You Australians better not be a bunch of faggots like the Brits, get to planning and destroy this balloon (flames would be nice) Get to Work!!
Trump Baby Balloon Coming To Australia
forgot link
Yeah nah be quiet, my black friend, we're a little more civilized than your more Africanized country.
why though? Is trump coming to australia?
We'll make the abbo slaves run at it with spears and shit
>Spend over $30,000 USD to mock a man who doesn't give a shit about you.
>He doesn't give a shit.
>Spend even more money to have your expensive mockery follow him around.
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?
I've got a drone that I could tape a spike to. Could fly it from several kilometers away and pierce the balloon.
I think it might be better to let these people embarrass themselves tho.
>destroy it
>giving leftard media ammunition against "le scary altright nazis"
nice try goldstein
Leftists always lie about penis size.
Not even insane enough.
>destroy the balloon for the Lulz
>mad and spend even more money for bigger, better, bolder balloon.
Bump for a happening.
Baby "Blimp"
It's the size of a minivan at best, it's tiny.
Post close up photos of the blimp and rough dimensions.
they'd fall flat on their face because nobody would expect anything less than the balloon being popped from Australians
Just let them tour the world with it. Permit every leftist the world over to see just how teeny and impotent the left's penis actually is.
No one here will do shit. I really want them to but they wont.
Be the change you want to see
I live in middle of nowhere and have to until my work contact expires.
If Australia popped this we would indeed be Americas greatest Ally.
I'm already attaching a battery powered soldering iron onto a drone.
I'f we could get 5-6 of these going it would go down without any danger to the public
cut the ropes.
A nice idea, but it flies like shit.
if its coming to Sydney I'm up, otherwise nah
Hopefully he doesn't go to the socialist republic of Melbourne, otherwise these floating balloons will be everywhere.
If he came to QLD, ranga Pauline would be there to welcome him as well as all the farmers and non city folk. Would not be a balloon in sight.
I've searched my heart and already know the Emus won't let us down
There are 2 types of Australians, as you can clearly see in these 2 posts
Why do they keep calling it a blimp? The thing is the size of a Nissan Micra.
Need to completely destroy it. Small holes by soldering iron melts won't take it down for long, even just crashing a drone into it will make it too heavy and it will crash. Need to do this safely as well.
letting the balloon fly is more embarrassing to the protestors. Destroying it would legitimize it
>You Australians better not be a bunch of faggots like the Brits, get to planning and destroy this balloon
The only reason to do it would be for the lulz but there is no Shia Leboof figure who will freak out. The only thing that would happen is that their sad balloon deflates, which it does all by itself anyway.
When memes become reality.
Just get one of those high-power lasers. Easy.
dosnt need to fly well.
just has to go up.
no more permits as its a risk for aircraft.
becomes a ground level joke.
thats if its found and not in pieces.
They're illegal here, erm lol?
Just imagine the smell fucking gag
Heaven help us all
Just do a full scale Allah Akbar acid attack. No libshit can criticize that.
"give us money for a tiny joke of a balloon" dosn`t get as much cash as "BLIMP"
polyurethane is resistant to some acids, also safety.
So use Draino. There are preciously few materials which are impervious to both acids and bases.
now theres an idea.
Trump against islam.
balloon is praising trump.
If you burst the balloon, they win.
>flew over London
Floated 10 feet above a bunch of trannies.
Just piercing the balloon wouldn't work. If they can spend 30k on it, they can spend $20 for a patch.
Jesus fuck. How is that guy still moving by the end of that! HE'S GOT NO EYES!!!
Faggot OP trying to make the right look Isn't working rabbi
Hands that have never held a rifle.
>flew over London
wow, what a bunch of fags
wait Trump is coming HERE>???
Trump balloon to be flown as a sign of dominance over islam!!!
False idols are an affront to Allah!!!
worshiping a man in his underwear is a slap in the face to all Muslims!!!!
Shirk (Islam) In Islam, shirk (Arabic: شرك širk) is the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism, i.e. the deification or worship of anyone or anything besides the singular God, i.e. Allah. Literally, it means ascribing or the establishment of "partners" placed beside God.
Why would they destroy it when it makes the normies witness all of their faggotry on the streets? Fuck off, Schlomo!
The Brits failed, Aussie bros, do you're duty and destroy that balloon.-
Because nobody will give a fuck about it, just Uni Left wing nutjobs. The opinion I hear most about Trump from other Aussies is that they love him purely because he speaks his mind and shit talks. I can see the convos about this going
>aussie1;hey, they're bringing that baby trump balloon here
>aussie2;haha, well alright then
The End
Context? How the fuck?
it will be funny to see how the abc will spin it when no one gives a fuck.
We'd probably get away with it too, purely based on the fact that the government is so incompetent that instead of sending in our dedicated unit to diffuse a situation, they used the retarded major city police.
>Spastic Arab gets political, holds a Cafe hostage
>yeah nah mate, forget TAG. Just send in the boys
>oh fuck boys, he has a shotgun bangbangbangbang
>basically miss and kill a couple hostages because you shoot 22 fucking rounds and only 13 hit the Terrorist because of your super tactical Sydney police training
I bet they thought "lets use the call of duty guns" when they decided to use a carbine shooting 5.56 in a situation like that
Whoooo the fuck caaaaares? It’s a fucking balloon the only people that give a shit are retarded liberals and even more retarded conservacucks
>ruin your life to make a balloon a martyr
retards just literally ignore it
Or Waleed, he'll somehow spin it into how the Sudanese are good boys who dindunuffin
Given the balloons small size how did it cost $30k? sounds like someone pocketed some money..
hmmm how to get our Sudanese friends to take it down.
Why? the faggots probably insured it for 10 times its worth and want some cunt to destroy it
I dunno why you people are so fanny flustered about the drumf balloon. We get people mad by the minute for free, we didn't need to crowdfund our assblasting.
whos getting flustered?
i for one just want to see it come down in a funny way.
It doesn't even need to come down, I'll settle for watching a bunch of lone wolf autists hilariously fuck up the attempt.
if they are from a group that cant be criticized all the funnier.
in any other point in history these people would have been hanged in the town square as a warning to other degenerates. honestly just want western civilisation to fall at this point, there's no saving it.
Someone build a formidable sling shot pls.
fun fact.
A torsion ballista is NOT classified as a crossbow in Aust.
got anything to back that up?
Crossbows are also legal in most states requiring no license
Youve been visited by BASED sackbut. You will be blessed with good tone and firm articulation, but only if you reply “we in the BONE zone now.”
Balloon is an effigy of Trump. The poor oppressed Muzzie couldn't help himself.
need ligit use.
not hard to get around.
just always found it funny that a ballista that can chuck a spear isnt a weapon.
A decent home made glove gun should do the job if the projectile is small/heavy/sharp. Small weapon which is legal and easy to conceal. I'm in Melbourne and will take it down if it comes here
Get a bow then, those definitely have no licensing
>"flew over"
>a Tesla-sized balloon that hovered about 20 feet off the ground for two hours before its license expired and had to be taken down
>all for $40k
Fucking sad.
Hahah how sad
the shit youd get in for using a bow in the city.
cant even legally use them in your backyard.
still think just cutting the ropes would be funniest.
All you need is a slingshot.
Only illegal to sell a complete slingshot, not illegal to possess.
Someone cast a line with a shark hook at it?
now how to train them.
>Trump balloon to be flown as a sign of dominance over islam!!!
I knew there has to be some reason I always like you Aussies despite the incessant shitposting.
>we would indeed be Americas greatest Ally.
and you'll get a ticket to fight for israel in some middle eastern shithole as a prize!
nah they don't invite us in great numbers, they need perpetual instability not an outright victory.
hmmmm you realise you proved me right?