Half a century ago, this would have never been tolerated. Social progress is an incredible thing. Is it a good thing or a bad thing though?
Half a century ago, this would have never been tolerated. Social progress is an incredible thing...
social progress is only good for women and the top 5% of men
meanwhile every beta faggot goes clubbing every night and gets rejected every time he tries to talk to a thot
>Is it a good thing or a bad thing though?
I don't know but you can't deny that it's hot af.
The thought of that big black brute having his way with that beautiful woman is incredibly arousing.
“Social Progress” is a phrase used by retards so you can stop right there.
He looks more like Jango Fett than a black guy
there were even black and white couples in nazi germany, and they weren't treated particularly badly
half a century ago, steroids were very hard to get
>they weren't treated particularly badly
Rhineland bastards were castrated. Do you unironically believe what you read on here you tard??
It's really pathetic, since both a whores and both are useless to society. This whole dating nonsense should be illegal anyway. They should just pick random partners to each human in country, since there's anyway 50% women and 50% men, so there's no point going through many boyfriends or girlfriends. It's all bullshit, now even more with niggers around, since they are massive failures and each woman that dates them eventually finds out they suck big time and relationship ends anyway.
Why is pol so obsessed with black men with white women? Always on the front page. Why do white nationalists love interracial porn? Whats the psychology behind it? I wouldnt doubt that majority of poltards have fapped to blacked
>A mutt and a nigger are a couple
But this was common even back then. Kellys heritage even has Turkish in it, shes the mutt of mutts.
there are many surviving mixed halflings from that time + there were also japanese/white halfbreeds and so on
they weren't allowed to join the HJ or the SS though which generally isolated them from their peers
It doesnt take all the work in the world for them betas to become success and attract young thots.
a thread of shills and people masturbating
Demoralization proxy samefag shill
you cannot demoralize us
pic related completely destroys your tactic
man guy on the right has a perfect physique
Everything you post is so old and only applied to the US.
kara boga
Does it matter in the long run?
The act is voluntary. The result will never be considered as white. Propensity to ingroup preference is genetic. Over time those who mix will leave the genepool. Those who stay will sustain it. In the long term, ingroup preference should increase.
Personally I don't call all blacks niggers. I live in the czech republic where there there are a minimum of blacks but we have gypsies instead which are practically mutt niggers. If a white marries a responsible black man with education who won't leave here than why not but I hate when they marry those gangster niggers
But note how they only go for blacks with whit features. That guy is at least a third european. When you see real Africans you realise that African-Americans are pretty much all mixed, and the racemixers (almost) always go for the ones whose faces look white in their features.
t. mad white boi
Remember kids, whenever a nigger is in the same photo as any white woman, he's planning to blacken her dna
Half a century ago, a lot of shit wouldn't have been tolerated, like that bikini of hers in public. Why focus on just the fact she's with a shitskin? This is why you lose the cultural war, you're too obsessed with shitskins taking white women.