

Attached: 1532415991899.webm (436x324, 243K)

Violence is a good problem solver if you live among other niggers.

this too. And a fucking cop was right there too. Ok niggers are more retarded than down syndrome people

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never relax

yea that was a couple European immigrants, the older guy died.

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Thanks user

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It's biology

Attached: sciense of negro.jpg (1668x884, 360K)

Is this the Bernie to Alt-Right pipeline?

Fuck me im betting that kids whole jaw and face was fractured. That nigger should hang for that.

Why did the Driver stop?

>almost kill someone for $35
There's literally no way to stay safe your life is in danger at all times from people like this.

eh, doesn't look good how the the guy backs off and gets shot though


Attached: paris 2020.webm (480x360, 483K)

They are animals. They dont think like normal humans. Conceal Carry everywhere you go, and if you are around blacks or anyone who looks sketchy always have a plan to gun them down if they pull some savage attack on you.

Attached: roastieBTFO.gif (208x368, 3.4M)

Can you teach a fish not to swim or a bird not to fly?

what's worse is they have no remorse after committing these violent acts

Niggers are truly subhuman

Attached: nig40.png (1263x717, 1.21M)

spbp. send them all back to Africa

they think theyre right and justified to do what they want. thanks to libfaggots and jews

I never relax around blax but if I see a dindu with a backpack I go on super high alert.
The drug addict niggers are the most volatile because desperate + stupid. I was at a department store and I watched one walk INTO the store, trigger the door scanners for having some item he stole previously still in his bag. Despite this he kept going in anyway to go steal more shit. One of the employees he passed by called the police right away. Was funny too because this was a store in a shitlib area that is normally free of dindus.

Everytime a nigger touches a white person, we raid the hood, kill 1000 niggers and burn their homes down.

I can guarantee you that shit is going to settle down real fast.

>Is there anything we can do to teach black people to stop being violent and stop assaulting innocent people for 20 bucks?
Yeah, magdump works every time.

Attached: 1506562219173.webm (476x476, 459K)

apparently that isnt working well

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> tfw

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-07-24 21-02-20.png (128x184, 29K)


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all niggers must hang

Nrvnqsr really let himself go.

Didn't even flinch from the milk. are phones that distracting?

top kek

My question is when these average everyday folk get culturally enriched do they experience an awakening and thus change their view points?

Get rid of rap's glorification of hedonism, money, and being a thug/murderer.

Ship them back home. That easy.

She wanted some BBC

Knocked the liberal right out of him

Attached: nice.jpg (474x266, 39K)

Some do. The most pozzed do not. In heavily left areas societal pressure is immense to never blame blacks for anything. Armed robbery and a beat down are justified by accusing the victim of flaunting their wealth, being in someone else's neighborhood, or the classic 'you must have done something to deserve it'.
t. grew up in the Bay Area

Notcies how they always sucker punch or outnumber the victim. Shameful dispray


Hey now, he went back and closed the money drawer after he robbed it.

And get rid of niggers

Teach? no, we enslave them and or better scenario kick them the fuck out

Did he fucking steal her handcream?

Lol wtf?

Attached: BlackieStabie.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Teach them about justice via execution

Every month we drop off several confirmed coal burners and make them face off for a turn at their beef curtains

Maybe Im just naturally skiddish, but if I hear people running fast behind me, especially at night I quickly turn around and look whats coming my way. I don't even live in a dangerous area, but Im always aware of potential muggings

>get's shot
>"OW my penis"

he even closed the register for her, what a gentleman

he relaxed

I watch the rest of the videos in this thread and I think "Gosh, if only they had been as prepared as that guy."

You faggots love to take credit for other people's hard work but suddenly now it's the jew's fault. Hilarious.


>armed nigger steals roastie's purse
>roastie actually gives chase
For what purpose?

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What the fuck....

Arabs used to castrate them during the slave trade. Drastically reducing their testosterone effectively making them docile slaves