How come it took 50 fucking years for western men to be told it's okay to be manly again?

How come it took 50 fucking years for western men to be told it's okay to be manly again?

And why, after 50 years of not being told this, did the messenger end up being some croaky voiced Canadian?

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Snake oil kike shabbos goy
This kills the Juden Peterstene’s individualism

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Peterson is a hero

50 years? Wtf are you talking about? It has been less than 20.

Why aren’t you playing monopoly with these High IQ Jews millennial? So what if they have all the properties and all the money in the bank. So what if they are playing together as a collective. You are an individual who is capable of winning you just have to play.

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>Some pro-Israel boomer cuck is a hero
Fuck off.

Numale metrofag is now the dominant culture. Kids want to be edgy.

Restrictions on the man's natural role in society began in the late 1960s

Peterson supports zionism, that's why he is allowed to be the "messenger"