Underage kids having sex with adults: NO NO NO NO NO

>underage kids having sex with adults: NO NO NO NO NO
>underage kids having sex with each other: perfectly fine
Can somebody understand this law for me?

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Find someone your own weight and age you fucking pedo.

if a kid has sex with another kid the parents can charge the other kid with statutory rape, at least in canada.

I'm underweight, can I fuck the teenage girls?

i just gave my son an old fashioned country fuggin'

its natural

The same reasons lions are kept in the same enclosure as lambs.

I only fuck 20 y.o. women, thank you very much.
But I want to understand the point of this law. Are kids too young for sex or not? If they aren't, why punish adults?

>two 15 year olds have sex
>she wants to film it
>he ends up on a sex offender list

An adult is considered to have power and authority over a child, if an adult has sex with a minor it may be because the minor believes they MUST listen to the adults request. And since the minor is under the false assumption that there is no choice, they cannot consent, and thus the adult is guilty of statutory rape.

>imagine kids had sex with adults is like Rusia annex Crimea.

>power dynamic
Reduced to idiocy when you apply it elsewhere

You know you're allowed to fuck your boss right?

Unless you have something to offer against the argument that there's a power gap between a child and an adult. It's going to be repeated on here and there's nothing new to see.

Yes, but in the case of two consenting adults, both parties are aware that they can say no. A child who's views of the world are still forming and is told to obey his elders, is not always aware of this.

Depends on the company and their policies tbqh

>making up things on the internet

That's still bad. People who experience sex early have higher chances of divorce and are more degenerate.

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It's easy. Keep your filthy mitts off the kiddies and you'll be fine.

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You know teens could marry in Jesus' time, right? Jews had a pretty good marriage system until they decided to ruin it for everyone.

Are you retarded nigga?

> mad he cant smash kids baginas

>don't get laid in high school
>have fetish for underage retards
lmfao@ur lyfe mykola