This is the map of San Francisco

The brown dots are the areas with a big concentration of HUMAN SHIT

You can’t make this shit up

Attached: 4D565B89-4929-4AE4-9350-304F659A09C6.png (800x405, 551K)

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I dont get it. do people update the map every time they see a nigger?

What are California's chances against the reigning champion India in the international street shitting championships?

India secretly annexed San Francisco and the US did nothing

>California Democrats are the party of street shitting, intentionally giving unsuspecting people AIDS, shoplifting, and doing things that they themselves claim don't make any economic sense
>Republicans still can't win against them

Attached: multiracial singapore.jpg (1001x352, 94K)

Poo in loo Americans
It is not that difficult, isn’t it?

Just drag your fat ass into the nearest shitter. And let the brown flow like a river.

>poo in it

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Attached: Mutt1.jpg (250x197, 8K)

>tfw google maps will now guide you around the piles of shit in liberal cities

Thanks Google

>Bathrooms are for paying customers only

The.... irony

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When your city identity is a bunch of butt fucking faggots who go to origies in bathhouses, you end up with guys who have poor sphincter control. Couple that with the homeless and you have a recipe for disaster.

For all our faults I have never seen people shitting on the streets.
We have a very bad problem of stray dogs though, atleast in my city, and they sure shit up the place.

is this because of the Chinese or the homeless population in SF? I don't think there's many Indians in SF is there?

Homeless. It's a sanctuary city

So that's where the most latinos live?

Maybe that’s why they called him “Dirty Harry”, because he did’t use a bathroom

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Source on that pic, my good man?

>intentionally giving unsuspecting people AIDS
that's still illegal

Not in California because that might stigmatize gays!

If you are pooing in San Francisco
be sure to take some paper in your butt

I was in San Francisco yesterday, I saw no shit in the street or people attempting to shit in the streets, this place is still a overcrowded liberal shit hole tho.


Mexicans are literally a skid mark across the city

Attached: Race_and_ethnicity_2010-_San_Francisco,_Oakland,_Berkeley_(5560477152).png (866x912, 1.47M)


Those HackerNews faggots really do make a mobile app for anything and everything in the Bay Area.

We covered this. Pic related

Attached: image.jpg (750x1109, 308K)

San Fransisco is a dump.
Republicans can win on at this point, but they just want to copy liberalism without criticizing it.