If Jesus was Jewish, why do you guys think he was white?

If Jesus was Jewish, why do you guys think he was white?
It's obvious he would be Arab looking or black in the very least. Christianity is a black religion.

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>Christianity is a black religion.

Is it because the father is nowhere to be seen?

Because, you can change the appearance of fictional characters. If Annie and Harmoine can be black, than Jesus and Muhammed can be gingers.

ooga booga we wuz jesus n sheit nigga

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The best people are white. Jesus was the best person. Jesus was white.


Just a heads up, if you're not preaching only Eternal security and free eternal life, you are part of satan's system of control and helping corrupt the world.

Plain and simple Truth:

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>If Jesus was Jewish, why do you guys think he was white?
American education

but black people are the least christian group if you know what I mean

>why do you guys think he was white?

I bet you think that n*ggers and sp*cs founded Canada. If Canada survives, that's the story that they'll tell. All the nations of the world were white until they imported n*ggers and sp*cs to plug their failing economies.

look up n*ggers and IQ

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Did niggers even live in Judea you faggot?
Nobody knows how Jesus looked like, the artists painted the way everyone else did.

Yea it's not like in the New Testament Pilate wrote "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Judeans" on a sign to be placed next to his cross or anything.

Jesus was decribed as an abnornally tall fair man.
I'm not a biblethumper so I can't source you on the verses though.

Technically (he) was red and white

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i bet you are a closet pedophile faggot

most christan arabs are white, most ashkenazi jews are white-passing. What are you trying to prove, leaf?

The Arab conquests were 600 years after Jesus you absolute brainlet.

The pavement apes have no roots so they try to appropriate Jesus Christ. Stealing history, not as easy as grand theft auto.


I dont know why people get all hot and bothered about this. Every culture depicts Jesus according to what they themselves look like. The Chinese portray Jesus as Chinese, Ethiopians portray him as Ethiopian looking and so on. It's only because the most famous depictions of Jesus are Renaissance works that people assume everybody thinks he looks "white".
He was probably olive skinned dark hair dark eyed, but so what? It wouldn't surprise me that he was probably good looking or had something about his look that enabled him to gain followers. Therefore one could guess that he maybe did have atypical (although not rare as people in the middle east are diverse) looks.

Who cares anyway?

Christianity is an afterlife-worshipping death cult.
Any way that Christianity seems to be related to Judaism is a cover up, since anybody practicing non-Jewish religions at that time was put to death in lion pits.

In Zootopia, do you think they have lion Jesus for the predatory church and lamb Jesus for the prey church? They had to have their version of Christianity as we can see a character doing the sign of the cross.

Hey look its this thread again!

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I love how you fucking shills try to claim simultaneously that Jesus' birth wasn't divine and that his real father was a ROMAN soldier but he was also totally not white and definitely black in a fucking ROMAN CONTROLLED territory.

>Jesus was black

Um. what.

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Regardless of Jesus' human body his spiritual body is described in Revelation 1:14-15
>His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

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