Whats the ideal place to live with the best chance of survival?

I'm looking for somewhere with:

>a moderate climate
>and that's somewhat secluded from any major cities

So far I'm thinking NW Arkansas, or slightly NE of Las Vegas as potentially suitable locations. What can you tell me about those places, or do you have any alternative suggestions?

Attached: the-united-states-of-america-map.gif (1100x704, 191K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mormon LDS Church controls utah. LDS Church is stockpiling ammunition & supplies for the collapse of the federal goverment. That’s all I can tell you.
The state of Deseret shall rise again.
We’ve fought this country before & we’ll do it again to defend ourselves

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Id be going to Gaspe, QC

Extremely remote and mountainous.

Literally only one inland town in the entire peninsula

Tons of fish and deer and freshwater

Not too far from new york either

Its perfect

I like those places because they're fairly isolated, so they'll be safe from roaming hordes of starving masses. And because there's plenty of open land with mountains and forests to forage for food while remaining secluded from random people that you might have to defend yourself against. Plus they seem like OK places to live in the time leading up to the purge.

Attached: USA_MAP1 forests.png (1039x584, 473K)

I'll post some useful maps that I based my research on.

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Also consider N Central AR. The soil is limier and land is cheaper. There is no agriculture or anything large scale in the area (some chicken factories) but mostly people are local - oriented and very very handy. The best kind of neighbors. Diversity problems do not exist, you'll have to search long and far to find meth - lite areas but they do exist. Make older friends, volunteer at the FD


Fuck off! we're full

It's going to be the Florida panhandle or somewhere in TN. Sorry for the bad news. But it will come down to rainwater access.

Key attributes:
> sparsely populated
> far from large urban centers
> 90%+ white
> forests/water for hunting
> not overly cold or snowy in the winter

I'm thinking rural Missouri, northern Arkansas, or southern Iowa would be best. The Ozarks would be pretty comfy.


Oz-ARK ;)

Is it true that your religion requires adherents to maintain a stockpile of supplies?

I've been considering converting but damnit, I don't know if I can do the substance free thing. Not even coffee? Fuck.

But why import niggers and spics?

What about rivers and wells?

Most spics have left due to stronger Mormon laws but, these laws are similar to Islamic law so it has attracted more Muslims from Somalia. My grandmothers neighborhood used to be almost all spic but, a Saudi investor bought up almost all the houses and turned it into Baghdad 2.0 so its safer to live there but, I know the religion all to well to be at peace.

innawoods. Specifically the Adirondacks.

Admit it, coffee isn't the one you're worried about. Tell us.
>Also, try to learn a litlte about the realities of your purchase. You will buy FSBO, probably on a note with the deed in escro. Some of these country realtors have hardons to get a sale and they will accept almost any payment plan but probably not any interest rate. Try to land a low monthly payment and super low down payment. If SHTF, probably nobody will throw you out. If the neighbors are bad, you can leave. Ultimately your success will have a lot to do with neighbors who can pull you out of the mud, help you get the tin on the roof, and basically tell you how to do everything that you don't know how to. And be your friend and set you up with good people.

I met some contacts at PrepperCon, so I think I'm cool to go back to Utah when the world falls.

Well drilling costs are a big factor. It has to do with the depth of the groundwater and you should try and make/find a map of that. Also try do have some idea how reliable well drilling is, in the ozarks it's high variance.
Well records are very complete and public. The best way to do river water that I know, is to put a bunch of 50 ga drums in your pickup truck and drive them to and fro. Tank and pump are nice, I imagine. Rain catchment can deliver lots of water, the taste is not ideal.

SE Ohio -- low population density, majority white, good rainfall, Appalachian foothills for hiding your settlement.

Here's a basic rainfall map, Ill look for a groundwater one.

Attached: Rainfall-in-US.jpg (1725x1100, 190K)

Except for the race riots in Cincinnati.
>have some Gold Star for me since it's alien to these west coast fuckers.

Attached: awoo-oregon.png (900x900, 1014K)

Definitely not where I live. Were full. Fuck off.

Mountain ranges. Lower Appalachia or anywhere in Rockies

Just FYI: you will be ostracized for not following their religion, and if you don't convert, you might run the risk of being lynched. If you're anything other than pure white they'll treat you like a second-class citizen as well. also that 10% tithe on top of federal taxes is ballbusting

Skyline > Goldstar
Cincinnati is far enough west that I should be OK

>slightly NE of Las Vegas
Water could be an issue.

You got me I used to be a hardcore druggie (basically abused everything you could think of except heroin). This lasted for about 8 years. But for about 2 years now I've cut down to coffee every day, alcohol every weekend, and cannabis once in a while. I can't imagine going fishing or to a BBQ/party without one of the two intoxicants or waking up at 5AM every day without caffeine.

Plenty of private land dealers with in house financing (no banks) in the Ozarks. Also no building codes makes constructing your home very easy / cheap.

If you can't come up with the 2 - 8 grand to have a well drilled in the Ozarks, just make sure your land is in walking to distance of a body of water. Not hard to do, so many creeks, streams, tributaries, rivers, ponds lakes... Just make sure it's not fed by an artificial dam that will flood you out when it fails due to having no maintenance after SHTF.

OP, there's a reason everyone "in the know" about the coming catastrophes refers to the Ozarks as Oz-ARK. If you have any submariner family or other Navy of a decent rank, ask them about where the Navy recommends them to retire and why. They might not tell you because its classified, but basically, google "An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for National Security" for the declassified part. "New Madrid Fault" for the gist of the classified part. Pic related

>10% tithe
Also part of why I'm "considering" it. I'm in the trades, but still just an apprentice and don't have money like that. Not planning on Utah anyway, already got my ark land.

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Some more relevant prepper maps

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Attached: nuke fallout usa 1.jpg (560x386, 74K)

Only Skyline made it up to Cleveland, and the quality was worse than Gold Star in Cincy - otherwise you're right. :)

Attached: 0621 New steel plant in Ohio.jpg (597x662, 175K)

Attached: volcano activity usa.gif (560x419, 13K)

Utah east of or north of Sal Lake CIty

Uh, we have nuke silos in Oregon...
Nice counterpoint. :D

Attached: awoo-oregon2.png (2160x1446, 3.9M)

There are aquifers in both places. My plan is to buy land in a rural area near where I plan to bug out, so Ill just be sure to add a well along with my caches of supplies.

Attached: USA AQUIFERS.png (1174x643, 1.06M)

someone nuke the usa please. Their number one export is being a shithead.

Ozarks are on a limetsone and granite bedrock. This makes earthquakes much less intense for this subregion.

Attached: earthquakes usa.jpg (2250x1500, 958K)

>best place to bug out of SHTF
>staying in the country where SHTF
Think outside the borders. If shit gets bad enough, I'm planning to seek asylum in Canada or New Zealand.

Don't come to NW Arkansas. I live here. We have been averaging 200 new people a day. Half of Springdale speaks only Spanish and houses the largest concentration of Marshall people outside of the Marsh islands. Fayetteville is being bombarded by "inner city types" from Little Rock. (Google Fayetteville shooting). Further North is Bible thumpers, and outside of the cities there is a trailer home every 5 acres filled with people on Social Security and meth.

You're not getting my point. Well drying is a trade. It requires skill and demands compensation to the skilled professional. All that shit breaks down in a true SHTF scenario.

People will be trading guns, ammo, precious metals and food. Not 'well digging services'.

Yes, please nuke our liberal cities.
We dare you.

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If you wanna simulate what the barren wasteland of an apocolypse would be just move to my country.


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from an outside perspective Maine looke pretty comfy.

Dumbass faggot, USA for all it's faults is pretty normal, if shit hits the fan in terms of food/water/resources the USA can sustain itself. If nukes start dropping I'd hide in the USA too. Just deep underground.

>south texas is white

and if you think you can have privacy out there think again. The grannies and "disabled" types have nothing to do except gossip with their neighbors and visit eachother's trailers. This wouldn't be so bad except for all the drugs and their shithead kids that go around breaking into people's houses. I have family on a 60 acre track with a quarter-mile driveway, and they still have people creeping and night because they have nothing better to do that rip people off.

Look at the lower left of that image.

Well my plan is to build up a community before SHTF of people that would be able to survive and work together to rebuild society. It may not even collapse in our lifetime, but I would rather prepare for the worst and that starts with choosing the right location.

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Do it how people did it for thousands of years. Get a tripod, mount a log on an axle to it with a handle, wind some rope around it, and attach a big heavy pointy conical rock to the end of it. Wind up, and release until you hit water.

>People will be trading guns after ammo runs out
>People will be trading food but not water
>People won't be trading skills like building homes, healing the sick, growing food, or acquiring clean water
>People will be trading anything they can't eat, drink, fuck, or use for self defense.
>Muh precious metals meme

Thanks for the maps user. I'm just starting to prep so these maps are good. Here is a good video on bugging out and what is safe.

the US govt beat you to it, they already have underground bunkers all over the country that are embedded deep within mountains with food/water/life support systems + everything else to last for centuries.

Unless you have $3million to blow on a massive underground fortress decked out with everything needed for 50 people to survive 100 years plus an additional $2million in supplies, including fuel, cars/boats/light aircraft [yes make a fucking room for small light aircraft underground faggot]. Then you'll not be doing much. If you can get a decent concrete bunker in the middle of nowhere and hide a car [preferebly a tesla] filled with fuel and wait out 2-3 years of SHTF then thats okay but for long term communities you need $$$$$$$$

Top quality, but doesn't take into account natural disasters

>natural disasters

like niggers?

You don't need money, just gumption, balls, and know how. No rent man to pay after. Just find a spot near water (or drill a well beforehand), and make a mud hut or something. Only need a couple feet of earth between you and the radiation. After a couple weeks or a month - as long as you picked a spot far enough away from nuclear reactors - you can emerge and pick up a semi-medieval lifestyle without too much issue.

I think I saw those documentary films starting one aggravated Maximilian. Very educational.

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Niggers are taken into account in that film. I'm referring more to stuff like New Madrid, San Andreas Fault, rising sea levels, etc.

Motherfucker when the world ends you'll need more than a water spot and a mud hut.

Aussie prepper communties literally do this.

We drive 1 hour out [yes after 1 hour all life dissapears] and simulate living off the fucking grid with limited supplies

West Virginia is literally the best place on earth to live/survive. There is abundant wildlife, resources, natural springs, streams for fishing. Small scale farming only so tyrants need not apply. A heritage of proud, self-suficient people. No minorities. No natural disasters. Fallout 76 is going to red pill the nation. But seriously don't come here, we're full. Go to Hoover dam

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- 100% don't be in the cities. it's a given that the cities will be nasty situations
- the hordes will gravitate to the cities because gibz; a) because the cities are where everyone expects there to be lots of handouts and b) because there is no rumor control in rural areas, and the rumors that cities are giving away food, drink, clothing, etc... will be rampant. Most rural-ites won't go near a major city as it is
- the PNW and the flyover states are prime because they already have people that have been living close to the soil for generations

that place has a ton of radiation and will give you cancer. Or disappear like whole town and cover it up

Have fun dying in nuclear fallout. East coast is full of reactors that will melt down 2 weeks after the electrical grid goes down and their diesel backups run out of fuel. Backup systems require backup electricity to prevent meltdown.

>West Virginia is literally the best place on earth to live/survive. There is abundant wildlife, resources, natural springs, streams for fishing. Small scale farming only so tyrants need not apply. A heritage of proud, self-suficient people. No minorities. No natural disasters.
this, but
>Fallout 76 is going to red pill the nation
cringe, get out of here with that gay shit and God Bless West Virginia

>The Ozarks would be pretty comfy.
we put outsiders on duck boats during thunderstorms. stay away.

Alright, a gun with enough ammo to last until everyone else runs out of ammo.

Then the skill to make and use a bow and spear.

Also the skill to hunt, fish, forage and farm. All things that don't require millions of dollars.

Argentina or New Zealand.

Move inland and away from yellowstone/tornadoes/fault lines I guess. I'd move to the cali-nv border, good weather and far away from most shit

better be far in WV because a fucking rising sea level and mass tidal waves are going to happen if nukes start flying

Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine.

But it depends on what kind of trouble you'd expect. If Yellowstone blows, then you are toast unless you leave for southern half of Argentina or something.

So much of what you say is absurd.

1. Yes
2. It’s not necessarily about drinking coffee, it’s more about being addicted to it. As long as you aren’t addicted, no one cares.

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Do you actually imagine people know even 1/10th of the practical knowledge of their ancestors in the modern world?

Show me one person, anyone, who can still break a horse to do manual labor.

all cities will be destroyed

no I'm not joking

When the world fails just know that you’re welcomed- if you convert

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Too late, already building a geodesic concrete dome. Don't worry, I'll assimilate enough for you to tolerate me

What you say is absurd. Have you never spent more than a weekend in the wilderness? Do you expect roving gangs of niggers to somehow figure out how to survive the weeks it would take them to get from the closest city up to a mountain and then by chance come upon your concealed home? And then survive the encounter?

New Mexico

That goes without saying. City people all voted Hillary. God can't help but punish that.

I guess we aren't agreeing on the situation

What SHTF are you describing?

I'm saying nuclear war or a massive world-wide catastrophe

Hope you brought some Rad-X

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I'd have chosen those as well, but I suspect you have yet to endure a true New England winter.

>Too late, already building a geodesic concrete dome. Don't worry, I'll assimilate enough for you to tolerate me
fine. make sure you stay out of sparta. if you even drive through sparta you will get a contact meth high

Both can be survived with the use of skills one person can easily learn, provided they pick the correct location beforehand.

Nuclear war - be away from targets and have 3-4 feet of earth between you and the outside for the 2-6 weeks it'll take for fallout to dissipate.

Everything else - be away from nuclear reactors and have some survivalist + farming skills.

Attached: we-cant-expect-god-to-do-all-the-work.png (500x856, 191K)

Thanks for the tip user

God beaners are everywhere.


I'm moving to North Dakota in a week. Any advice, lads?

>2-6 weeks for fallout to dissapate


Also, i'd rather a massive underground bunker & etc.

I make fairly large amounts of money, so I'd blow everything I have on a massive concrete bunker deep underground with every single bell and whistle there is.

Come home, white man. The fatherland is calling his children home

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