My Arab Muslim neighbor is dating this girl on the right

What should I do?shes also my ex and I think she’s doing this to get back at me?

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let her burn in hell

>What should I do?
Apologize for your terrible taste in women and better yourself.

play with mud, pay with blood

Gob the kebab
prepare to sob

Have him arrested for pedophilia.

While you're at it, turn yourself in too.

Ignore her, improve yourself. While she's having a shite time with ahmed, you'll get gains.

Fuck off outta here with this LiveJournal entry.

Attached: images(4).jpg (299x168, 6K)

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Women that race mix are dead to you. What you are seeing is a ghost.
Call the ghost busters.

remove kebab

fucking best post ITT


Move. Your neighborhood sounds like garbage.

Kill both of them and then kill yourself for dating such an ugly cunt.

Just let it happen user. She will pay the price eventually, it's only a matter of time. If she was dumb enough to make that choice to begin with, it's a net positive that she be purged from the white gene pool. Our numbers may diminish in the immediate future, but we will become far more concentrated because we will have weeded out all of these types of people.

Holy shittttt

the toll will need to be paid at some stage

you should bang her sister

unironically this

Very nice

>girl on the right
Girl on the left is better.