What exactly did the Nazi's do to turn the economy around?

What exactly did the Nazi's do to turn the economy around?

Attached: Children playing with stacks of hyperinflated currency during the Weimar Republic, 1922 (1).jpg (1060x500, 110K)

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They borrowed money from other countries.

they killed the jews that refused to pay workers and let germany starve

basically anytime there's hoarders of money, no one can get work done because they are tied to money. if anything the economy was good because money was worthless and thus jews couldn't use it.

Nothing you said was true.

found the jew

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> Got reparations stopped at Lausanne
> refused to devalue, stuck to the gold standard
> Took advantage of Reichsmark bills trading at a discount in (((foreign markets)))
> bought RM bills at a discount
> used bills at face value in the Reich
> pocketed the FX difference

Pretty fancy footwork desu

Did we....? Naah i don't think so

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They borrowed tons of money, then had their nation destroyed by the USSR before it could be destroyed by the debt bomb.

Depended on who you were. Big biz did great but small biz in Nazi Germany really took it up the ass.


They worked, instead of just do services around money and gold, but nobody actually working besides in prostitution and hamburger industry.

I didn't believe him, but after reading your post I've changed my mind

what is the weather like in israel today

They put a shovel in everyone's hand and said: Work!
Then they went to all the bosses and said: Pay them!
It was really that simple.

They killed the Rothschild central bank.

they cut only one head, then.

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Their recovery is ~somewhat~ of a meme, it is true they recovered faster than other countries, but by 1937 they were already running short on import raw materials, which means they would have either had to reeneter the global market, which would mean a devauleation of thier currency and a mild recession or go to war to keep thier governmental spending going. You of course know which one hitter choose.
People forget people on the home front were already feeling deprivations by 1941 and the econmany was very over extended, and dispite appearances to the outside world, it was very unlikely Germany would win a long war before internally collapsing

Lowered wages in real terms, banned trade unions and arrested union leaders, stripped the Jews of all assets snd charged them a fortune to leave the country, borrowed heavily to rearm lowered health care costs by murdering the disabled and used slave labor on public works

1)say fuck the jews really loud, whilst reengaging on their loans.
2) increase spending on public works
3) increase military
4) isolationism/self-dependence


Also your pic is unrelated becuase the hyper inflation was fixed before the Nazis took over.
I should point out I guess in my previous post Nazi exchange control, which is what led to the ecomic problems in 1937. State corporatism can work for a few years, but it does hangsteing the state longer term

Putting it simplistically, they cut out the financial class that was expropriating all the wealth of the german people. Germans will always have a strong economy if there aren't parasites preying on them, because they are some of the best workers in the world.

Arbeitsdienst , Arbeitslager and Konzentrationkamps for lazy kikes and other Autobahnworkers . Every day an Adolf speech on the Radio in order to improve the Moral

something related to juice

Attached: all the juice.jpg (500x750, 47K)


read pic related

Attached: 1530545464982.jpg (3936x3706, 2.27M)

Pic related is unreadable.

T. Mobilefag

Didn't he do it by going into debt and not paying back the banks

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Fsggot I can’t read that

Fraud and the central bank printing money (kind of). It needs to be understood the problem with the Germany in the 1930s was the deflation of the Great Depression. NOT hyperinflation, which happened a decade beforehand in the early 20s and was done on purpose in order to pay off war debt.

In order to combat the Great Depression Hjalmar Schacht the central banker formed a shell corporation abbreviated "MEFO". This corporation would exchange MEFO bills, redeemable by the Reichsbank for cash, to armaments manufacturers. Rearmament was illegal under the terms of the Versailles treaty and this was essentially gonvernment spending off-the-books. Importantly, the MEFO bills also had a generous interest rate and this dis-incentivized manufacturers from immediately redeeming them which would have contributed to inflation. By 1939, there were 12 billion Reichsmark of MEFO bills, compared to 19 billion of normal government bonds.

Attached: nazi-gdp-inflation.png (640x418, 50K)

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basically this

Attached: nazi economy1.png (1806x918, 143K)

Attached: nazi economy 2.png (1268x646, 101K)

Obviously this was fairly insignificant, but I heard one thing the Nazis did was offer a cool scheme where you were given a Volkswagen on loan and once you paid off the loan, they would replace the car with a new one! How sick is that!

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So the notion that the Nazis made an economic recovery is just a meme?

>What exactly did the Nazi's do to turn the economy around?

Attached: oven.jpg (400x400, 93K)

Did you ever play hoi 4?

Not at all. Nazis made a great economic recovery, they just spent all of the money on funding a war machine and eventually ran out or resources. How would employing 6 million extra people be considered a meme? All this posts show is that the Germans made the conscious decision to let the economy get out of control because they knew they were going to go to war.

Open in a new tab and remove "m" from the url.

Hey that's pretty good, most of the time people take out retarded car loans and the value has dropped by like 70% by the time it's paid off, if it ever is

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I love how Jews and their prostitutes can’t even tell the truth once without piling on a millions of lies.
Not to mention narrowing the viewpoint to heir self obsessed position, ignoring history, even recent history of the time (ww1), and then continue to waddle in a bloated worthless heap.


Lmao, you think the state was supporting yards back then? What a faggot.
what is eugenics too, started in Cali get a head start learning.

Currency based on value of goods produced rather than a debt based currency like the Reichsmark of the previous state

I don't know anything about economy, can anyone redpill me why it's not possible to do today what the Nazis did?

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Because the burgers will join the wrong side again and you'll be a vassal state for the next 50 years.

The guy who wrote those posts made it seem as if Nazi collapse was inevitable because of their wonky economic plan. I found his arguments convincing, even if I know little about economics or the Nazi economic plan.

For me it sounds like student textbook propaganda with a few hints of truth here and there. Dunno why. I'd recommend to study the subject yourself.

They threw the jew down the well, so their country could be free.

Pimp their aryan women.

>they killed the jews
>Nothing you said was true.
Oy vey!

They stole from jews


Because that’s exactly what is.
It ignore the surrounding issues or reasons pushing the nation towards direction, and then uses their defeat as validation for the reader to write of their cause.
It’s perfect for stupid people, but hurts anyone actually trying to learn.
Ive commented on that specific image so many times that I know when I see it that this is a shill thread.

Money represents trust, higher trust means more efficient economy. As trust is squandered economic productiveness slows way down. The people could be trusted to do their job properly and the government made good on the promise not to rob the people.

Yes schlomo we know how fiat based currency works in our modern day regulatory system.
Believe in the lie goy! It will be true one day! Let us tell you what to dream!
That’s the whole point of the Jewish question.
You can’t trust a central bank or power based around itself or a foreign body.
Unless your a slave or prostitute.

and how did the jews earn their wealth exactly?
by the work of their hands and the sweat of their brow I'm sure.

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