UK Refuses to Extradite Convicted Criminal Bill Browder

Bill Browder: Links and Resources
Why Are We Letting Non-U.S. Citizens Lobby Our Government?
William Browder meddles in the US elections
The Untouchable Mr. Browder?
Who Really Tried To Takeover Russia?
Sergei Magnitsky, Bill Browder, Hermitage Capital Management and Wondrous Metamorphoses
Deconstructing William Browder
FusionGPS Testimony Bill Browder Key Figure
Bill Browder and Natalia Veselnitskaya
Emails on Trump Tower Meeting
Clintons Benefit From Russia
The Killing of William Browder by Alex Krainer (@NakedHedgie)
Interview with Alex Krainer on Bill Browder
Prevezon Deposition with Browder
The Magnitsky Act - Behind the Scenes
Watch here
>Please send an email to [email protected]

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Other urls found in this thread:

The strange odyssey of the Browders
ICIJ Panama Papers investigators ignored William Browder
Did Bill Browder’s Tax Troubles in Russia Color Push for Sanctions?
Will The Real Bill Browder Please Step Forward
Screening of documentary about whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky pulled at the last minute.
By Screening ‘The Magnitsky Act,’ the Newseum Stood Up for the First Amendment
Bill Browder and Vladimir Putin
What is left unsaid in the Anglo-Saxon accusations against Russia
Is Bill Browder the Most Dangerous Man in the World?

Alongside the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Browder abundantly finances the work of a young lawyer, Alexeï Navalny. Thanks to the help of US ambassador Michael McFaul, the young man pursued his studies in the USA at Yale in 2010. He created an Anti-Corruption Foundation in order to promote Browden’s version and accuse Putin’s administration.
Thereafter, William Browder engaged an ex-agent of MI6 in Moscow (1990-93), Christopher Steele, and the ex-US ambassador to Moscow (2012-14), Michael McFaul.
It so happens that it was Christopher Steele who, in 2006 – while he was with MI6 – accused President Vladimir Putin of having ordered the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko with Polonium. In 2016, he also worked – freelance this time – for the US Democratic Party. That was when he wrote the famous dossier accusing candidate Donald Trump of being under the threat of blackmail by the Russian secret services [6] ; an unwarranted charge which has just resurfaced after the bilateral Summit in Helsinki. We find Steele once again, in 2018, involved in the Novitchok poisoning of Sergueï Skripal – as a « consultant » for MI6, he of course accused the inevitable Vladimir Putin.
Thereafter, William Browder became the main source of the enquiry run by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller about possible Russian interference.

Russian Prosecutor-General's Office spokesman Aleksandr Kurrenoi said in a statement that Browder's investment vehicle, Hermitage Capital, and Ziff Brothers may have violated U.S. laws in what Russian authorities call the illegal acquisition of 200 million shares of state-owned energy giant Gazprom between 1997 and 2005.
He alleged that the scheme was orchestrated by Browder and his associate, U.S. lawyer Jamison Firestone, as well as Ziff Brothers, a New York-based firm that was one of the largest hedge funds of its kind before it closed down two years ago.
U.S. prosecutors have also moved to seize real estate in Manhattan owned by a company called Prevezon that allegedly received some of the laundered proceeds of the original Russian tax fraud.

What really happened in Russia with William Browder and Hermitage Capital?
Did billionaire co-founder Edmond Safra commit crimes with Browder while Hermitage was operating in Russia?
What was the justification for Browder to set up numerous shell companies to hide his real investors?
How does Gazprom come into play?
Did Browder pay any U.S. taxes the two years he was still an American citizen and operating his fund in Russia before denouncing his citizenship?
Why wasn't any taxes ever paid in either Russia or the United States with the over $1.5 billion dollars in profits that disappeared out of Russia?
How come the DOJ/FBI did not prosecute Browder for illegally lobbying Congress members Cardin and McCain into enacting Browder's personal legislation through an intermediary, billionaire Ziff brothers?
Why does Browder run away from subpoenas if he has no criminal culpability?
How is Browder still allowed to have a $10 million plus dollar mansion in Aspen, Colorado under a shell corporation?
So many unanswered questions and William Browder is not willing to voluntarily testify under oath to answer them.

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Still trying Russian shill? That's cute. Too bad Putin can't pay Americans to give a fuck about this bullshit lol.

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i care. the fact that you dont is why i loathe liberals

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Bil Browder and the Steele Dossier

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Thats right retard we all work for Komrade Putin. We are just simple robots doing his evil bidding. We can't think for ourselves. We can't research a subject and come to a rational and logical conclusion on our own. As I'm writing this I'm sitting in a bathtub full of the finest vodka getting my dick sucked by two gorgeous Russian prostitutes supplied by my benevolent leader for services rendered to the Motherland. Life's good in Moscow, money is literally growing on trees here. How's your life? I bet you could be paid as much as we are for shitposting right..?

You yankees love a good movie right? I have a good one for you. Too bad its censored in the land of 'freedom'


So what you are implying is that you were self radicalized and spread kremlin talking points out of a sense of righteousness?

Back to the matter at hand which is how convicted criminal bill browder is walking free. Bill browder was convicted in a court of law. Why is interpol refusing to apprehend him? Why is the UK refusing to extradite a convicted criminal?

Not at all. I'm saying my benevolent leader is paying me millions of rubles to getmy dick sucked whilst shitposting on a Mongolian underwater basketweaving forum because he knows that is the most effective way of spreading disinfo in the west. Excuse me while I do another line from Ivanka's lovely breasts. Jelly much?

Here, even Bloomberg is helping to spread Russian disinfo
Seems like HSBC might pay out $22 million for a 'crime that didn't happen'. Wow! Even the bankers are starting to believe all these lies. Why would they do that if its all lies?

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HSBC is now an arm of the Russian mafia under Putin's thumb is what liberals will say.

Why Russia's offer to let Mueller come to Russia - in return for interrogations of corrupt Americans - sent Washington into a panic

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Aw, Putin has you guys working over time.

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Your digits disturb me Komrade. Please, don't give them ideas

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Morning Ivan. How was your rotten vodka last night? Back spreading more lies today?
Good ol' gay boy Putin must be real mad he can't spend all of his stolen wealth in the west. ahahahaha

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bitchute link has been shoah'd
time to reupload

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Good read

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we should nuke london then

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These are still up and they're in 720p Torrent is needed


Additional 720p dl link of documentary

The Magnitsky Act - Behind the Scenes

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Noice! Making a copy of the 360p and will upload it somewhere else as it wont last long on jewtube

Good work Komrade

Keep the documentary viewable to the masses is difficult with browder and his shills doing everything they can to censor it. Truth does not fear questioning.

Thats why we need a torrent of the 720p. I can make one but not for a few days - don't ask, complicated kek. If no-one else has by the weekend I'll create one and put it up on tpb - last i checked no-one had yet. Think a torrent over i2p would be good too just to be extra unstoppable. You're right, no truth fears questioning

>new working links
The Magnitsky Act - Behind the Scenes

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Would be interesting to know if bitchute was threatened by Browders lawyers

add this one...broader scope.

ed2k link for when everything else gets pulled!


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That link was put up before. As I skimmed it - not to get too tinfoily - it reminded me of this

can I get a qrd as though I'm somebody with a job who doesn't have time to read through all that? I like to fantasize

It's amazing that one thieving jew was able to single-handedly start the cold war again. Watch the documentary, it's an eye opener.
NOTE:The Magnisky Act was authored by Browder and sponsored by John McCain.

Suck a dick Bill, you're going down this time.

Browder helped financially rape Russia in the 90's. Browder illegally bought shares in Gazprom. Browder didn't pay tax in US, subsequently obtained UK citizenship to avoid paying said tax. Browder and Magnitsky came up with a plan to defraud Russia of $230 million in tax. Magnitsky arrested and dies in prison. Browder screams Russia killed Magnitsky and dindu nuffin. Browder lobbies for Magnitsky act to punish evil Russians. Browder involved in FusionGPS that creates piss dossier on Trump. Browder shits bricks when Putin names him for being a naughty boy in summit press conference with Trump. user uploads documentary to youtube. Youtube shoahs it quick.

tl;dr Browder is a naughty boy

>Wasn't removed for copyright violations.

The truth now 'violates community standards'. This is how the Browder machine works.

Fkin saved!

He'll end up dead in a few weeks, don't worry.

>Cptn Ho Lee Fuk please report to terminal A

Do you even need to ask?

>Investment Bankers
Implying that they are not the same thing.

It's almost impossible to understand just how Orwellian it is without watching the documentary. I highly recommend breaking the documentary into 3 sessions and watching 40 minutes each night. The sheer depravity and boldness of lie is breathtaking -- it's the kind of evil you hear about in the Tolkien universe but not on Earth. Almost every important detail regarding Browder is wrong. For instance, Magnitsky was not a lawyer -- yet for the past decade, every single time Browder spoke of Magnitsky, he called him his lawyer. According to Browder, he was looking for the best lawyer in Moscow when he reached out to Magnitsky -- but IN ACTUALITY, which Browder admitted under deposition, Magnitsky was his accountant/auditor and didn't have a law degree.

Now imagine this kind of lie but in every single detail of Browder's story. "Magnitsky uncovered a theft" is actually "Magnitsky was asked to come to the police station by detectives who were investigating Browder's company". "Magnitsky was beaten by guards in prison" translates to "Magnitsky died of heart failure in the custody of the police". Etc etc etc etc

Lee Stranahan went after Browder not that long ago. I'm not the biggest fan of Stranahan, but he's done some great journalism that I think is discounted just because he now affiliates with Sputnik. He's very well-spoken and has lots to say about Browder.

Pirayafilms Torstein Grude is allowing everyone to watch the documentary for free.
>A personalised screener of the film that Kasparov and Bill Browder do not want you to see can be gotten from me. I'm the film's producer. Please send an email to [email protected]
But at the same time he has copies removed from the net to stop people from viewing it, what type of jewry is going on here. Seems like they want to control access and identify viewers.

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Probably an attempt to protect copyright. Its ok though as we dont give a fuck about copyright and will continue to make it avaliable to whoever wants to watch it

>new working links
The Magnitsky Act - Behind the Scenes

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Is Bill Browder the Most Dangerous Man in the World?

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full article

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QRD on browder, his name came out of nowhere all of the sudden.

add to that bill browder has been convicted guilty in a court of law. united kingdom refuses to extradite him. interpol refuses to apprehend him. currently cyprus is deciding what to do in an ongoing case.

Download the documentary while you can [Open]

Isn't about time for you trolls to get off work and go home to your rotten vodka and spice. I thought the GRU/IRA only worked you about eight hours a day.
Post all the misinformation you want it won't do a fucking thing. The ACT is in place and will take an act of Congress to over turn and take ain't going to happen. So sorry Vladdy but you'll have to keep piling up the money you steal from the Russian citizens, no fun in the west for you or your gang.

He is a bit of a logical fallacy in your "thinking", The Magnitsky Act only effect Putin and his gangsters. Why would ordinary Russians or even more enlightened people not living in Russia care? It has been in place for six years why do they care all of a sudden now?

Download the documentary while you can

>Boiled Frog
>Channel created April 2nd 2018
>only 4 videos
>two of them have Russian titles
Is the Russian shill meme actually true? Are they actually sending people to Jow Forums to convince us? wtf?

Lots of people care. Neck yourself.

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Nice bit of deflection there Bill. Tell me all about how the US totally raped Russia in the 90's leaving the population in poverty. Tell me about the plan to crush Russia and its people while lying to the world and pretending it was all about helping the Russian public transition from Communism to glorious capitalism. How many millions died needlessly because of 'Shock Therapy'? Strangely enough about as many that supposedly died in the holocaust. No-one mentions this though, do they? Tells how even to this day economic warfare is still being waged on Russia by the US. The real pirates were the CIA backed bankers and their stooges. How much did the Clintons profit from the financial rape? Come on and tell us the truth, its what we're here for. Who are the real pirates?

Browder now attacking Danske Bank in Estonia
>Bill Browder, once the biggest foreign money manager in Russia, has filed a new criminal complaint in Estonia concerning Denmark’s largest lender Danske Bank (DANSKE.CO)

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I wonder if Browder has short positions, hidden through shell companies, against those that he are attacking. Same gameplan seems to be repeating a la Soros.

Perhaps. He used similar tactics in Russia to snatch up cheap shares after calling out corruption. Perhaps he - and no doubt others - are looking to gain control over the bank

Download the documentary anons!


Positive that someone(s) have made a fortune in the drop.

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Jesus! Is that real? My god if I had spare money I'd put down $500 on those shares right now. Too big to fail and all that kek. Yeah, I think you're right. I would be looking for short postions put on that stock in recent times... It seems nothing Browder does is because he's righteous but because he got a devious angle

Yes, and still falling

This documentary caused an uproar in Russia when it appeared in April of 2016.

This film was made by the main Russian government news broadcasting company, Rossiya 1.

It alleges that Bill Browder, the legendary American hedge fund manager who from 1995 - 2005 was the largest foreign investor in Russia, controlling billions of $ and a significant share of Russia’s leading companies, was in fact a CIA front.

At one point his funds owned 7% of Gazprom, using what the film argues were illegal schemes to acquire shares

The film argues that Browder’s whole involvement with Russia was a CIA operation to disrupt Russia politically and economically
It alleges that in 2006, Browder was instructed by the CIA to provide financial support to the rising opposition politician, Alexei Navalny, and that the two then closely cooperated for the next 5 years.

As evidence, the film cites hacked CIA email and skype correspondence which it claims fell into Russian hands during the government upheaval in Kiev in 2014.

When the film appeared, Browder and Navalny charged that the evidence was faked, and Navalny sued Rossiya 1 for libel. As of the translation of this video, (July 2016), the suit has not been concluded.

Browder was expelled from Russia in 2006, after which he led a highly successful public campaign criticizing Russia and Putin. The film argues that the campaign was financed by the CIA.

The campaign demanded sanctions against Russia for what Browder alleged was the murder of one of his employees, Sergei Magnitsky, and theft from his companies, by corrupt Russian officials.

His campaign resulted in the famous “Magnitsky Act” sanctions against Russia, passed by Congress in 2012.

>convicted criminal bill browder
convicted of what? i thought he was an ambassador?

Mcfaul was the ambassador, bill browder was an oligarch that was convicted for tax fraud.


The film alleges that this cynically misrepresents the facts. It alleges that Magnitsky ended up in jail for carrying out major fraud for Browder, and that he was on the verge of testifying against Browder when he died. It cites the hacked CIA mail as evidence that the CIA managed to orchestrate Magnitsky’s death in prison.

The film argues that the only people with a motive for Magnitsky’s death were Browder and the CIA, because his testimony about the tax fraud would have been devastating.

The film includes embarrassing details of tax avoidance schemes used by Browder and Magnitsky, including hiring barely literate invalids in remote corners of Russia as fake executives in order to receive tax breaks amounting to 100s of millions of $.

The film then alleges, again citing the hacked CIA correspondence, that in 2010 Browder paid Navalny $300,000 to conduct a PR campaign in Russia in support of the Magnitsky Act

Can a kindly user link me to the interview Magnitsky gave in prison. Can't seem to find it

This sworn deposition of Russian journalist Oleg Lurye details claims allegedly made by Magnitsky that he was being put up to complaining and whistleblowing in order to hasten his release with the assistance of unidentified Western benefactors.

>new working links
The Magnitsky Act - Behind the Scenes

That's what I was looking for. Thanks. Link to that should go in future OP I think.
Btw you have put in an epic effort with this thread. Many thanks

Look a whole thread about digital masturbation, with no pay off.
It is a group of morons trying to out do one another on how gullible they can be.

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So it seems Magnitsky went from being confident of being sprung from jail by powerful western friends to coming to the awful conclusion he was never going to get out of jail because he had been decieved. Just an expendable pawn in a geopolitical game. No wonder his mental health deteriorated

>He said that he was deceived, he was used and deceived. They -- and by "they" he obviously meant his western connections -- made him sign testimonies and then -- he refused to do so. And it turned out that nobody wanted to assist him in getting out in the first place so he said that he was deceived. I did not expect to see him in such condition. He was a well-mannered person and I did not expect him to use foul language that he did. He uttered obscenities and he said numerous times that he was deceived and that he would probably never get out. And I asked him, Sergei, what are those testimony -- this testimonies about? Is it related to your case in any way? And he said, No, it was not. I suggested that he spoke with an -- his investigator with regard to the testimony that he was demanded to sign, but he said that it doesn't -- it didn't make any sense because it was a completely different case. And he was in a terrible psychological condition and he said that his psychological condition affected his physical condition. I honestly took a pity of him, because I saw his condition and it was terrible. And the last thing he told me during that conversation was that his western employers, so western people who stood behind him, deceived him. They demanded him to sign various documents that he didn't want to sign. And he also told me that he had a feeling that he would never get out of there

Magnitsky was browder's useful idiot that was left to die and now browder makes a mockery of it all with his fairy tale narrative.

So knowing he was setup perhaps he may of been prepared to tell all he knew. Perhaps there could be credibility in what was said here about him being silenced

I am certain that Browser has links with MI6 and CIA, but that documentary didn't prove it. The alleged MI6 and skype communications were obvious fakes written by non-native English speakers.

now THIS is a serious shill thread

no average american would bother or even would know this much about Browder