is drumpf finally finished?
How do these sick fucks at cnn even get a hold of this tape?
How does something like this get recorded without the client privilege?
What the fuck is going on guys??!?!?
is drumpf finally finished?
How do these sick fucks at cnn even get a hold of this tape?
How does something like this get recorded without the client privilege?
What the fuck is going on guys??!?!?
>How does something like this get recorded without the client privilege?
Against Trump, all is fair. The media/deep state don't care for any rules or norms anymore. Trump challenges their entire liberal/jew world order and he needs to go.
Drumpf is finished for sure this time.
What are they claimaing was recorded?
He just needs to come out and say "yeah I had sex with a playboy model, it's something I do from time to time, they're all big fans of me, all the models. They think i'm doing a great job as president."
Democrats actually think this'll make him unelectable or impeachable, but it'll just make people vote for him harder.
they claim that he paid some super model through a shell company that they claim trump wanted to pay cash to handle it i guess. not really sure how this will "finish drumpf" Whats more concerning for me is how does your own lawyer record you and then leak the recording to the press either wittingly or by the FBI
You only need one party consent in New York
Same way Trump leaked under a fake name another thing the press jumped on only to be played because it was also a nothingburger.
His voice sounds off... Anyone else notice that?
Wow it's nothing huh weird