James Gunn Fired for pedo tweets

>James Gunn Fired for pedo tweets
>Dan Harmon deletes twitter exposed for screwing child sex doll
>Clare Bronfman arrested for involvement in sex cult
>Justin Roiland tried to delete his tweets of his naked drawings of Barron Trump only for them to be archived by internet

Holy shit it really is habbening isnt it

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.ca/search?q=justin Roiland tweet naked drawings of Baron Trump&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA690CA690&oq=Justin&aqs=chrome.0.69i59l3j69i57j35i39j0.942j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


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Time to invest in some Rope Boys and Goys.

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>No links



aww it cant internet
ok fine




google.ca/search?q=justin Roiland tweet naked drawings of Baron Trump&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA690CA690&oq=Justin&aqs=chrome.0.69i59l3j69i57j35i39j0.942j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

get with the program japan

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>>Clare Bronfman arrested for involvement in sex cult

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it also turns out roiland is anti semetic

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sam hyde is next! go go go!

this is actually huge

"Sam Hyde" died years ago and serves a niche market.

you forgot
>POL becomes the SJWs

you forgot
>pedos are bad
sjw's are for pedos for some reason

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Fuck em. Use their tactics against them.

I member

member feeling safe?

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>bad goy! go back to being losing cuckservatives

i member

i can only imagine how many pedos are involved in cartoons, kids shows and movies, no wonder holliwood kids turn up so fucked up

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James Gunn will get his job back before filming begins. Harmon was excused. Roiland is a crazy alcoholic and nobody cares what he does. How is this a happening, really?

Holy fuck they got a Bronfman now? That meme magic only took a few days to work. This is probably the most powerful person actually charged so far. Shit gonna get real.

What the fuck is this shit, how can someone promote fucking NAMBLA...this was Columbia University in New York? If so that is where Joel Davis conveniently went to school.

within the span of a week these events have occurred, and Clare Bronfman is the heir to the Seagrams family fortune

shes been in the spotlight for like 8 years

This. Bronfman is a big catch. Its not only footsoldiers anymore.

Patton Oswald next.

Their family are big players in hwood.

butthurt leftists are never going to win again. its over for them forever

at the very least bringing attention to their antics gives everyone they know, work with and associate with heads up of what they are really like if they do not already know.
imagine working with someone who fucks plastic baby dolls. I am sure a great many people will not look at them the same way.

Rule 4 nigger


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I would like to believe it's a sign of progress, but all too often nothing ever happens. This chick will have good lawyers, do a little time in a minimum security prison, etc. She won't implicate anyone else or they suicide her in a jail cell.

And NXIUM links pedos and sex cults to Hollywood right while they're trying to keep those associations at bay.

Maybe somebody in the WH is paying attention

>Jow Forums becomes everything they hate

Full circle. You had a good run, five or so years where leftists were actually more against free speech than conservatives. Now it's back to status quo with liberals standing up for freedom and conservatives trying to crush it.

Then we have to make sure something happens. Keep pushing

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Get Rick and Morty cancelled please. The tard rage would be amazing.

>pedo apologist

Rule 4. It didn't have to be this way, but leftists have played dirty tricks for too long for it to not happen to them. Time to be held to the same standard, see how they like it

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if only these posts were enough to save you

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Nice track m8

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Hopefully it keeps going. Nothing will get normies talking more than drama with celebrities.

Relax broheim, it was a Thernovitch prank.

>muh pedo "jokes"

>/pol are sjw's for calling out pedo culture in lolliwood
why do you want to enable pedophiles user?
do you fuck kids too user?
don't worry user the rope is very long, there will space for you.

Bronfman paid 100 MILLION DOLLARS ON BAIL!!! wtf I never heard of something that high. What did she do??

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we back in business

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Just... FUGG :D

>Benjamin Bronfman is the ex-boyfriend of singer MIA, who had a public custody dispute with her over their child when the Bronfman family attempted to take full custody of the child.

>Shortly after President Trump signed his December Executive Order seizing the assets of human rights abusers, Julian Assange tweeted a link to MIA's music video "Paper Planes," along with what appears to be a blockchain transaction ID.

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Do you realize you are Jews trying to preach at a Nazi meeting, to use a language you will understand? Jow Forums is a pedo hive and at least one of you is probably a pedo. Either your outrage is only for show, making you a duplicitous, hypocritical faggot, or you are actually outraged, meaning you don't belong here. You are faggots either way and you will never be welcome on Jow Forums. Having the support of many other faggots like yourselves on your containment board makes you no more welcome here than a muslim surrounded by many other muslims in an immigration camp.

That's insane. The tweet was cryptic asf and now we know what it was about.

for some reason you want to protect pedophiles, scary shit. Pedophiles deserve to be punished and that should go without saying

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>Imblying that is without precedent, and chanology never happened
Double nigger faggot

are... are you david hogg??

Sorry bucko we're just now enjoying that the shoe is on our foot for once. Our nations are still at risk of becoming non white and yet you tell us we have the status quo?

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You’re forgetting one other option. Lulz

Do you even know what status quo means, brainlet? I forgot I have to use baby words when discussing with conservatives.

this went a lot further and a lot faster than i expected. this week is one of the good ones

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It's getting weirder too. Clare hacked her own dad to read Hillary e-mails he had with her. Pic related.

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We will meme the 4th Reich into reality. There is not a single thing you kikes can do to stop it. This time the holocaust will be for real.

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Can really smell these fucking desperate kikes lately.

Jow Forums is bringing the pain to the Jewish pedo scum.


fugggggg... this is gonna hit hard if it hits Mexican news

Yooooooo Bronfman links cemex-hwood-cgi this is fucking it!

good fuck liberals i only take cock from repubs now

Yeah the guy has a twisted sense of humor.

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Jim Davis.
Find him.
Jow Forums let the hunt begin!

Jim Davis did Garfield

Roiland is pulling a Ben Garrison and putting a famous comic's signature on an offensive cartoon

>how dare you be disgusted with ab/use of children

Oh gee can’t quite put my finger on it. That doesn’t sound like being outraged about not being addressed as a unicorn gender

It seems related to that inspiration Marty and Doc Brown blowjob short he made.

Spoiler for season 3 going political?
Let's see.

Status quo, literally "the way things are". If we're going back to status quo, that mean things haven't changed from before. Since demographics have destabilized, you can't say that things are back to the way they were. Just because we're putting our foot down again doesn't mean nothing has changed

might wanna include tom hanks

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Mystery solved

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>J-I-M D-A-V-I-S

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The picture is a bit weird. What am I missing?

Nothing that looks like evidence or anything useful.

I know it's hard for a leaf, but at least try not to be a nigger. You make the post, you post the links, too. If you actually want to get the redpills out you need to make them as easily accessible as possible, not try to hide your own laziness behind attitude.

I think they're trying to use the shadow of their own hand to demonstrate the glove is child-size.

Liberals standing up for free speech my ass. There's only doing it to protect thre own.
When any one says any thing they remotely find racist joke facts about race realism they scream racism and go on a full attack to ruin a persons life.

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>t. pedo that thought this was his safe space

>Jow Forums is a pedo hive and at least one of you is probably a pedo
For once you are correct, as (You) are the pedo in this thread

I've been hearing this thing lately where people are getting angry about humanizing pedophiles.

How fucking weak can you be where you need to dehumanize your enemy even have a moral standpoint.


>fugggggg... this is gonna hit hard if it hits Mexican news

cemex is part of the whole operation

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Well...at least it is a step in the right direction.

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nobody said anything about needing to.

It's just better for society that way.

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you want to teach the left to not do this shit with racism allegations you have to show them that if they legitimize a tactic it will be turned back upon them

Jow Forums is like Batman. Think about Batman's closing speech in the Dark Knight, and commissioner Gordon's final commentary. "He's not a hero. He's a silent guardian.... a watchful protector"


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Ryoko is the purest love. You are a good man.

Feels good.

harmon must go for real

.2 for you goyim

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Justin Roiland made this and at three minutes morty licks ricks genitals, weird how he also wrote the tweet about rick and morty having a relationship in other realities

So what you saying is since we are batman Jews fear us?