Questions on the Jews

So about 2 months ago, I was a free trade-loving, Shapiro-listening, mainstream libertarian. Business school had turned me into the quintessential "maximize muh GDP" shill. But now I've started to realize how much neoliberalism has undermined the American culture, and my politics are moving right at light speed.

My curiosity now brings me to the jews, and why we should hate them. I've read enough about in-group preference, and it seems to make a lot of sense. Jews hire other jews into finance (saw this one firsthand; I worked around the sell side in college) and media, and they're way over-represented in politics. I don't think it's hard to tell how "Israel is the greatest ally of the United States" and other similar statements came about when you have a group with super high in-group preference exerting disproportional influence on the flow of capital, policy, and information.

The part that I can't really get answers on is jewish degeneracy. Who is pushing it, and why? The closest answer I've gotten is that they push it because things like interracial marriage, mass immigration, etc. break up the dominant culture in a country. With no dominant culture, it is easier for them to seize positions of power. But that still leaves the "who" question. Of all the jews I met in college, none of them seemed like they were in on some dastardly plot. So if this prior answer is correct, then there must be someone/some group at the top directing this behavior.

So who are these people?

Attached: Star.jpg (1333x1333, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-4299673,00.html


No one knows exactly why Jews do what they do. A lot of it is for control and dominance but I think at some level they just like to destroy

But who are "they" is the big question. Everyday jews are not walking around scheming about how to bring down the goyim. They're substantially normal. If this is happening, it must be happening somewhere higher up the ladder.

their names are the same as the ones on banks and some became presidents: >Stanley, Morgan, Goldman, Kuhn/Kohn/Cohn/Cohen, Oppenheimer, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Spencer-Churchill, Stuart/Stewart, Planck, Smith, Jasper, Levy, Palmer, Gordon, Moore, Fitzgerald, Kennedy, Noble, Bennett, Forbes, Beresford, Bancroft, Barclay, Cabot, Higginson, Adams, Baker, Coffin, Cooper, Delano, Gardner, Otis, Quincy, Rice, Bush, Lehman, Tudor, Sassoon..Shermans, Clarkes, Royces, Lindsays, Raffles, Robinson, Pratt, Bartlett, Abraham, Guggenheim, Loeb, Strauss, Sach, Lazard, Seaf, Goldman, Schiff, Morgan, Schroder, Harriman

You can start with pic related.

Attached: george-soros-EU-Superstate.jpg (960x540, 41K)

the jewish "god" is actually lucifer. now everything they do will make sense.

Never let your guard down. Just because the low level ones who aren't plotting your total demise, that doesn't mean you should trust them. You are part of the out-group and always will be, so if there is ever a chance to take advantage of you, they will even in the most subtle ways.

Of course they aren't going to show that they are scheming to bring down the goyim in front of you, m8. You are a goy and if a goy ever finds out the truth, they would murder all of them. Haven't you read their unholy book, the Talmud?

Yeah, I've seen this point raised as well. I've started reading the bible and googled offhand why jews reject jesus. Basically, they thought the messiah was going to come and deliver them to global dominance, even though the old testament is pretty clear that the messiah would be rejected, scorned, and killed (Isaiah 53; Psalm 22). So modern judaism is basically the spiritual descendant of the Pharisees.