Is Texas majority spic now? I want tp move there because of low gas prices but dont know the spic situation

Is Texas majority spic now? I want tp move there because of low gas prices but dont know the spic situation.

Attached: AEA4A8CB-984B-4873-9B1A-621918DBD830.png (800x533, 6K)

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Yes it's horrible. Might be safe in North or East Texas but stay away from metro area the coast and the valley

Literally everywhere except maybe west Texas.

spics aren't even that bad tho

Attached: spic_crime.png (573x286, 11K)

>ok sanchez


they don't need to commit a crime to ruin a neighborhood

Here are the actual demographics btw

Attached: TexasDemo.png (942x322, 23K)

Anywhere south of Waco is either California or Mexico.

My nazis bring all the gays to the yard and theyre like
That fire is hot

When you ignore immigration related crime and break the data down by age group, spics actually commit less crime than White people in Texas

Attached: spic_crime2.png (530x299, 13K)

Damn right that fire is hot

we are on the verge of losing fort worth to these brown sub humans.
austin is gentrified to an extent and could be a white paradise of southern texas, too bad its shitlib capital of the state.
Just fucking nuke houston.
Dont know much about dallas, but still a shit hole i reckon
t. fort worth master race

Attached: tex.png (450x907, 485K)

used to live in DFW. can confirm. just don't live around black people.

Don't come here, we don't want you anyway.

Just get an electric car

The ones in the burbs aren't so bad, but the ones in predominantly black areas ... yeah. Avoid.

Most Hispanics unironically believe that they are white. So you can't really trust any demographics.

yeah I meant majority black areas, like south Dallas...interestingly, the only majority black municipality, De Soto, is pretty nice.

de-segregation really fucked over black people. all the good ones left their communities.

Whiter than you Chang

Attached: 5FE15574-58A4-4431-8629-527B6119B31D.png (399x376, 77K)

My skin is white and I have green eyes, yet I guess I'm a nigger spic according to your definition?

Fucking leaf

We'll get it back lads, we beat them once we can do it again. Don't listen to these fuck-face morons who are always saying "HURR IT'S TOO LATE! YOU LOST!" We still have Trump and Abbot and both are hell-bent on doing more than following the rule of law.
Just don't stop fighting.

Attached: 348d49a33c466dd7aee3397c8fca481d.jpg (1275x1650, 327K)

southern texas is literally 0% white

Attached: amerimutts are white.gif (842x811, 165K)

I visited el paso once when i went with one of my female friends to shop in the US malls and it was literally ALL mexicans. Like out of 100 people only 2 or 3 where white anglos

Shit was hilarious

soon all of amuttrica will be

one peculiar thing was that while El paso was like 98% beaner, most of the beaners there spoke english and were very americanized, they were almost like white dudes but uglier and browner

On the other hand when i visited dallas, the demographics on the street seemed to include much more white and black people and spics where a minority (although a big one) but the majority of those pics where either no english wetbacks that looked very third world or spics that dressed and acted like niggers

The End is oNly the end when it ends, but it never ends until it ends

San Antonio reporting in. We need reinforcements. (((They))) are moving the Cenotaph Monument to fuck knows where, and I fear they may try something fucktarded with The Alamo.