>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Brenden Dilley on Roseanne explains Trump Tweets 7/23/18
>Pres Trump @Made In America Showcase 7/23/18
>Pres Trump inspects Made In America products 7/23/18
>VP Pence @America 1st Rally in Philadelphia PA 7/23/18
>UNAmb Haley @Christians United for Is-ra-hell 7/23/18
>NASA Adm Bridenstine @CSIS on 60th Anniv 7/23/18
>Amb Brownback @US Lolocaust Museum 7/23/18
>TrumpTV Weekly Update (Lara) #44 7/23/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 7/23/18
>PressSec Sarah talks to press outside WH 7/23/18
>PressSec Sarah on F&F 7/23/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive @WH 7/22/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in DC 7/22/18
>SoS Pompeo @Reagan Library 7/22/18
>VP Pence @America 1st Tax Cut Event in Chattanooga TN 7/21/18
>VP Pence stumps for Kemp in Macon GA 7/21/18
>ROK-USCommCdr ArmyGen Brooks @Aspen Sec Forum 7/21/18
>CyberCommCdr ArmyGen Nakasone @Aspen Sec Forum 7/21/18
>ArmySec Esper @Aspen Sec Forum 7/21/18

OP pastebin:

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Death to Islam.

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Was it actually the Jews all along? Were the memes true?

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I'm pretty sure NPR has been guilty of whataboutism.

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Whataboutism is simply the word Leftists made up to cover up for their rampant and obvious hypocrisy.

Whataboutism is a perfectly valid form of argument when used to expose inconsistencies in behaviours and attitudes.

This stunning unprofessionalisim from Sessions cannot stand. Trump needs to fire him immediately.

His boss Rosenstein also holds responsability and should also be fired

Finna open carry my mini-14 ranch rifle in L.A. later

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>Jeff Sessions clearly having some fun with the crowd
Christ Almighty, will these people ever lighten the fuck up?

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Impeachimus drumpftardimus

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Oh I guarantee you the 9th will hear it en banc because Hawaii will REEEEEEEE about it and the 9th is full of virtue signalling retards. It's great, though, because SCOTUS will finally after EIGHT FUCKING YEARS (March 2, 2010) take Second Amendment cases again.

Gun grabbers finna get dabbed on desu.

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Toronto: Muslim cleric says “Zionist empire, American empire will be down in the dustbins of history inshallah”

We shouldn’t allow GID (general Islamic dominance) to spiral out of control in our country. Allowing GID to grow would be foolish since (a) Islam is anti-West and (b) Islam has absolutely nothing to do with our country’s founding. There is no need for us to perpetuate our own demise. We are currently the ones in control and we should keep it that way.

Pic related.

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They are terrified because the high schoolers started chanting it unprompted. The left is used to the "youth" being on their side.

Can anyone explain to me how Trump's approval has been climbing like crazy lately while midterms seem to be shifting back to Dems simultaneously?

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>was it
Yes, always the answer is yes

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Would be funny if he was actually doing anything against the Democratic cartel, but it is just pathetic now. Sessions was a mistake.

naah the deep state loves sessions, he's the perfect good harmless boy

They might not en-banc it because of that reason actually.
Either way libshits are dead

Real world vs. Fake Polls

What are some major life mistakes you’ve made anons?

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Trump should take advantage of his high approval rating to capture the Panama Canal.

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If you point out historical comparisons to point out their past standards and where they are today, it’s a whataboutism

How are we this fine afternoon, /ptg/?

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how the fuck are Ds and RINOs going to argue against 4+% GDP in november?

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I feel like "whataboutism" is a valid argument.


that tactic was invented since man learned to talk. Even my 5 years old cousin cries his brother hit him first when he pushes him to the ground.

Getting Married
Becoming Alchoholic
Going into the family business
Not an heroing at 30

His approval was already that high in real life and leftist journalist are laying off the heavily doctored polls because they need realistic polling figures coming into the midterms so they don't get a repeat of 2016

Relaxed around Blacks, friend got murdered.

Did drumpf do thing today?

The LA times is making polls great again

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The GOP is not TRUMP. GOP will be slaughtered nationwide in a few very short months. His popularity DOES NOT translate down ballot. That’s why they resent him and will fuck him bad first chance they get. BELIEVE IT!

American anons: How are the Midterms looking right now? I don`t want the Democrats to retake the House. All I see in the media is a mess of opinions and rigged polls, so I can`t trust them.

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Are they right? Should we be tossing rockets and white phosphorus into Mexico?

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Because Trump is actually doing stuff and Congress is sitting on its ass. Republicans in Congress need to pass another big bill.

>living around blacks
Did the nigger get convicted and is spending the rest of his life in jail?

I believe that she can still win.

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That would be fucking awesome. Settlements when?


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When do we cut their funding?

no longer chair force heather

Attached: Heather gets told the best way to fly through the North Atlantic to land in Britain to capture her g (1200x900, 220K)

Lol HELLO?? They are just sharpening their knives for DT when they lose. GOP are traitors. Don’t you get it??


I'm pretty sure invading a neutral country to take clay would cost him the midterms

Blue wave coming. Too strong to stop it

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wtf I love Israel now

whataboutism is a nevertrumper word that they use to excuse the fact that they're all blatant hypocrites

Her greatest admirer lives right here in the USA.

Its rightfully ours. We built it and it and was shortsighted to give it away.

Anybody else miss the Joe is Joe songs?

Trump isn’t up for re-election fag, GOP will suffer mightily. Hillary is dead meat and yesterday’s news. This time next year Trump will sign single payer into law with smiling Chuck right there next to him.

THICC Rally today?

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S-Sorry Drumfkins! le bleu wave is real!

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Yeah. Also hear he's having a tough time since a lot of our friends were already in there doing life.

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and how big is his Heather folder?

Should we do settlements? How do we know the Mexicans haven't tainted the land with their presence?

Not when Trump is on the road


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You may want to find a different crowd to hang with, user.

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>What are some major life mistakes you’ve made anons?
giving up alcohol at 32 instead of 22

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>posting the shoop

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how b-big is yours?

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I could use a nigger story. Can you tell me what happened? We're you there?

That's an extremely homophobic comment you just made there. I'm going to report you to your shill supervisor.


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>Kemp might win

How did Cagle get btfo so easily?

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Mexicans are making settlements in texas and california


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We're America, goddamn it. We'll fix it.

I've yet to see a better solution

That's the wrong way to bulli bongfren

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That's not true btw. RCP poll average is 7.1 +Dems for generic ballot. A week ago it was 8.2+


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I'd like to see a campaign flyer like this with the niggers burning the flag outside her office last week.

Going on Jow Forums.

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Nope! Anything that even looks like just a POKE toward Hillary's arrest, for the extensive lobbying and propaganda that went on in the 2016 election campaign, among whatever else information being shared; it really seems to worry the media. "It's dangerous," they say, "it's time to move on, she's not the president". I'm pretty sure there was a list of correspondents she had feeding her questions floating around somewhere. She said "if that bastard wins, we'll all hang". Who knows, maybe she even meant it would be her doing because they're liabilities, you know how that Arkancide stuff goes. That is not a subject you're going to see journalists stop sweating over anytime soon.

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>spics throw rocks over the border

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user...that's New Zealand

You fucking retard, that isn't Australia. It's Hong Kong.

I don't think you want to know
I need cuddles not bullies

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>didn't open a card from my last day on a firefighter internship
>open it 2 years later
>we'd like to offer you a full time position, swing by on Monday if you're interested

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Obviously you have never set foot in the southwest US in the last 25 years.
This land is beyond tainted, send the nukes for cleansing by fire.

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I’m sorry your dads always drunk.

I honestly expected Cagle to win in June, but voted for Kemp then anyway.

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Banning usuary is a great idea

Melania is better than Jackie Kennedy

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>I don't think you want to know
Unironicall I do what to know. Are you over a gigabyte of mommies? You should MEGA that shit for your frens.

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Not knowing where my girl went.

Ah yes, if only she didn't have strong, American principles, and an understanding that the Founders' greatest dream was to see poor, uneducated people dying of treatable illnesses. It's easy to see why people would want those things, because people do want those things. They are good things. And yes, Virginia, your children do deserve healthcare and education, you do deserve to make a living wage, and it should be the government's job to make sure those basic necessities are provided for. Just as it is the government's job to send firefighters to your house if there is a fire. One could argue that not having your house burn down isn't a "human right," but it sure is better than the alternative.

"Where is this money coming from?" -- which is weird, because Medicaid for All would actually be a lot cheaper than what we are all paying now, and if people have better jobs that pay more, if they're not broke from medical debt and student loans, we will have more money in taxes to pay for these things.

The fact is, if Medicare for All were ever passed, it would absolutely kneecap the ability of many, many Republicans to get elected. Yes, some Democrats rely on money from health insurance companies too, but not to the same degree, and they could certainly make due without it. Second, once people have a thing, they tend to not want to give it up. You see too many people going around saying "Gee! I sure do wish I didn't have Social Security"? No, you do not. So it would kill both a major source of funding and one of their primary campaign issues. Of course they don't want it. Not to mention that, statistically, the more educated people are, the less likely they are to vote Republican.

I, for one, hope that right-wing media keeps running all of these Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez "hit pieces" -- because all they're doing is making her, and all her supposedly "radical socialist" positions, look real good. Hooray for free advertising!

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