Why don't Trump and Melania get a divorce? They stay in different hotel rooms when they travel...

Why don't Trump and Melania get a divorce? They stay in different hotel rooms when they travel. It was just reported that she'll watch CNN when they travel, while he watches Fox. They clearly don't like each other...

I thought Trump gave no fucks? He could be the first single sitting president, just crushing pussy on the daily, Why is he cucking himself by staying in this relationship?

Attached: mell.jpg (950x534, 122K)

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Barron. DT i's a responsibe father.

Melania said they're in an open source relationship

Because Melania doesn't want to give up her meal ticket.

Because melania isnt shit without Trump. None of the women he ever fucked were.

Melania clearly doesn't put out, if Trump has to get it elsewhere. Women always want to blame the man...

Six posts in and this is the only non-shill.

She watches CNN for him to get him their angle

They stay in different hotel rooms for protection so that someone can't bug Melania and get access to Prez, or knock both out in an attack.

Also the President has to have literal stormtroopers in the room while they sleep

It's not hard retard

That makes sense. It is Melania after all who ascends to the U.S. throne if King Trump meets his doom.

“Why would an attractive woman stay married to a billionaire?” Can you even imagine being this retarded? I mean, this represents levels of retardation that shouldn’t even be possible.


Not true. It will be Prince Barron who will rule the World.

Melania is hotter than these drugged up blondes...i think she is fairly smart...appreciates what she’s got coming off the farm from eastern europe

You must really fantasize about taking that limp Trump dick m8. Pretty sure 99% of people would take the $500 million divorce settlement and sail off into the sunset and never have to look at pic related again.

Attached: trum.jpg (300x400, 19K)

Bitch on the left used to turn the letters on the french wheel of fortune, she made my peepee about as hard as her fake tits during winter
She has great nudes too, her name's Victoria Silvstedt if ya curious

You're assuming she would get a big payout, or that she'd keep her son. Stop acting stupid.

When my wife and I stop having sex I can totally see us sleeping in separate rooms. Our sleep cycles are offset by like 4 hours and I snore.

Lmao you can spot the neckbeard who doesn't know a thing about marriage law, probably never even been with a woman before, from a mile away.

>Canadian armchair lawyer is an expert in American law
Go fuck a dog.

Haha you just revealed you fuck dogs. Sorry mate I prefer actual women

Melania wouldnt get anything because of their prenup.

For Trump it looks better in public if his marriage doesnt fail

Name me one Billionaire who got clipped by a Divorce Judge. That shit is only for little people.


>It was Reported
By who? CNN

Get out...

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Trump is up all fucking night, the man is a beast. Why would they share a bedroom?

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Who reported that they watch different news? And who reported the hotel room thing?

>Trump is a responsible father
>Trump was cheating on his nude model wife with mutltiple porn stars weeks after she bore him a son
Pick one, friend.

Nah, I'll pick two. Sorry.

OP is a faggit. Sage.

Citation needed, but if you're right it could be that it's just cheaper to keep 'er.

>open source

Nope. All his children are very well taken care of as well as his former wives. You're a father to your children anyway. Seems like all the Trump kids respect and love their father.

To smart for you

Tiger Woods (only billionaire)
Kobe Bryany, Mel Gibson, Arnold Schwarzaneger (or however the fuck you spell it)
To quote Billy Burr
>There's an epidemic of gold digging whores and nobody talks about it.