The truth about the right

Famous right wing people on YouTube have built a career "trolling the libs" and cherry pick interviews with the most poorly spoken people to generate this narrative that the content of their videos represents the broader discourse. People who don't have many friends and are sheltered and not exposed to diversity of backgrounds and opinions, such as you, eat this crap right up.

Let's face it. Trump and the right are fascist. Authoritarian. Militarist. Anti-Rationalist (denying climate change). Xenophobic. Blaming an "internal enemy" (the left). Claiming a role to restore "greatness". Blaming of external enemies (Muslims are an example). Overtly anti semetic. White supremacists. Trump and prominent right wing people such as Lauren Southern all perfectly fit into the description of fascism.

Things like believing there's two genders, the wage gap isn't real, you can't switch genders, that trump isn't a white supremacist fascist, white privilege isn't real, minorities and women aren't oppressed, etc. are all beliefs that result from being a sheltered white male.

You wonder why people want to stop you from spreading misinformation and hate, it's because most people aren't sheltered losers and understand how the world works.

You pretend your opinions are just "different" and act like victims when people get angry at you. There's nothing harmless about racism and white nationalism and we're going to stop you. This speech is harmful and can lead to millions of people being killed. Hate speech is not free speech, nor is it free from consequences.

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Did seem very legit in the first two lines.

It became obvious bait in the second paragraph, nice try though, Amerimutt hiding behind memeflag.

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you wish I was joking. I used to be right wing until I noticed how wrong we were. I was a sheltered white male, angry at the world, just like you.

Why do Amerimutts make these threads?
I see more and more bait threads like these made by old BLUMPF boomers..

>genders, e celeb, buzzwords, i was one of you.
Shitty bait.

so no one is going to address my arguments? SAD! The absolute state of the right. "Everything is bait or a paid shill!"

Please leave.

You're larping is really bad.

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you're terrible at baiting

While there are undoubtedly plenty of sheltered folks on Jow Forums, the wonderful irony of this shill post is that the ones who actually did have life experience before and leading into this era of insanity realize that it's been caused almost entirely by both sides being sheltered. Most people under 30 are barely fucking "real people."

>Things like believing there's two genders, the wage gap isn't real, you can't switch genders, that trump isn't a white supremacist fascist, white privilege isn't real, minorities and women aren't oppressed, etc. are all beliefs that result from being a sheltered white male.

And how is believing the alternatives to those any less sheltered or any more realistic? Ultraliberals in the west are arguably the most sheltered people to ever walk the earth, now and forever as it descends back into chaos. Ignorance is bliss, however.

I didn't respond because I thought it was a troll thread but I'll respond just once to sastify OP

There is nothing racist or hateful about wanting your country to be of your own race.
It's what Japanese, African, Indian and all people of all nations want. Start flooding India with white people and you'll see a poo revolt.

Just because you find someone's speech hateful or are bothered by it doesn't give you the right to suppress it.

As for all that shit about Trump being a white supremisist, militarist, facist - fuck you for not bringing any evidence to support your claims.

You may not be on the right anymore, which is good, it's stupid to wholesale adopt an opinion without thinking for yourself. But you're still stupid because you've now just wholesale adopted the left's opinion without thinking for yourself.

I'm not a fan of the stormfags but at least they have the guts to steak out an unpopular opinion, think critically about it, and defend it. You just seem to adopt whatever views are fashionable

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Why spend the effort? 60% chance OP is one of us larping for funsies. They know all that.

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Rddit spacing, time to go back.

that's a good thing

you wish. Have you seen this nazi bitch's "documentary" on South Africa? The amount of misinformation she spreads shouldn't be allowed. The right loves creating boogeymen to justify their hatred.

Yeah, it's verified by shit loads of white farmers. Only south African bureaucrats disagree with it. We can do this if you like, I do support Lauren no matter what crazy shit she says that'll clearly and obviously get taken out of context and used to terrorise her family later in life.

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As soon as you mentioned the wage gap, I knew this was some BULLSHIT.

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The Right discovered the tactics of The Left and are now using them to gain power. Read "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky, and take a look at his interviews. Hilary Clinton did her undergrad thesis on his work.

Probably the gayest shit I didn't read all week

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nice pasta didn't even read it.

>lets face it. trump and the right are facist.

That's a really strange generalization because I don't think I've ever had the inclination to act this fucking stupid.

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Imagine unironically watching lauren southern anf thinking anybody should listen to your advice

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It's literally true

I don't watch her you moron. I'm using her an example of how the right is full of Nazis spreading hate and misinformation

It was obvious bait by the flag.

hes kinda right though.

most americans tend to hide behind memeflags.
it's too bad you guys can't use your state flags instead

Starvation and economic ostracising also works.

They don't cherry pick, its not like CNN cutting the mute on opposition views. People on the left look stupid because facts matter in debate. Without facts the smartest people in the world look like bozos...

Why does lauren southern have neck wrinkles and look 30??

Boi that bait sure got me

>Things like believing there's two genders, the wage gap isn't real, you can't switch genders, that trump isn't a white supremacist fascist, white privilege isn't real, minorities and women aren't oppressed, etc. are all beliefs that result from being a sheltered white male.
