Is there anything we can do to teach black people to stop being violent and stop assaulting innocent people for 20...

Is there anything we can do to teach black people to stop being violent and stop assaulting innocent people for 20 bucks? I think they are a lost cause. We have a clear problem with Jews trying to empower these psychopaths

btw anyone know any more info about webm related?

Attached: Dindu vs Pregnant Boost Mobile girl.webm (1002x568, 1.94M)

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It's a lost cause. Sub 80 IQ isn't suitable for civil society.

>Black "People"

Attached: 1532423952323.webm (360x640, 867K)

create a reservation area spanning the whole american and mexican border. Just put a wall on the american side. Sustain with regular air drops of conservable food, spears and shiny jewelry. Live-stream it for 15 dollars a month to finance it.

Chemically castrate the men when they go to jail and the same to the women when they get abortions. They’ll self cull and only the decent ones will be around in a generation.

I think you all are fucked in the head. I don’t need a gun to defend myself and I’m not scared of niggers. You scaredy white fucks need to grow the fuck up.

attempted murder kidnapping and robbery in New orleans

Attached: 1532416596603.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

Breed them with white peoples. It's the only way.

Attached: elevator stabbing.webm (640x360, 2.96M)