Don’t let him be forgotten

Bring light to the situation on Twitter, IG, YouTube. Do whatever you can to bring light to this so that he will be remembered and the public may know what happened. I will not stand for the silence in the media when the tragedies don’t support their agenda.

Use #justiceforlevi if you can

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When will racial war begin ?

I want that ape of a woman to be put through the same pain and torture that poor child went through

I won't ask anybody to imagine a white doing that to a niglet because it simply would not happen

But what SHOULD happen is to punish those responsible

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Can’t even find the story on google. Forces at work to bury story.

President discusses illegal campaign slush fund two months before election. Lies to voters and public about sex.

well what happened, i have never seen this picture before, is that the sheboon who blowtorched the kid on christmas day

I say we sentence that nog to death by ling chi.

Attached: Ling-Chi.jpg (632x415, 40K)

Nope it’s another woman who beat the mother with two grown men using a mace and then burnt the child alive and left him to die at a rail road. He later died of his injuries in a hospital