This spying whore did a whole lot wrong. Now she sits in jail waiting for trial...

This spying whore did a whole lot wrong. Now she sits in jail waiting for trial. Her wiki page has been scrubbed more then once till it was locked and restored to all of its truthful glory. Its amazing that any fool would believe that she was here to advocate for gun rights in the Russia. Russia doen't have the right to bear arms, and THEY NEVER WILL as long as Putin or his ilk have anything to do with it.

Hope this whore swings.

Attached: spy_whore.jpg (815x815, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gingers have no soul

Retard. Do you really think the Russians are so stupid as to send an “agent: into the US with “Second AMendment Activist” as a cover? Jesus. I know libtards are stupid but to even try to push this reflects on just how stupid libtards are.

>do you think?
Why not exactly? She has been been jailed already. You think they are going to jail her without any evidence?
You are just talking out of your ass, and trying to make a non-existant point.

it is well-established fact that Russian intelligence uses twitter to communicate with agents


Yeah I think they absolutely would. Girl is a victim of Russia hysteria.

Just because you are to fucking stupid to understand doesn't make it not true. This is what Putin is hoping for, more useful idiots like this guy.

Have you looked at the case?
Are you a trained lawyer/judge, and disagree with the ruling?

Or are you just pulling this out of your ass to defend the sudden shift to favor russia?
During the 90s, one of the CIA leaders was a russian spyp yet. Russia has always been really good at interfering and infiltrating american institutions.
Why wouldn't this be the case once again?

I still want to play with her titties.

He's doing the same thing you're doing with this thread

I'm not the OP.
I'm simply trying to understand why some people are so pro-russia as of late. What the fuck happened to the american conservative?

Only in the mind of the mentally challenged and willful idiots.

Their hypocrisy has been exposed.

Literally what did she do wrong other than being a conservative whore of Russian ethnicity?

Russians are white. I feel more affinity for my fellow whites than a deep state government hellbent on replacing us.

never heard of the olgino troll factory, have you?

russia is above america in one thing - soft power and online opinion sculpting. they have a strong presence on Jow Forums too

The restored wiki has it pretty much wrapped up so far.
From Wiki,
"Butina, Torshin, and Erickson have been subjects of an investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[18][11] Torshin has also been the subject of a probe by the Federal Bureau of Investigation into whether the Russian government attempted to illegally funnel money to the NRA in order to help Trump win the presidency.[11][27] The FBI began to monitor Butina in August 2016 when she moved to the United States on a F-1 student visa. Rather than confront her immediately, the organization chose to track her movements and gather information of who she was meeting, and what her end goals were to be.

>tfw you will never give up state secrets while a qt spy rides the patriotism out of your cock into her treacherous pussy

Why live?

Wrong, they are Asians. It is amazing how malleable some bigots views are.

Putin has no need for me when he has retards like you sucking his dick 24/7.

>I'm simply trying to understand why some people are so pro-russia as of late. What the fuck happened to the american conservative?
They stopped letting (((gate keepers))) sell them down the river. We still oppose bolshevism, whereas the Left in America turns to it more each day.

Attached: this_guy.jpg (180x180, 6K)

Uh, is there supposed to be a crime in that synopsis?

Can I have use of her before the killing?
Would fuck her with pleasure

>fellow whites
Russia has more asians, Muslims and America has.

Since when is Russia this white heaven? Putin himself is a asiatic looking midget. What is "white" about him?

Russia isn't 1950s America. It's literally one of those shitholes that trump talks about. But I guess this shithole is the new ideal country for some trumpfags.

Attached: article-0-119B37F6000005DC-697_964x641.jpg (964x641, 132K)

Not one that a "willful idiot" will see. You also need a reading comprehension level above that of a 5th grader, so no it will be enigmatic to you.

Highlight the portion of your post that describes a crime being committed, please.

the "left" in american is embracing the nordic "democratic socialism." Nordics are real whites, not the Russians. Yet, somehow most conservatives ignore that feel like Russia is more of an ideal white country which it isn't. 10% of the russian population is muslim, a good portion is asian, and another good portion live in abject poverty in the asian regions of russia.

This is actually funny as fuck. Apparently she dated some guy in Sioux Falls, SD for a bit. I live in a small town close to there and all the locals know the guy, he comes around since he used to live here. Now when he comes back they all give him shit for being a Russian spy and he was shitting himself over getting caught up in all of this when it broke.

Dunno about you user, but one look tells me she isn't trustworthy. Don't know how to describe the way it works, other than brain just says "watch out for this cunt". You'd think DC politicians would have enough of that 6th sense to figure that out in one look., but then I have to remember we promote the incompetent. In business and politics. And most of us think with our cocks and not our brains.

it's the insincere eyes. i got that feeling too

My opinions towards russia has nothing to do with their racial makeup, and I'd wager that goes for most conservatives and posters here on Jow Forums.

And no, the american left are bolsheviks.

>but one look tells me she isn't trustworthy
Never fucking trust a woman.

America has like 50 million blacks and about 50 millions spics

Um no. Most of Eastern Russia is uninhabitable. They doesn't have large East Asian population at all, excluding Native Siberians who only make up small percentage of the population. Majority of their non-white immigrants come from Central Asia.

I'm more worried about the enemy at our gates and the traitors in our government than some russians with questionable ideas and motivations.

Also, Russia wants to disrupt the liberal order and so do I.

That's the whole thing, the politicians want our attention 3000 miles away and not here at home. Old and worn out tactic. Some folks are finally catching on.

She surely is not our spy, but she also surely did violate the student`s visa and was involved in political lobbysm and activity.

Well, i am sitting here in a $500,000 house that is paid for with a BMW and Harley in the three car garage and an F-150 for errands in the driveway, all paid for, a $100,000 Albemarle 28 footer for deep sea fishing (again paid for) an entire ROOM full of nothing but firearms and another for reloading. A high 6 figure income and my wife has a 6 figure income. I am sitting here in my 100% white community relaxing on a beautiful summer day.

Somehow i sense that you are sitting in a shitty apartment in a city full of retards, probably Portland, Oregon and hating life because in a few hours you are going to have to go to your work busting tables in a new gastropub run by and for AIDS patients.

Cat got your tongue? Please, call me out, asshole. I would be only too happy to prove every bit of it.

Just because you LARP it doesn't mean it's real, you insufferable lying faggot.

Here you go, asshole. This is from the FIRST time one of you slack jawed libtards called me out.

Attached: C217F184-073E-45D8-8327-DDAFCCD8656F.jpg (3264x2448, 1.61M)

LOL. Cat seriously has your tongue now, huh, moron.


Yawn. I can save pics, too.

Have you been busing tables long enough to get promoted to dishwasher yet?

Here is a fresh pic for you.

Attached: 5E37D0C5-D5A1-45B4-8E3E-FBBD61ED4C07.jpg (3264x2448, 1.38M)

Nice knock-off.
Proof you're a retard.


>Russia doen't have the right to bear arms, and THEY NEVER WILL

That's where you're wrong kiddo!

Attached: smug_militia_pepe5.png (450x768, 48K)

>You think they are going to jail her without any evidence?

Yes, that never happens in the USA.

Attached: hands_up_pepe.png (600x600, 348K)

I met her once, she's a known gun rights advocate in Russia.

>i am a nigger wishing i was a rich jew
nice larp, faggot

This. White heaven is Poland, not Russia. The latter is experiencing degeneracy spreading at the moment, with a growing feminist and pro-lgbt movement. And it's full of muslims and asians. Countries like Armenia and Georgia, despite economic challenges, are more of a heaven than Russia is. At least they are pretty monoethnic (99% and 87% respectively) and heavily Christian (95% and 90% respectively).

Unarmed black teenagers never make it to jail in America. Our cops just shoot them on sight without probable cause.

The only thing that I find really puzzling about this is that she was sent here to advocate for gun rights.

But we already have gun rights.

Her group's goal is to get them for Russia. But they don't campaign in Russia at all. So what's her purpose here?

Attached: 1477180541055.jpg (655x527, 59K)

Thank goodness. We need 4x more cops at the least!

LOL. How many niggers have you seen with arm hair?

Democuck troll. This woman is innocent victim of Liberal smear machine against NRA.

Attached: maria-butina-wayne-lapierre.jpg (571x529, 31K)

Right? and what's with those phony anti-FGM activists preaching in front of western audiences? It's like, duh, we dont do that here! Go to some shithole and preach there!


Tы oceл.

BTW, "Millionaire" OP has made this exact same thread at least twice a day since the story broke.

Also if Russia is gonna send a female spy I think they could come up with someone hotter

Why did you remove your flag, silly expat?

Oхyeл eптa

She cute

She cute

This fucking lie again. Yes, white cops routinely risk their careers and their freedom just for the pleasure of shooting black honour students who dindu nuffin. Paranoid lefties actually believe this

The entire BLM movement was based on the lie that Mike Brown had his hands up while shot, something disproven at the autopsy. He was trying to grab Wilson's gun, so 'unarmed' is highly misleading

Nobody cares what you have to say Burma.

They're already jailing her without any evidence, and without bail!
The only thing she did (((wrong))) was taking selfies with Presidential candidates, supporting gun ownership, and being born in Russia
Fuck the FBI

Would lick her pussy

Still wishing you escaped to Venezuela or Cuba rather than a capitalist hellhole, commie expat?

My favorite part of the indictment is that they think that the following handwritten note qualifies as evidence that she is a spy:

>"How to respond to FSB offer of employment?"

The sheer mental retardation of thinking this qualifies as evidence is staggering. It is quite literally evidence that AT LEAST up until the creation of that note, she was not in any capacity a spy. Otherwise, she would BE employed by the FSB, and would not need to make a fucking to-do list to get back to their request. So how fucking pants on head retarded do you have to be to consider a note INDICATING that she was offered to be a spy as EVIDENCE that she was already a spy? I mean, fuck, I guess no smart people join FBI anymore

St. Louis Brain Surgeon is the name of my band.

Typically these incidents don't go to trial.

She will plead guilty and sent back to Russia.

If the Trump presidency has done nothing else for me, it has reignited my belief since the Iraq War that the FBI is absolutely incompetent.
The "Intelligence" community is the most Orwellian part of our country.

Still wishing you had your Soviet job?

Attached: kgb_pepe_wojak5.jpg (650x412, 54K)

Russian doesn't want.a proNato country on it's border, this is understandable.

Also as a vet who served the Kikes in Iraq, I also believe that the socialist in Europe should defend themselves and the US should leave NATO.

I don't give a fuck if Russian posts a bunch of Facebook posts and "meddles" in our election. AIPAC is 10x worse and legit bribes our politicians with arms deals.

Sorry faggot, I don't give a fuck about protecting democracy aboard.

Attached: 1521143231495.jpg (1000x612, 835K)

She did more for USA than Hussein Umbooma Kongo Dongo in 8years as president. You can call her whore but I bet my ass she done more manly things than most ppl here.

OP makes this thread 2-3 times a day. Probably just posts between each of his brain surgeries he has to preform.

>2017: libtards are trying to exploit russia in order to harm trump
>2018: fucking russians trying to intefere with our democracy!!!!
get your shit right already, neocons

I actually wonder how many false flags on here are actually Russian. Fuck Russia.

Learn the facts first before you cover your face in your own feces in desperation to cry foul.

Attached: Americans at Walmart-8.jpg (1024x640, 186K)


>s*viet job
Yeah I sure miss slacking off like a jackass and getting bribed to not disclose rampant pedophillia among the party members. Now THAT was a life. *sips distilled alcohol*

You can own a shotgun in Russia with minimal paper work. After some time, you can own a pistol. The only right you don't have is public carry. No mass shootings in Russia though.

Attached: sage.jpg (728x546, 121K)

I miss the good ole days of Jow Forums making fun of Putin for being manlet.

Attached: 1401751575946.jpg (1000x665, 202K)

Its the perfect bait, connecting russians and the NRA.

Cold war ended, Rambo, sure Russia causes all kinds of shenanigans, like everyone else, but I don't think it's as crazy as it used to be.

They need to apologize every year for the next 1000 years for spreading FUCKING Marxism, though.

>muslims are a race

Notice I call OP out on making this thread repeatedly and he vanished like the faggot he is.


Attached: 74381-0512234.jpg (873x491, 80K)

some people make threads and not even post in them because for example they have to leave the house, go to work or school.
you massive idiot...

Shhhhh we WANT them to think we are NEETs living in mom's basement

Hoverhanding his own daughter, disgustingly beta

Shit your winter BTFOs invaders you dont even need a "rifle behind every blade of grass"

>Hoverhanding his own daughter,

Attached: DT-Ivanka by the bike..jpg (610x768, 80K)

Why are you so anti russia?
We dont need to fight them.
They are not a threat to us either economically or militarily.
We could completely ignore russia and we would be fine.
Even if all the claims are true is it worth sending millions of our citizens to their deaths?
If not then we need to normalize relations.
If we were allies then we could dictate to the rest of the world but for now normalization will be enough


It bet they play great music!