This got derailed

They worked overtime to convince everyone that this was not a child due to tile size. But if you go to the twitter thread and click to the other picture of the kitchen you can see that the tile size changes by the fridge. And on this picture you can tell that the line of the to;e by the corner of the rug does not match the line of the tile in the foreground...put a ruler by it and you will see what I mean, they don't line up. Also he has deleted this tweet from his timeline. And he never responded to any of his friends at the time who were asking about the body on the floor.

Attached: dunno.jpg (1024x768, 282K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it's a dead soundcloud rapper

contest? also original unedited pic please

so who are these people?


>reaching this hard

>porn star
>porn star
>some goy

hey, just spitballing here, but it would be really funny to say it was a child until they are forced to address it.
btw i dont think a dead child is funny (unless it's a refugee amiright?) but I dont actually think it's a dead person. it looks like someone drank too much at the party.

>Imagine wasting your life with shit like this
It's a fucking adult, you sperg.
This is why no one takes pizzagaters seriously. We all know it's real but you guys keep sabotaging it with this kind of inane, schizophrenic "investigations".
This is Obama's satanic costume all over again.

Who are these people?

>implying Obama isn't a faggot

>porn star
>porn star
>some goy


Attached: 1503341357921.gif (252x263, 2.99M)

>implying I ever implied this

>t. all-american jew

There are no children in this pic.
Not even close. At best one of them MIGHT be a late teen. But even then we're talking like 18-20.

apologies, carry on

Not politics.

This whole Jow Forums going all out SJW shit has gotten real tired and stale because of stupid shit like this.

Justin Roiland, co-creator Rick and Morty Riley Reid, porn star. Accoriding to this poster-Cam-
@ChrisClick15 Alex Hirsch, Ethan and Hila, Justin Roiland, and Riley Reid at the same party

Those look like adult arms, a leftists basedboy adult, but an adult.

look at the zoomed portion ya fag.

See the foot??

no idea who these people are and don't see a child or a refrigerator.

Listen.. It's not going to work. You can't throw us on the wrong track that easily.

I think this is the original: (2048x1536)

tweet seems to be still online for me:

Attached: C1JKN2yVEAAl8Da_orig.jpg (2048x1536, 372K)

Am retarded what am I supposed to see here?
In the enlarged part.
Or do you mean the skank in the middle is a child?

You can see the original on the link, I cannot download it now.

oh now i see

which one is the child?

It is online, but deleted off of his timeline.

Who? I don't see anybody else in that degenerate fucked up party. I'm sure it has to do with the Rick and Morty guy (Justin Roiland), in my uni when people get around people that vote right-wing beliefs they all become right-wing, same with anime so I guess same with fucked up illegal fetishes.

thats a babys foot for sure, beige sock, bare shin, blue pants leg

Scroll down you will see zoomed in photos and his friends asking about the dead body.

How do you not see the child lying on the floor in the background?

After looking more closely I see a closed fist and an arm, and an entire leg

Also Riley Reid is disgusting jesus

im not seeing a kid. wtf

stop this

I see the dead child, that's what I meant. I just don't see an alive child anywhere else in that fucked up party. I can't find any midget who drank too much in his party.
>inb4 now he says he was a midget and recreates it by paying an actual midget to pose like the dead corpse and people believe it but it's completely fine because he exposed a jew (Logan Paul)

Fucking retard. Go back to r*ddit. Shit I fucking hate brainlets.

>btw i dont think a dead child is funny (unless it's a refugee amiright?)
I hope you die a horrible death. You made me cringe so fucking hard I lost my erection. Thanks.

Explain yourself, Ethan

So what a kid is on the ground in the background one of thenpornstars couldn’t find a babysitter I don’t get it what’s the outrage

>a child appears in a picture
fuck you cunts are retarded

Goblins are fucking real.

Based leaf

>a jew (Logan Paul)

>shh don't talk about controversial or challenging topics
>I'm feeling sleepy, how about you cunts?

so what lol

who is the girl in the middle

This pic makes me hate people, especially coke heads.

Why is this being shilled against do so hard??

Attached: alphachad.jpg (378x568, 42K)

>a picture of adults partying where a child is seen in the background is controversial
explain how


Holy Christ that women on the right is a demon, jews are starting to resemble their overlord satan

Sage simply because a Latina at my school was 4ft 9inches tall

Would full Nelson her to this day

maybe if I knew what this is supposed to be I wouldn't post "so what lol"

Could you expect anything else from Strayan bitch? He couldn't even be troubled to make a Gay Blow Job edit

Attached: 1504760461290.jpg (640x853, 63K)

Attached: nasal ranger.jpg (271x186, 7K)

that's a dead girl

Attached: 1531241771929.png (446x460, 202K)

Attached: 1520235427475.png (784x727, 531K)

my mind was also blown, he is the very deffinition of a jewish mutt

Attached: Screenshot_20180725-094627.png (1080x590, 118K)

>it's just a kid lying face down on the ground goys!

Attached: jewupgraded.png (662x858, 25K)

Oh shit

Ok now what?

>a picture of a kid lying face down on the floor while people are laughing and taking pictures are controversial... how?

Attached: S_P_O_T_T_E_D.gif (270x270, 182K)

>reee why did a private company fire someone for acting in a way said company doesn't agree with! I quit!
>ugh this culture of outrage!
>the worst part is some of those jokes were funny!

These people I swear.

Attached: Untitled1.png (589x543, 385K)

"Justin Roiland - co creator of rick and morty"
>kid on the floor in the background
checks out

It's defnitely a child, because he's hardly occupying more than half of the rug. Some weird shit is going on there. I don't think h3h3 are child murederes, though, despite them being jews.

the tiles seem large but consistent between two photos.

For real whose the chick in the middle tho

Yeah, it's not even half way, the shoulders look to be at the end of the rug too judging by the arm placement. That's either a midget which is highly unlikely, or a fucking child face down on the ground.
Huh, I wonder which is more believeable after these past few days.

>kids don't always lay face down on the floor

>parents aren't allowed to have fun

everytime I visit Jow Forums I'm convinced you're all 16 year old virgin retards

Now I'm not saying something bad might have not happened, but this pic is certainly 0% proof of that

Clasp at straws more you fucking LARPing faggots

Holy shit it’s real


Attached: 7669DFF1-717D-488A-84D8-9E22E7D77E5D.jpg (184x184, 18K)

please explain

never forget

Attached: Di1r-BIVsAAAPGm.jpg (575x1024, 65K)

This guy is a creep

Yes, a random ass child lying face down on a rug, not in a bed or on a couch like a normal kid, on a rug at a party with a porn star and a couple of youtube Jews. Given all the shit that's been going on lately, I wouldn't be surprised if it's what we think it is.

That's just a petite woman...I'm sure you've never seen one since in America there are only people as fat as you but trust me, thats normal in proper countries.

>this got derailed
As it should.

Jow Forums faggots thinking it’s a dead body because they’ve never seen someone pass out at a party
My kek levels are dangerously high

you've clearly not been around children at all if you think they aren't left on loungeroom floors face down

fuck you cunts are retarded, at least find something plausible

Lmao, some adult actually lives there

There are all kinds of possibilities like,
>perspective skewing the size
>it being some passed out kid they ignore because they are bad parents/drunk
but of course one of the possibilities is still
>its some kid they have sexually abused