Asians born in asia: nationalistic, patriarchal, non-deluded

>asians born in asia: nationalistic, patriarchal, non-deluded
>asians & hapas born in the west: batshit liberal
what's the reason behind this common occurrence?

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please provide data

They don't have Jews in Asia. So it's like being exposed to a disease that their society has no immunity against.


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hey why boi you like sucking paki minge?

Because all Asians in Asia grow up jealous and idolizing the west, particularly the women. They want to have White boyfriends and Hapa babies. But they see their cultures as being too conservative, patriarchal, and backwards to all allow it. (The extent to which that's actually true is an open question.) So they come to the west, and are told that Conservatives stand against liberal values and tolerance. They naturally associate them with the intolerant conservative movements back home. They hear things like "The Altright hates race mixing" and they think "Well, those guys stand against White values. I can't date them. I can't get a Hapa baby from them." They don't realize they're connected to a party that not only hates them, and is slowly but surely turning against them, but hates white values as well.

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why do chinese people have fucked up crossed eyes?

Oh herro

Western Asians in leftist cities seek identity. That identity is of an overbearing fucking shitcunt liberal.

Western Asians in the burbs or countryside are some of the coolest guys you'd meet.
Its the cities that turn them into vain cum swigging poofters or pseudo dykes.

I want to have sex with a female hapa

fuck off paki.

Asians in the west are mostly well-off and want for little in life. All of our greatest stories are about struggle, and if you never struggle you crave it. Just like rich white kids who turn hyper liberal and take up the cause of the "oppressed," these guys are just seeking a cause. It's probably worse in them because, since they're not white, they can blame any minor problems they do have on racial discrimination.

>what's the reason behind this common occurrence?
being born in the West is the reason

the West is an evil land, poisoned by an old curse that dates back to thousands of years before Christ.

They're a minority here, and the left is for minorities against the majority.

Exactly this. Their fetish for white people is not compatible with western conservatism.

politics is all about advancing your racial interests

there is no "abstract" tendency to nationalism. in your nation among your people you will be a nationalist in another nation where you are a racial alien you will be antagonistic towards nationalism

Not true, when whites are just 5% of the population of the US, they will still be crying about white privilege. The Jews will still be in control of the media, after all.

insecurity, lack of and conflict of identity, mental instability due to mongrelisation and bad parenting (given, since the parents decided to breed and in all likelihood aren't all there themselves)

unlike mixed race niggers who double down on blackness to deal with inner turmoil, hapas double globohomo subversion, since neither asian or white identity are serviceable

>China/North Korea
Authoritarian government eternally fucking the individual mind to the point where all they can think about is not upsetting the Chinese Communist Party.

Islamic but not a shithole.

Islamic shitholes.

Perpetual shitholes all ruled by remnants of literal criminals.

>Japan/South Korea
Overworked to point of degeneracy. Also nothing more than shadows of their former selves.

Degenerate shithole with a fully corrupt monarchy.

Non-country/Chinese subsidiary.

I shouldnt even have to say anything.

That leaves Bhutan as the only real stable country. And they dont let anyone in.

You're saying the exact opposite of OP

>That leaves Bhutan as the only real stable country. And they dont let anyone in.
Singapore and Hong Kong technically.
Singapore especially. its god tier

Except liberal politics (in the US) actively discriminates against Asians so it makes no sense for them to support that.

>Singapore especially. its god tier

If you like being a perpetual bootlicker and public lashings for """saying the wrong thing"""" then yeah. Great for tourists though. And HK is being flooded by mainlanders at a high rate. With the high speed rail extension happening, I doubt youd even find a native HKer in the next 4 years.

Depends if they live in the city or not

take a guess

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Go where the wind blows. Azn Americans want as many white people between them and the lumpenproles in the coming Favela America.

that is an important factor but remember that asians voted left in all 50 states in the US.
Even the reddest states would have gone for clinton if only asians voted.

the left wings minority pandering is like political crack to half breeds and non white foreigners.
It promises them power and revenge over whitey for all their personal problems(which are all caused by right wing racist whiteys and government ofc) so they can bypass self improvement, responsibility and act out ancient tribal instincts of domination while claiming you are the victim.

>Jews born in Israel : nationalistic, patriarchal, non-deluded
>Jews born in the west: batshit liberal
That’s just how things are.

source:from my ass

Hapa here and I am not liberal and have conservative slavic gf.

All whites need to die. Seriously
I do not care about anything.
But when all white societies die.
My happiness is eternal.

>when a fingol copes in a hapa thread
you need a drink or several


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They get influenced in the West by the Anglo's cancerous philosophy.

Because western women are spoiled entitled bitches


Polu Japanac, znam cak i jednog polu crnac sa kim sam slucajno letovao pre 4 godine.Siptari mislili on neki amer a nije smeo da im kaze da je iz Srbije.


2nd generation Asians who are SJWs are the absolute worst.

desperate for a way to be accepted, since they are generally rejected by both of their racial groups.

>what's the reason behind this common occurrence?
Brainwashing. I'll let you figure out which.

Because Asians that were born in Asia, but immigrated to the west still hold their Asian nationalism and they pass a diluted form of that onto their western-born children which just ends up making them want to "rebel" against the non-Asian society even if they were born in it.

asians are conformists, just wait for the right wing to become the status quo, then they will do the same