Like, if you actually want to do your Hitler shit, go out there and fucking start an insurgency. Fuckin' Shitbrains are to busy complaining, just like the Marxists. You're infighting won't go anywhere, you all bark, no bite international dicks
What the fuck nazis
Aaron Foster
Henry Robinson
Jacob Clark
Nazis are pretty fucking retarded to be honest. Swastikas and self-describing as a Nation Socialist only delegitimizes all dissident right movements.
Charles Cook
Sebastian Taylor
stop being such a faggot.
Hunter Collins
Maybe what you see as Hitler shit is different from what we see as Hitler shit? Perspective matters
Also sage and kys
Nicholas Collins
Jayden Jenkins
>go fo nazi shot
>post stars and bars
Nathaniel Morales
We already do it in my country. We don’t have liberals here
Aiden Diaz
dont worry, once you realize you cant fix things through democratic means, you'll remember the only other option