Will Gen Z save us?

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> They drink less, take far fewer drugs, and have made teenage pregnancy a near anomaly. Generation Z – one of several terms used to describe post-millennial youth born after 1996 – prefer juice bars to pub crawls, rank quality family time ahead of sex and prioritise good grades before friendship, at least according to a report published by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service last week.


It's just a result of them using social media more, they're all just emotionally stunted and will probably contribute even less to society than millennials, despite their vice.

>12 years old
>we do less drugs and drinking
damn really made me think

>Its one of those millieniwl self hater that wants to be a Gen z because butthurt

they are literally worse than my generation and that should be impossible

Great, a generation of autists. We can thank pewds.

100% this. They are destroying their attention spans and dopamine with YouTube and Twitter.

Now the autism numbers are 1 in 68. It's climbing. Autism is the future.


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No. They'll probably get jobs more easily though, simply because not gen y scum.

the reality is they think technology gives them shit to do when in reality they are just staring at their phone all day

if they actually took the time to learn programming, 3d modeling, animation, etc then humanity could advance instead of just shit posting memes all day

>People born in 1996 are now 12 or 32 years old depending on the math

Damn, I'm an age

>one picture
everyone is separating between vapid cunts and based zoomers
its better this way

yeah we all said that till the real world hit us like a train. Just wait.

We are generation Zyklon.
There will be no mercy.

>juice bar
>I'm just gonna pop down to the juice bar teehee
Try to come up with a gayer sentence.

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the oldest Gen Z kid is 22 right now. I'm just saying it's a little early to be making these kind of stories. let them go through their twenties before claiming they drink less and are less degenerate

Save us, they can't even look at the fucking camera.

gen z is riddled with anti social behavior and anxiety disorders, depression. I have no faith in them.

a literal boomer president is saving our asses

They'll get jobs more easily because they won't come out into the wasteland of boomer choices that I did.

Trump is merely delaying the inevitable, I'd say he was 'saving our asses' if he was having massive deportations and actually getting the wall built.

Yay! Long live boobula

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Can confirm this is all more or less true.
t. '99

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Where I am a lot of people prefer the shitskins because when you get served by a white gen y you want to punch them in the face as you leave.

>delaying the inevitable
This, the amount of damage done can not be understated and won't can't be undone, we are long past saving this thing sadly.

Back in the late 90s I could see how awful gen y was just by how they behaved on the internet. I thought it was just youthful stupidity but it wasn't. It was a permanent state of faggotry. I am seeing gen z at the same age now, they're almost certainly not that bad. They're quite good actually.

>all the things yoy listed are just basic tools in an advanced shitposter's stockpile and barely used to improve the world when compared to memetic production

Autism is the future so die old obsolete human

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if the populace armed themselves and started up holding the law in unison. then things would be fixed.

But I'm gen Z and I'm 28.

I feel bad for the kids but the manipulative wannbe Führer in me is thinking 'Good, these disenfranchised teenagers will make willful recruits.'
I can't be the only one and some will be more charismatic than me. Fun times ahead.

I'm not too sure. If during Trump's second term he starts massive multi-million migrant deportations there's a chance things could be saved.

>if the populace armed themselves and started up holding the law in unison
But it won't, and you know it. "what if" scenarios are pointless.

For the most part yea

Some do not use social media though, but most post thousands of photos of themselves so that Facebook and Snapchat can catalog their faces to use in mass datasets.

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36yo Zomer AMA.

Yeah that's what I've always thought. Gen Z will save us. After you fucks flooded pol and turned it into /b/ 2.0 that's been my suspicion all along. You'll be our saviours.

>Trying to make healthy choices seem uncool by comparing it to faggotry
You're really new to the kike shilling game aren't you?

gen z is mexican

>massive multi-million migrant deportations
Honestly it wouldn't make a difference because the people here legally are gonna displace us anyway. At least 1 million non-whites immigrate to the USA every year (and have been since 1965), even stopping it entirely probably wouldn't save us from the people we already have here.

based zoomers

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fruit juices aren't healthy. They're the same as drinking coke fortified with some vitamins. Just eat the whole fucking fruit.

then we deserve it. if a man can't defend his own home, then he deserves to lose it

Nope. They will blissfully wait for their download while America, and the world, burns to a crisp.

delet this

>most kids pick the best answer because it makes them look good (extension of virtue signaling they do on social media anyway)
>keep ignoring family in favor of staring at phone, listen to rap, smoke weed and pass out drunk
>wow, based generation

Dude I'm sad about it, but I'm not gonna be a faggot and say "we deserve to die". honestly only white people think like this. Nobody else on the planet rationalizes their own death but us.

Is that a flag of Tchad or one of Roumanie?

Din ce judet?

yeah, sure, xanax rap is going to save us

I am a millennial and I've never smoked weed. I don't even drink I was born in 86. This shit with gen z is fucking bullshit either that or millennial like me are teaching there kids that people our parents and boomers are scum of the earth and not to act like them.

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no they are very naive and are in for a shock of their lives.

50% emotionally stunted white autists who have yet to go through (((university)))
50% mexican

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Born in the same year bro. Am child free. Children are born only to suffer.

i wish I could have a kids but I am poor as fuck and dont want to raise them in the public school system just for them to have a chance to actually get fucking brainwashed by leftist.

99' boi here. Millennial faggots get the rope too.

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I don't want kids because they'll be in the way of me becoming a hermit. I want to gain knowledge using the occult.

if everyone is just going to sit around and let it happen. then it is deserved. there's no way around it. if you have a solution to a problem, yet you decide not to fix it anyway, who's fault is that?

This board, and I suppose people in general, are full of pithy rationalizations.

'97 here. I'm at the forefront of Gen Z. My peers are smarter than Millennials, more conservative, and more career-focused (due to the economy the boomers ruined).

We may not be able to save civilization from the barbarians, but we'll give the barbarians a fight.

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Absolutely not.
Slightly more conservative than millenials, but still dissolute.
Gen Z enjoys memes about gassing jews, but refuses to use 'gay' as an insult



Kill yourself.

>prioritise good grades before friendship
then why the average scores of highschool students keep falling?

Autism is redpilled.

yes. the kids are alt right

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18 year old, teacher last year confirmed even she noticed less teen pregnancies, and drug use(except heroin), and with everyone talking about the social media addiction, I wouldn't say overall we are worse than millennials, yet I feel like we are more aware of our problem than millennials are

Nah, Boomers are awesome and wise. Enjoy the world they left for you.*

*Results may vary. Enjoyment not guaranteed if the user desires a reasonable living standard.

zoomers don't know what a bridge crane is

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>listen to mumble rap about taking drugs, drunking, and other degeneracy all day
>do nothing but stay in their rooms on electronics
>claim to be conservative but don't ever demonstrate it

Please don't fall for the Gen Z meme you retards

of course not, it only gets worse

Gen Z is super early 20s they still drink and fuck but they fiddle around on medication apps for 10 minutes and think about mindfullness

Lets not go thinking we are any better. Shitposting on chans is still social media.

All the drugs they do are legal and prescribed by (((physicians))).

They smash all the time on Tinder. Birth control is just cheap AF and even a part time burger flipper can afford it

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Damn, I'm proud of my generation, besides the tide pod thing, we're generally more intelligent than boomers and millennials

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ITT anecdotal evidence

32 years old and never smoked weed? You must have been a shut-in your entire life.

There will be no generation that will save anything. The only generation that you can really look forward to are the ones that will come after the collapse of western powers who will pick up the pieces of what is left.

Im 22 gen z, a lot of people i know are burnt out early in a sense like i am

We used drugs n alcohol early, 8th grade thru highschool, most quit b4 HS ended others continued, i continued n ended up in rehab for perc’s (opiates/opiods) n now im completely sober 8 months

Most realize its degen early on, if not they end up like me

You're a millenial retard

You have to be delusional to even consider that. They are the most emotionally stunted and confused generation in humanity. It's not their fault, though.

Very low IQ

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15 year olds: Smokers are jokers
Media: what a scoop, these gen z folks are anti drugs

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Gen z here. This isn't very accurate. While no teenage pregnancies have happened yet, most teenagers drink a lot and some have tried drugs. A smaller amount have casual sex but it isnt a big thing as you would think. Every person that fucks has some form of birth control.

Can confirm they are way more ideologically redpilled than millenials tho.

Also please never quote the fucking guardian.

I can't fucking stand anyone in gen Z and I am gen Z

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They sit on their phones and have helicopter parents. They might not be addicted to drugs or alcohol, but they are addicted to social media and their phones.

as a gen z, gas the jews

We said the same shit at their age. Be honest. Everyone wants to one up big brother.

North Korea is the final red pill m8.

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Maybe he made a conscious choice to be a non-smoker. I'm over 25 myself and have never smoked despite being offered to do so many times.

Same here bruder

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True, but even if you make a w0p iq post, within an hourvitcwill be lostcforcall time. Vanity is something the average Jow Forums user lacks.

Hahahahahahahaha, boomers maybe, but gen z is retarded.
t. Millennial high school teacher

It seems like all our time spent mocking people who behave like retards may have paid off a bit.

i am going to partake in the actions of getting my asshole pounded by a pack of horny black men who will then proceed to ejaculate ejaculate matter