The left sees their existence (reality) as their collective power forcing their will

- for most, being net tax recipients, this means parasitism. And this reality requires maintaining good-standing (usefullness) with each other. This good-standing is achieved by solidarity, and the more the better (in a democratic country)- as such, the benefit of numbers is paramount. Any danger, like that of terrorists, is small in comparison to their reality without the power of force- those who don't earn honestly have no idea whether they'd be able to survive without force. Lefties are not ignorant of fact- our productivity has allowed such a class of person to exist (given our ability to pay extortion (welfare)).

Attached: anzu.jpg (1638x2048, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The lion king pretty much sums up leftism

>tfw no anzu gf

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>The lion king pretty much sums up leftism

Except that civilized humans create, whereus non-civilized humans (leftists) take.

Leftists are domestic terrorists, full stop.

Anzu is perfect.

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>Except that
no, no excepts. The lion king sums up leftism.

You want to know what a leftist leader is? This is what a leftist leader is, how they think, and what they do.

> I will come in with an amazing vobabulary
> I will call you a retard the whole time
> I will convince you to do my bidding
> I will ignore my own narcissism
> I believe I am the only one who can make things right
> I want you to remove those who are now in power through whatever means necessary!
> In reality though, I will shit up everything until somebody with some sense comes in and fixes everything.

>the point that I must emphasize is
>you wont get a sniff without me

I mean seriously, how much more liberal/leftist cant it get? Those stupid wop-dagos do this shit to us all the time. Every right-winger is voldemort. How come every leftist is not scar?

we should murder them all.

Holy shit, that is so good. I should start watching more cartoons. I should play this for leftists I encounter.

Holy shit this makes me mad though.

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>I should start watching more cartoons
No I would not recommend that at all

Wow! Cartoon watching incels unironically telling us we're immature. Poetry!

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YES! exactly! It can work both ways! If the left does it with their incels the right can weaponize incels! ANYBODY CAN BE A STUPID FUCKING CARTOON! YES!

Real World example Venezuela

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>we should kill them
What I find is that for them, it's either fully life or fully death- they don't consider imposition into one's life detrimental to their life. And given that criminals have no right to demand "only equal punishment," I can't say that death is immoral.

What I will say is that most leftists are naive- and that naive aggression is different than conscious/intentional aggression.

>caps and !!!!!!
Triggered broflake? We're going to build a matriarchy, and make incels pay for it!

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>leftists are myopic

I harvest some of their posts. Hard to tell if written as satire or not. Here is one of when Doug Ford (conservative in commie Ontario) won: (I modified the first 14 words only)

While I don't blame Doug for using the weapon in play (gullible voters),
I do blame the media who, through dubious inaction, legitimized said misinformation. A lot of money and resources are spent by people who benefited largely from the status quo to ensure people like you have the worldview and political inclination that you have.

They don't target people with informed and heavily researched political views, they target people whose opinions can be swayed which is why those who would be apolitical a decade or two ago are sharing clickbait on Facebook nonstop and using angry memes to disparage anyone who isn't on the same page. It sure as hell isn't a grassroots phenomenon.

But yeah, go ahead and point the finger at identity politics or progressives or "globalists" or whatever other boogeyman they have you terrified of.

Tits or gtfo.

what is broflake cousin?

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what is it you are talking about? I cannot tell what point you are wanting made

I'm saying that leftists are projecting- they say we are told our facts...then use talking points their hear on TV.

Oof- when you've regressed to begging for nudes online, yet think you should run the world.

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>What is broflake, cousin?

Typical rural/suburban retard who naturally refers to women he talks to as cousins. The inbreeding is systemic.

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i'd rape that boy

>posts thumbnail

Anzu is BIOLOGICALLY female!

>shes a boy

No. That's simply your fantasy.

>kek meme flag

I will wife and breed Anzu.

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maybe i wouldnt rape that boy after all, not without cakeup, what a shame
into the roach motel it goes

Anzu's makeup highlights (not conceals) her beauty. She's still amazing with less.

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