What are you thoughts on the Out of Africa Hypothesis?

What your thoughts on the Out of Africa hypothesis that starts that homo sapiens began in East Africa then spread outwards?


They found a skull a WHITE SKULL dating back to 700,000 B.C meaning our idea of how long the races have existed is wrong.

Attached: 4.3likeitis_outofafrica.jpg (400x236, 43K)

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OOA theory is disproven.

also regarding
>They found a skull a WHITE SKULL dating back to 700,000 B.C meaning our idea of how long the races have existed is wrong.
Here is most i have on how ancient history is wrong, what really went down and some more stuff or here the same in blog form with more of a red string going through it, but less info due to the replies of others missing

We're they there when it happened?

It's just one step above creationism.

Apes evolved globally.

Thats for bipedal apes not homo sapiens user.

no idea. i think niggers are what the bible calls canaanites, making them basically offspring of eve and the serpent resulting in cain who was cursed to be the first nigger making them halfbrothers of the white israelites

>And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
The serpent, Satan, here is said to have produced offspring with Eve. Now Eve got Cain and Abel (and Seth)
This text goes deeper into the stuff of Cain being the serpents off-spring

Cain, who is the offspring of Eve and the serpent then kills his brother Abel. For this Cain got cursed.
>12"When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer yield its strength to you; you will be a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth."
>And the LORD appointed a sign for Cain, so that no one finding him would slay him.
This Curse made the land not bare fruit to him, and "marked" him

Now we skip a bit of time until after the flood. people mixed with each other, everyone has some Seed of the Serpent in him, but not all express that seed and thus the curse but because its mixed into everyone, everyone is a sinner in the christian ideology. We go to Noah when he was blackout drunk and his son Ham was "seeing Noahs nakedness" (probably raped him). When Noah woke up:
>And he said: Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
Note that Canaan is also considdered to be of the Seed of the Serpent, which at this point got its second curse.
They are unable to agriculture, "servants of servants" aka slaves, and are "marked". Does sound a lot like niggas which in all these years still cant farm, are historically usually used as slaves and are marked by their skincolour

All the stuff about humans allegedly not being properly adapted to this planet, and the degeneration of genes comes from this corruption which was mixed into everyone.

Attached: black man.jpg (794x599, 51K)

Fucking horse shit.
Just because they found a nigger from 60.000 years ago, that's doesn't mean we are from there.
The moment a similar aged remain appears, that theory will crumble in pieces.

it doesn't matter if out of asia is proven to be right, even if out of Africa were correct, modern humans evolved in Eurasian steppe and middle east and that's all that matters, we'd still be incompetent dindus otherwise

>Just because they found a nigger from 60.000 years ago
They never found any black fossils anons.