Yfw the fed is raised to ground in your life time

>yfw the fed is raised to ground in your life time

Attached: LargeRonPaul.jpg (399x372, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

mises-media.s3.amazonaws.com/Mystery of Banking_2.pdf?file=1&type=document


Thank you hans, what you see is the result of the gutting of our education system.

Attached: 1529500971255.jpg (1441x762, 934K)

what i see is the result of inbreeding
the kraut is right and you are retarded

Never understood the Fed conspiracies... it always seemed like just a poor excuse for poors to be angry about something.

Please redpill me on the fed

If the fed is "razed" to the ground, we're all fucked.

makes a post
responds as op
is the same fag
your thread is shit homo

>tfw your salary is raised

How the fuck does German bro know English better than my own people.