Lemme put it to you this way…

Lemme put it to you this way…

I’ma wholesome, white, Midwestern male (Wisconsin). My exposure to blacks has (had) been limited to ventures into Milwaukee/Madison for whatever reason – which was on very rare occasion. In the past few years my “smalltown city” has decided to promote government subsidized housing – which has promoted an influx of Milwaukee/Madison transplants.

I was never racist until this happened. I believe everyone deserved a fair shake. But holy fucking CHRIST. In the past few years we’ve had broad daylight muggings, armed home invasions, bank robberies, an explosive number of rapes, and a handful of murders. It has ALL been NIGGERS.

WHAT THE ACTCUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS ‘RACE’? I shit you not, just tonight I watched 2 black women get into what I couldn’t call anything less than a screeching baboon fight with some other black dude over money… Christ even knows what the money actually entailed. All I can say is these 2 sheboons were screaming from a car that a black dude was attacking with whatever was available in the immediate vicinity. Rocks, sticks, the motherfucker even tried ripping a street sign out of the ground… yet at the same time the sheboons just antagonized him until they tore ass out of the parking lot they were in goddamn near crashing into oncoming traffic in the process.

Tonight sealed our (my family’s) fate, so to speak. We are moving. We’d actually been planning it for a while (we were going to let our son finish out middle school.), but tonight just accelerated it. Our house will go up for sale this week. I’m not waiting for the bullets to start flying. Fuck this shit, we’re out.

To any blacks reading this, what the actual fuck? You migrate into an area and fill every fucking stereotype in an instant? What the fuck is wrong with “your people”?

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niggers aren't people

Burn the fucking nigs out.

Even Gorillas would be better neighbours than niggers, and those things can literally tear you apart.

You can take the nigger out of the jungle but you cant take the nigger out of them.

Replace blacks with poor city people and you'll get a similar situation

Where you at?
Lake Country reporting in.

I moved into brand new apartments and with zero black people. 2nd year after I sign the lease ghetto nigs move into one apartment. First weekend, they have a cookout with 50 nigs all in the parking lot, little niglet kids fighting each other bumping into doors leaving a film of rib juice on everything. Loud shitty rap music. Drinkin dey 40s. The next Monday everybody got an email saying something has been stolen and they are closing the back entrance. A trail of trash leads from the stairwell to their door 24/7.
They stayed for about 3 months and were gone, idk what happened. The shortest lease they offer here is 6 months. So I'm thinking they either didn't pay their rent or got arrested.

>poor city people
so blacks
>Replace blacks with blacks...

all the poor city people are black

sympathies user! i grew up around niggers, and ended up hating them! you're not 'racist', 'racism' is a put down word used against whites, it has no meaning!

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Please don’t tell me they’re niggitizing with Section 8 anywhere west of Waukesha all the way to Madison. That would be bad.

Lake country area is beautiful user, truly. I do a lot of business out that way. And apparently it outprices the niggers so far.

I don't want to give away my exact location, so lets just say I ride the border between Dodge and Jefferson county. That should give you a good idea.

Objectively false
Poor city people commit far less crime than rich niggers do on average

They are user, I'm sorry to say. I'm due west of Waukesha.

Naw poor white people aren't as bad a white guy will be like"Excuse me sir imdown on my luck and anything you can give will help" and if you give them money they are grateful and say thank you where as a nigger is like "A YO LEND ME A DOLLAR N SHIT I KNO YOU GOT IT " YO GIB ME A DOLLAR" And if you give the money a buck they are like "DATS IT? I KNOW YOU CAN GIVE MORE! fucking nigger are literal trash

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Poor city people are black

yea I know Waukesha
that bitch owe me some mother fuckin money

They are starting ruin my beloved Montana with hispanics and race mixing. Race mixing is the only reason we went from 91% white to 89%. We are only .3 black. Blacks can’t handle our lifestyle and weather.

>poor city people

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Not the ‘Tucky! Even if I’m wrong, I’m sorry to hear about your plight. I left Milwaukee for similar reasons, could overlook the flaws as a young single man but not in my 40ish married state. It’s why I went just far enough to escape urban blight - if you can make it this way, you’ll enjoy it, and we’ve got 10-15 years minimum before it’ll have any drastic demographic change. Best of luck, user.

failure to pay possibly
too many complaints from neightbors and got the boot
arrest makes sense then the rest just bailed on the lease
sublet? hahahaha yeah like anyone would sublet to a pack of niggers

Being racist just means having higher standards than niggers do

Spel mah name right nigga its Jua'Quiesheah

Yes, the 'tucky as you would call it. Once, and mostly still a blue collar town, but it's being infiltrated by ghetto shitfucks. And it's happening because there's a local 'investment group' who is buying/tearing up the downtown and "redeveloping" it with evermore government sponsored housing because they are getting millions in government grants to do it. Complete opposite of say what Oconomowoc is doing. Our city council and local paper are covering it up, as it's all a "good old boys" club collecting the checks. It's dirty as fuck.

We (my family) are heading north FWIW.

Sadly user, it's not poor/rich. It's IQ and aggressive genetics and gratification delay.
Rich niggers commit more crimes than poor whites.

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These brand new fancy riverbound apartment buildings we built? Only major construction projects in the last 5 years? Both government subsidized.


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Both full of niggers, white trash, and other leeches of society.

HUD is working as the jews designed. Its to displace whites with niggers and wetbacks to destroy white neighborhoods.

Low IQ + High testosterone + Bad impulse control

>I was never racist until this happened.
nobody is a racist until they have to live around niggers

Terrible news, man. Nothing wrong with going north as long as you avoid those areas at the top of the state that have been ruined by Canadians. Wherever you land, best of luck to you and your family, may you settle somewhere that the dark hand of niggerdom doesn’t touch for the rest of your days.

They are closer to monkeys thats why they behave as such

Winnebago county here, and the past years have brought more and more nogs. Still somewhat rare to see them, but they've increased the crime rate big time.

White flight

Even Harambe proved to be a better parent than niggers

Thanks user. Once we gtfo out of here and regroup financially (we've been fucked by declining property values), we'll be heading to lake country area and strengthening the voter rolls there. I'd had an envious eye on that area for quite some time.

>Winnebago County

Jesus fuck they're all the way up there too?

Sad thing is, you wouldn’t guess it from the outside as to what filth can be living inside. They tried that shit in Delafield a few years ago, citizens shot that shit down faster as hell. Good thing about this area is it’s 98% white, extremely conservative, and we know that allowing trash into our area will fuck it up forever.

It’s been about 2-3 years since I’ve been through your city, but I’ll have to detour and see how it has changed next time I’m passing by on 43.

eventually white people are going to retreat en masse to small enclaves that can be defended with force if necessary (since the police can't/won't do it in today's society). much like south africa.

I feel sorry for urban whites who won't get out until it's too late. but not really because they're the ones who refuse to see the dangerous situation they're promoting

thanks for the post stay safe user

The babies white father and uncle were the two men that assisted in the kidnapping and possibly the murder. Quit spreading disinformation retard faggots.

God I love Delafield (worked out there for a while). That whole area desu... Dousman, Wales, Okauchee, Nashotah... just awesome. Also one of the highest concentrations of wealth in Wisco so out of my price range atm. Working on that tho. Have crypto investments that have done well, if it continues could be there in a couple years.

Still many good deals to be had out here, and we look forward to you joining us. Anything west of Waukesha is still a great place to raise a family. Even Waukesha is a solid place to live and has very little crime (the nigs there all flee to Milwaukee on the weekends and don’t stay in town to fuck things up), but the nigs that were brought in by section 8 shit have fucked all the middle schools and 2 of 3 high schools, so not ideal for having kids under 18. Cheap to live there, though, and the Brookfield buffer ensures not much will change going east for a good stretch.

Poor white people are some of the nicest people I've ever met.

Poor niggers are retarded humanoid pitbulls that ruined everything around them.

Can I ask what you expect your budget will be for your next place? I can definitely tell you if you can swing something this way sooner than later. Like I said, still good deals this way if you’re not expecting a mansion, plenty of reasonable homes in the 200k range and even a smattering of fairly decent condos for $160-180k, so if you can swing a bit over a grand a month, you can definitely find something you can work with.

The issue for us is we still want to avoid the "urban hell" so we're looking for a nice balance. IE... a decent sized house and yard (at least .5 acre) without a neighbor rammed up our ass. Outskirts of Oconomowoc, Ashippun, Delafield, etc have been our prime looking areas.

Like where the fuck do you even go?
I mean unless you are extremely rich how can you entirely avoid niggers?
And how will moving fix this problem?
Time will pass and there will be nowhere left to move to except out of the states. The Jow Forums memes aside, I'm beginning to think a race war will be necessary for niggers to be put in their place.

I'd be looking in the 200k range. Want a house - no condo, HOA, or anything like that, quiet neighborhood with a decent yard for the kiddos.

>Where the fuck do you even go

Actually Wisconsin is fairly nigger free considering, but I'm unfortunate enough to be planted in what one might call a "suitcase" town slapped directly between our 2 major cities. It was fine growing up, but it's turning into a cesspool now.

You can't. If you don't have a lot of money you can't escape nogs, because blacks don't like living around blacks either.

If you have some patience and really watch what comes up and are ready to strike fat if opportunity presents itself, you’ll find something in that range. If you haven’t already gotten in touch with a realtor in the area, definitely do it now, and keep those fingers crossed something comes up sooner than later. Best of luck again, and looking forward to you being an eventual neighbor in the area.

Thanks user. Perhaps we'll have beers in the near future! Just mention "some Jow Forums guy".

It'll prolly be a few years, but we'll get there. I won't let up on it.

This. Wisconsin is overwhelmingly white, but smaller cities near major ones get nig spillover. Lots came here in the 60s and after from Chicago due to being able to get better gibs, and it ruined much of Milwaukee by turning it almost half black at this time.
Stay away from Milwaukee, Madison (for the ultra-liberals as well as the nigs, it’s Little Berkeley there), Racine, Kenosha, and Beloit and you’ll be safe overall, but of course, even decent suburbs can have isolated pockets of shit hidden in some corners.

This is old news user, read / listen to My Awakening by David Duke, he goes into great detail on how this happens through subsidized housing, (((equal opportunity))) etc. Blacks are naturally prone to that way of life, nothing intentionally bad about them - just keep yourself away from them as best possible.

Sadly. They can fuck right back off to Chicongo or MKE because we sure as hell don't want them.

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I feel you user. Went to high school in Dallas TX. Never in my life thought I would be racist until that happened. Now, not only will I not live in cities, but I will never live anywhere near niggers again.

There are hardly any poor city whites. And I guarantee that they would make much better neighbors.

What happens when there's nowhere left to go?
Yeah but times are changing. There are 50 million niggers in the US today, in 50 years there will be about 20-30 more.

Just an addendum before I go to bed (Id might be different cuz I'm phone posting now) our concern around here use to be Mexicans.... But in all honesty aside from the few wanna be "ms-13s" - and the were truly wannabes - they never gave the community much of a problem. Most were hardworkers who kept to themselves and didn't cause any bullshit. Niggers came in and IMMEDIATELY caused problems... Even the Mexicans I know can't stand them.

Kewaunee dude, salmon fishing and backwoods hicks

I can relate. My husband and I moved into our apartment in a larger city and all of our neighbors were black but friendly and nice. One of them was in the military and acted white. Fast forward 2 years one neighbor moved out and a ghetto nig family moved in. Respectable black neighbor moved because it was getting too ghetto for him. Then a few months later the most annoying nigger family moves in with the loudest niglet children imaginable. The complex went from a nice quiet place to us being some of the only whites in the entire complex. Gun shots going off, used condoms near the stairs to our door, spent shell casings and disgusting garbage everywhere that stays there permanently. Not to mention empty liquor bottles everywhere, people outside smoking weed and our clothes smelling like cigarettes because our neighbors are welfare queens who smoke and drink all day. It’s easy to see how we became so redpilled on race while living there. I feel your pain user. We are moving as well.

No you won't.

>What happens when there's nowhere left to go?

We will have reached South Africa tier by then.
The remaining unmixed whites will then live as hated minority, constantly being abused or try to flee to countries like Poland and Hungary.

USA might be different, since they aren't disarmed. Civil war might actually happen there at some point.

I noticed niggers dont have that mindset. They dont pick shit up. Even their hiuses are filthy. You know when a dog shits in your house you might walk over it a few times and let someone else pick it up. Well in a niggers family nobody has that “oh theres dog shit i better clean it up” no. They all step over it for months. Someone might even step in it and smear it and walk through the house and still notpick up up. It stays until it turns into dust and the whole house is coated in shit.

Yup. Niggers don't care for a clean environment.
There is some social housing nearby and they put all niggers in the same street. Everywhere is reasonably clean, except the nigger street, trash everywhere.

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Ive watched videos on youtube of landlords showing the houses they evicted people from. And there was one house where the whole fucking floor was covered in dog shit. Every square inch. And the rooms had trash piles and dirty clothes piles.it was disgusting. I think they were crack heads or something though. Theres no way the average niggers house is that messy.

the average nigger (if you include africa) doesn't have a house

I live in Iowa, somewhere on the outskirts of DM. I’ve only been here a few years yet I’ve already seen an explosive increase in the nigger population in parts that were almost completely white when I first moved into the area.

Fucking Lutherans man, they’ll hang on DOTR

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What town is it