Single father kisses daughter in public, feminist calls police on him, now facing jailtime

What do you think about this? should parents be able to express their affection to their offsprings wherever and however they want to to, or there are limits?


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meanwhile producer from cartoon network has a video fucking a doll and nothing happens

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stfu pedo sympathizer

I never knew that leftists got this bold in Turkey of all places.

Also polite reminder to archive articles: - it's easy to do and free on top

What the fuck is wrong with this world when you can't even show your own children that you live th...
Oh, okay.

Looks like a standard case of the ex wife trying to fuck up the life of the ex husband because of an ugly divorce, so no idea where OP got the idea that it had anything to do with feminism.
The real bullshit is this though:
>the court ruled for a 15-year jail sentence, stressing the mother and daughter’s testimonies were enough evidence
literally "your tears say more than any real evidence ever could".

>He didn't read "Die Marquise von O..."
Realschüler detektiert.

It was normal back in the day in southern countries.
That includes southern Europe, which is why you see Italians for example as stereotyped in lovemaking as they are.

who the fuck kisses a roach?


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>turkey is a first world cou-
Nevermind. They're still roaches

nah man kissing your kid on the lips is fucked up

>kissing anyone on the lips besides your lover
This isnt the 1700s anymore

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Nice turn around hanz, probably gonna suck EUflags dick after this too if I had to make a guess. Pedos are cool but fathers shouldn't love their kids! No wonder your country has such weak men. Daddy never loved you!

I bet you also jerk off your children and make them twist your nipples because it's not the 1700s anymore

>the girl told the police, adding she believed the man had no bad intentions and his hug was “like the hug of her mother.”

So an innocent kiss to show his love for his daughter is going to cost him 15 years of his life in prison. I don't know what the customs are there, but if there's no proof of any sick intentions then this looks like a miscarriage of justice.


Hardly surprising.

let me guess, you don't even have kids

please tell me more about parenting


Literally who the fuck cares what goes on in third world shitholes?


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this desu

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Probably should have mentioned this happened in Turkey in the OP

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No sources ,highly doubt this happened

The Islamic prosecutor saw no issue with child sexual abuse, but the court did the right thing. A predator is in prison and that's a good thing.

quality bants taco bro

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WTF Tom Brady French kisses his son all the time why isn't he arrested?

t. Steelers fan

Meanwhile, Liev Schreiber will never face any issue

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It depends if there was tongue involved or not.

Disturbing. I will admit it's stereotyped thinking but somehow I expected Turks to be a bit more 50s with this kind of thing.

After her father left the house, the girl told her mother her father had kissed her on the lips, which led the woman to file a criminal complaint against him.

“I had called my father to come to our home. He kissed me on my lips and I felt bad. He had also kissed me on my lips when I was sleeping with him at my aunt’s house. It was not a long kiss. When I reacted angrily, he had told me I was his daughter,” the girl told the police, adding she believed the man had no bad intentions and his hug was “like the hug of her mother.”

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pedo jews everywhere

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wtf, I see women kissing their daughters on the lips all the time.
I don't buy her story at all. It seems a clear cut case of the ex trying to take revenge, or trying to take full custody

Surprising, this happened in Turkey, of all places.

technically, if her father ever kissed then he should be jailed too.

would you kiss her feet?

i might. i havent got a foot fetish, but if im tickling her as my daughter then yeah

>Not kissing your daughter on her penis.

>“I had called my father to come to our home. He kissed me on my lips and I felt bad. He had also kissed me on my lips when I was sleeping with him at my aunt’s house. It was not a long kiss. When I reacted angrily, he had told me I was his daughter,” the girl told the police, adding she believed the man had no bad intentions and his hug was “like the hug of her mother.”
Wew, sure sounds like fatherly love.

There is a line where affection between parent and child becomes inappropriate. This is about two units away from that line, and is only not on the safe side if you look at it from far away and squint.

Click-Bait Faggotry.
>I expected better, OP

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>miscarriage of justice.
in Turkey? Never!

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a kiss, not a peck

still, 15 years? wtf?

Haha, what a story, MARK!!!

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>Be small child
>Used to give my mom kisses all the time
>I never kissed her on the cheek because I got it in my head that you kiss friends or younger relatives on the cheek
>Always kissed her on the lips
>Took until I was 13 to stop
>It ranged from a small peck to a hard press
>Grew up to have a mother-son fetish

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Fuck pedophiles and anyone who supports them.
Kissing a underage girl should be punished with death. Turkey literally did nothing wrong for once.


Fuck off shill.

Well, if it wasn't weird before, it is now.

I mean, I personally would not kiss my daughter on the lips, but I do not see a problem with it as long as your intentions are expressing love for your child. And you'd have to be able to read the parent's mind in order to know this, so, yeah, this entire thing is bullshit. It's not about what actually is happening but looking to create validation for the complete conjecture of an outsider, it's totally subjective and assuming and really about the perceptions and opinions of the writer.

Pic related is proven right yet again

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Parents shouldn't kiss their kids on the lips. It's fucking weird.

It's absolutely right. Parents obviously cannot engage in sexual activity but this is just a fucking kiss you god damn idiots.


i only cheek kissed. lip kissing was gross as fuck.

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daaaamn son.. those daughters are toxic as fuck.
now you can't kiss your own children.. wtf it's not like he frenched her

by the way that nigger will smith kissed his underage son on the lips several time live on TV. and we all know how that turned out.. that little faggot went mad.

>kissing someone on the lips is sexual abuse
>even when they say there was nothing sexual
It's literally just a kiss and he gets 15 years in prison for it.

Even 3rd world countries aren't safe from feminism.

good. women are oppressed and the rapist got what he deserved.

Kissing your children on the lips is weird.
I only kiss people I want to fug on the lips.

I would fuck her.

Is it pedophilia to cum to this pic?
Asking for a friend.

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t.old school geezer
My children are adults now. Rule #1 when my kids were born, NO FRIENDS/FAMILY/RELATIVES Kissing or putting their mouth anywhere on my kids.
Back in the early 1980's it was revealed by medical reports that the #1 cause of HERPES in children was/is adults with herpes SLURPING on children and passing the virus to them.
I showed my children LOVE by my parenting actions, listening to them, teaching them life lessons and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS being there for them
No questions asked no matter what never judgemental. To this very day my children know they can depend on me being there 24/7 always AND
I never ever had to put my mouth on any of them .

Tom Brady does it and he's based. That's all I need to know. It doesn't concern me what faggots on here say.

Pedophiles have taken over Jow Forums either that or you all were already disgusting degenerates.

exactly where did he kissed his daughter?

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>A Turkish court



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>A Turkish court sentenced a man
stopped reading there
fuck the roach tho

being a fatass "sex writer" for a shitrag is much weirder.

>turkish court
Yes and?

If your child reciprocates your love from kisses or hugs, that's your business. It's not an act of sexual gratification.
Do you really need us to have a discussion about this?

Have you retards never lived in Southeastern America or amongst Cajuns? Kissing your offspring is normal here and there's nothing sexual about it.
It is utterly infuriating that actual pedos in Hollywood go free while normal people are being put in prison and labeled child molesters for showing parental affection to their own children.
Oh, you're a celebrity that sexually molests children?
>Nothing wrong there.
Oh, you love your children and you kiss them (a behavior that originates from normal parental activities back before babyfood existed)?
>Evil sexual predator pedophile. Go to prison and have your entire life ruined, you sick pervert.

Oh wait. It's Turkey. Maybe it's not normal there...

on the balls

Your opinion is retarded.

You're assuming that the child is being hurt and that the act has sexual implications.

The people saying this is wrong are third worlders that want to turn the West third world. The only people I've ever known to have a problem with kids kissing their parents are Muslims who think of sex whenever they see family affection.

>Have you retards ever lived in a rather specific part of a very specific country?
Senpai... I don't disagree with your opinion but really?

the girl said she wasnt cool with it so seems fairly clear cut. its turkey gotta be careful

I kiss with my daughters all the time, with tongue, in public. Why even have daughters of you dont di kissing with them?
That explains it. But ain't that a Muslim country? Thought muslims were cool with daughter fucking?
>should parents be able to express their affection to their offsprings wherever and however they want to to
You should be able to have your daughter sick you off when and wherever you want.

So this is ok, but calling out pedophilia in Hollywood is too far by these same peoples' standards. Fuck them.

You obviously need to get educated.

In the 18th Century, kissing on the lips was a sign of affection, and kissing your best friend on the lips wasn't considered gay at all.

>Asking for a friend.
Nice try

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>lip kissing guys
>not gay
Please. Lip kissing with your wife, your daughters, maybe your sons, okay. But lip kissing with guys is gay as fuck.

I just wanna burn it all down.

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at the legion of doom

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You obviously need to get educated.

In the 8th Century, jerking eachother off was a sign of affection, and sucking your best friend's cock wasn't considered gay at all.

Not when you are the same race and you live happily in an ethnostate. Your whole nation is your family then.

This. Fagogan is probably courting the thot vote. Needless to say Turkey will pay the same price the West is currently paying. Looks like we only have Russia, S and E Asia left.

Turks must want the same crack the West is currently smoking. MGTOW is going to be joining us on Jow Forums soon.

I honestly believe this scenario with Gunn and Harmon is the social green light to normalize pedophilia, much the same way that Bruce Jenner normalized traps. We're at full Wiemar now.

>dude bro can you imagine me tickling her as my daughter haha and then just kissing her feet haha because like it would totally tickle more haha just me kissing her cute little feet haha what a strange imagination i have hahaha
I don't trust you, user.

Phew lad, a bit rich from a dog lover country

>African ape murders white child in Spain
>Feminists defend the ape because she is a woman and she dindunuthin
>Father kisses daughter
>Throw him in jail
Feminists are the worst

I dunno, bruh, but I am sipping some of that delicious smart water myself.

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Feminists get the rope with all the communists and politicians.

We know you're a roach you can stop hiding your flag

>bruce jenner
he popularized transgenderism.
Claiming trap has anything to do with transgenderism is as equally retarded as calling people transphobic when someone says trap.
Traps are just fags who like to dress like a queer and trick males,this doesnt imply they want to cut their dicks. Hell a trap without a dick is worthless

Oh germoney. So ridden with guilt it can't even comprehend basic human emotions anymore.

This is actually a surprisingly based article despite the misleading clickbait title.

Thats urine.