Any other gayfags against Pride?
Why are Pride getting worse every year?
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Because that's what happens when you make your sexuality the main thing about yourself
that guy looks like a faggot version of chad
They don't know how to stop. Their quest to find new or more intensive ways to cum has no end. Since they stopped living like vampires, the point in time when there will be a violent purge upon uncovering those still largely unknown, absolutely abhorrent practices on a grand scale has already been set.
My theory is that it is a mix of how sexual the gay community is along with people who are ugly. Most people who do and are willing to the very demeaning things inside of the gay community are unattractive, and/or obese from my experiences. When the dating scene revolves around quick sex, and you're very unattractive then how do you get that person's attention? I believe they are willing to do worse things/be with worse people and it just spirals down
Then again, I'm against homosexuality altogether and intend to leave my same-sex partner soon so I can get a wife and make her pregnant.
Pride is a sin.
Its flag is the colours of the chakras upside down.
The root cause of homosexuality is shame for one's own gender.
"""Pride""" is a farce.
I even went to Pride once thinking it would be a fun day of celebration and camp entertainment. It fucking wasn't, it seemed so fake, barely anybody was joyous because gays hate each other yet want to fuck each other at the same time, and at the end of the day the floor was covered in layers of beers cans, it's pathetic.
Nobody benefits from this bullshit.
Not gay, but genuinely gender dysphoric.
The idea of pride in your sexuality is the most retarded thing ever, if there's something you could and should be proud of, it's your accomplishments.
Hell is forever you filthy degenerate
You're right
Nah, I have personal experience with these "pride parades". They are basically shakedowns.
Scam runs like this:
Find local community, ask to give pride parade.
"but please don't you see we just want to be accepted"
local community agrees.
Year 1 parade is tame and reasonable
But each year, the pride shakedown artist push further and further.
By year 5 its live dildo demos and encouraging your 7yr old to pole dance
Community leaders under pressure, don't renew license for next year.
"You're just doing that because we are gay. Discrimination! Lawsuit!!"
Community can't afford lawsuit so agrees to pay $10K every year to "sponsor" the pride parade in return for "keeping it toned down"
sauce. was member of HOA who this happened to. Lawyers involved told us we were 4th community to be sued by this same pride group. Don't fall for it. Tell them NO first year they ask to have parade. You will be sued otherwise
Change your life
Ouch indeed!
discord gg/9wje3W
add a .
>against homosex
>has homosex partner
Neck yourself, faggot.
disgusting faggot kys
I haven't been to one, ever. I heard it got normiefied, and it's mostly filled with normies and corporations that got pressured in by the fag mafia.
Because it always was about LOOK AT ME
Never been and never plan on going to go to a pride™
>why are degenerates degenerating?
Isn't that just fags?
Pride parades turned me straight.
why can't Scandinavians can't learn the 3rd person properly He/She/It is They are...
No it's about people having the right to love whoever they want you bigot!
Not really of course, its cum guzzling sperm burpers having a circle jerk. Seriously, men in gimp dog outfits on leashes being whipped in the street in the middle of the day is not cool. They should be arrested for indecency.
Fuck off euronigger
Gay here, I hate them. Never been to them. Never dated anyone who has either. They're is a counterculture to the pride faggoty of normal gays who don't want all this bullshit. I don't give a fuck about Jow Forumss opinion some gays hate fags as much as this board does. I am all for having these pride parades shut down.
Whatever makes you happy user. Don't listen to the shills. You deserve life and happiness like everyone.
Gay subculture does more harm to gays that the most staunch anti-gay activist ever could
I think its powerful. Us gays have been forced into silence for so long it is gratifying to see the straight people squirm. Last time I got fucked in a public toilet I had straight teens harass me and they've broken all the garden gnomes in my front yard 3 a bunch of times. Zero sympathy if the public doesn't like overtly gay imagery. I got beaten up in highschool for being gay.
Tbh just gas pride marchers. People have been getting more accepting of gays for decades yet these faggots keep pushing the envelope so now they bring public nudity, indoctrination of children, and "transgenderism" with them.
Pride marches are essentially political rallies now at this point, they have nothing to do with "combatting bigotry" or "fighting for rights" any more.
ALL gays get the rope, especially "conservative" ones.
Did you consider that our culture is defending itself from your degeneracy?
They haven't figured that out yet
Yeah, tie me up real good, amerifagdaddy
Underrated post
For a lot of them it's not even that. They just want that adrenaline/dopamine rush from the sudden liberating feeling of being allowed to act like a freak in public.
Because they can’t be happy unless they’re different. The more normal gay or lesbians are the less special they feel.
I'm a homofag that absolutely detests essentially all faggotry
Its a shame, too, because I want as "normal" a life as possible
I would have loved marriage, a family, church on Sundays, seeing my kids graduate and marry into nice straight families
But I have yet to meet any fags IRL who feel the same
I find pride morally repugnant and faggots who adopt the camp affect to be sexually repulsive as well
I like MEN, but the only men who would date me are feminized men
I hate whatever virus or mutation caused me to be this way, and aside from an heroing or really lucking out and meeting someone with mutual opinions, I don't see a way forward
Straightfags lucked out
I feel you, fagbro. I'm the same way.
>implying Putin would ever bottom
I am a straight guy and quite like the gay parade. I will never go there but it looks like a zesty fun experience. I wish all flaming faggots the best with their parade. They are free to do whatever they want. Don't bring your kids there thou. And the government should have them obey the law. In all other aspects they can act as faggy as possible. The real problem I have is with motherfuckers who want to ruin everything for other people because they don't like it. If you don't like something, don't do it. Stop ruining other people's freedoms you fucking fags.
I'm in the same boat. It seems like every gay person I've ever met has been extremely feminine. But I am grateful that I am gay, because women are truely fucking awful