>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>nog puts his feefees over the wellbeing of the country
Imagine my shock

Death to Islam.

Attached: muslim kebab.png (840x425, 338K)

Related to OP's case and judge who ruled it.

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Why do muslims think we like them any more than Jews?

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>people are defending Paul Ryan helping the Democrats in 2018 by allowing them to say they voted for tax cuts
The cuts are already passed. Democrats have zero reason to vote no on making them permanent and then saying they voted yes on historic tax cuts.


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Deus Vult.

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>>Dissent predicts: "the Supreme Court will find it appropriate at some point to revisit the reach of the Second Amendment
>Gorsuch , Kavanaugh, and Thomas are laughing right now

Just need Oldham to join them.

How do you feel about Trump loving the Jews? In this case, Israel?

Does this mean open carry is legal in California again?


Breaking news: leaked photo of Trump's new appointee for Secretary of the DHS.

Attached: IMG_0036.jpg (736x1190, 123K)

>I don't want my children seeing people carrying guns

>Lets dress my son up like a woman and go watch the faggots dressed like dicks faux fellate each other instead

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Until I see tanks rolling into Damascus, I just assume he's lying.

I'll read the decision and get back to you.

Please let this case go to the Supreme Court. We need open carry across the country.

Attached: Trump Kavanaugh.jpg (960x687, 69K)

(Psst, the Crusaders were not subservient to the jews)

Exactly, you should say: "If we retain majorities in House and Senate we'll pass permanent tax cuts"

Fuck off, shill.

>inb4 9th Circuit en banc overturns it
This is going great, actually. SCOTUS when Kavanaugh is seated will be solidly pro-gun. We're on the verge of getting an Obergefell tier decision BTFO of gun control nationwide.

This shit is EXACTLY why I voted for Trump. With the insanity in Congress the only way meaningful shit happens these days is in the judicial system. Not at all how the founders intended but fuck, it is what it is.

>1 year, 183 days, 7 hours, 13 minutes
>Still haven't died for Israel

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I bet 500 bucks that democrats will win the midterms in a landslide. I don't hate donnie or the republicans, but I am worried that the republicans will be too confident to go out and vote.

They think because we hate the Jews we won't hate them. Despite the fact that Muslims and Jews always work together. They always do.


Set those up on the border and crossings stop real fast.

Assadpedes btfo

Why are you screeching about Israel today mate? Other than you I didn't see a single person mention anything about that region, maybe the downed jet. Was that your trigger?

> you cherish her

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You know, its not really the native Hawaiians that are to blame.
If king Kamehameha knew what those fucking leftist rats would do to his nation he would have shot them.
Bunch of rich, liberal fucks living in gated communities and more tourists drunk of their asses that actual locals.


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I fully support carrying firearms, but I’m concerned about gangbangers in cities. Would this interfere with stop-and-frisk?

Or would permits for concealed carry or open carry resolve this? 2nd amendment people help me understand

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I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.

Also, Trump got Iran to back away from Israel's border through Russia. It's amazing what Trump can get - For Israel. Too bad about that whole America business

I've died six times over the last 15 years

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> I bet 500 bucks that democrats will win the midterms in a landslide
There are lots of sites that accept they bet. Use them, post slip


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also inb4

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We should have just carved out our military based and left Hawaii as a territory

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I just don't know how Jared Kushner fucks Ivanka.

She looks like Donald Trump. Like too much.
How does Jared unsee it?

The Hughes Amendment and probably the GCA will probably be killed.
Checked. You just have to get other people to die for Israel for you. Like all the Iranians that Putin let's Israel bomb.

What race is this orc? Huge Nose.

>cosplay walking dead bat
What a faggot.

Attached: Pepe giv.png (778x512, 45K)

Same. The fact that she's a convert makes it even worse because she CHOSE to be part of the tribe instead of having simply been born into it

Yeah I'm terrified of retards getting themselves arrested

I'm pretty sure NY's handgun restrictions are still being enforced.

cats are scum
always and forever

Wow I never thought of that every time I fuck your mom she looks like you amazing so I'm fucking you?

No. Full 9th will reverse this decision en banc anyway. SCOTUS is going to have to smack down all of these lower courts and BTFO of gun control nationwide. The Second Amendment is basically "our" (please just let me say that here) civil rights cause much like fag marriage was for the libtards.

Wasn´t the alt-right over after Charlottesville? Lmao. The media can´t keep a narrative for more than three months.

Attached: alt-right.png (675x234, 20K)

>Trump made Russia get Iran off Israel's border
So what you're saying is Trump hacked Russia?

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Yeah because niggers sure do open carry instead of keeping it under their XXXL hoodie

>Also, Trump got Iran to back away from Israel's border through Russia.
Wait what? Iran was at the Israeli border? And Vlad got them out?
> and somehow this is significant and Trump is to blame?
Anyway, didn't Assad want all foreign fighter (ALL OF THEM) out?

>cops stopping and frisking white people

Attached: Jordan.gif (160x120, 1.23M)

Fuck off, shill.


BREAKING: Agriculture Department announces $12 billion 'short-term' plan to help US farmers hurt by retaliatory tariffs.

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>fictional organization we created shattered as we report they aren't as organized anymore

>Jewish Telegraphic Agency

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That's a good question. I certainly can't be the only person on earth with enough hate in his heart for Jews AND Muslims (and most other groups of people), right?

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Dumb Arabfat

>we have finally found someone powerful enough in government to stop King Hawaiian Judge
Finally his reign of terror can come to an end.

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>Would this interfere with stop-and-frisk?
kek only niggers and spics get that treatment.

Funny thing most people didn't even know they was "Alt-Right".

>implying you have ever had sex

Farmers are LITERALLY the biggest welfare queens in the fucking world, I don't agree with this
They'll use those wages to lobby and bitch and moan that they can't used illegal spics to pick their fruit next

What the fuck? The Ninth getting a 2A case right?

What the fuck is happening?

> Dem votes for cuts
> Loses support from insane base who hate cuts because brainwashing
> GOP challanger can attack them for voting no the first time and only voting yes because they're afraid


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tl:dr She wasn't putting out.

i wish she would piss on me when i wasnt on fire

They're inbred retards, that's why.

>Too bad about that whole America business
WTF Trump did something that has a positive result for Israel! This negates everything he's done for the American economy, tax cuts, placing pro second amendment judges on SCOTUS, ect....

kys sandnigger, or better yet, go die fighting the kikes.

He turned into a pajeet?

>op pic related
Stop, I can only get so erect at the thought of open carry everywhere.

>be Missouri
>have constitutional carry
>no permit required

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I tought dey was klan racists

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For the time being, yes. But you'd have to prove it in court. Again. Because the liberals never play by the rules.

Makes sense he is a "pro" which means he makes money from it not like the waste of space most of you man babies are.
Cunt was getting in his way of earning those bucks.

And do remember that thanks to Obergefell, conceal carry permits issued in one state will have to be respected in all other states

>They'll use those wages to lobby and bitch and moan that they can't used illegal spics to pick their fruit next


> Indeed, McCarthy and the entire California delegation have been under pressure from agriculture groups in the state calling on them to reject the guest-worker bill.
> They fear the E-Verify requirement would make it too difficult to find eligible workers.
> And the groups in recent weeks have called on McCarthy to use his leadership position to scrap the bill from floor consideration entirely, according to the California Farm Bureau's Josh Rolph, who's been in touch with McCarthy's staff.

> "As the highest-ranking Californian in the U.S. Congress whose district lies within the most productive agricultural region in the nation, we want to reinforce to you that implementation of this bill would devastate food production in our state," more than 30 California agriculture groups wrote in a letter sent to McCarthy on Monday.

> Supporters of the measure believe those groups got through to McCarthy, who keeps the House floor schedule.

> “It’s clear that there are constituencies in California that are trying to kill the bill, and are using their relationships in Congress to try to kill it,” said one Republican aide supporting the measure, who asked not to be named.

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lmao fucking amazing how the left have embraced the glow in the dark niggers

What a massive faggot.
And what’s with that low res picture of him. He looks like he’s 17 and it was taken in 2003 with a crappy digital camera.

No place to hide.

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When's his soeech to the veterans tonight? Trump might drop some shit

> If you don't want Israeli hegemony over the middle east you're a sandnigger
> Israelis aren't sandniggers wtf how dare you goy

Leftist need to be quarantined.

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judge shopping?

>Support our spooks!
>Thank God for foreign espionage!

These people are fucked.

>Tax Cuts for Majority of Americans
>Reworking Trade Deals
>Not bowing to Globalist Europoors
>Booming Economy
>Record Employment
>Thousands of Jobs that ((werent coming back))
>Trillions of Dollars from US companies Repatriated
>Unconstitutional Healthcare system crippled, leaving no option but overhaul.
>2 Supreme court Judges (so far) securing the constitution for decades hopefully.
>Coastal Liberals no longer get out of Paying Federal Income taxes.
>Consumer Confidence at a 20 year high.

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Precisely. Consequences, commies, they're for real.

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Their only payday is when the food finishes growing and the can harvest it to put on the market. The payout is not as good as it once was for a literal truck load of corn.

You missed it.