What is the best jew redpill? Can you guys write some text so i can copy pasta to normies

What is the best jew redpill? Can you guys write some text so i can copy pasta to normies

Attached: c280dd5601ef4f668df37be8236fe9d0.jpg (610x762, 76K)

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Lurk more newfag.

>Ask for a jew redpill but posts a jew slut


this jew meme is getting old

In real life you would be under her boot like a horny dog.

DO IT, jerk of to shlomo

Literally one in ten million look like that. I honestly wouldn't blame any man who race mixed with her - yeah your kids would be Jewish but you could enjoy a babe like that night after night

This is what they normally look like, a feminist fashion writer from the guardian trash newspaper

Attached: freeman.jpg (481x271, 25K)

You have to go back.

I'd nut fast if she sucked it

>10 plastic surgeries later
I want to see the "before" pic

>lower left lip herpie
Joke's on you.

theres nothing wrong with fucking sluts as long as you didnt marry them or raise their kids

what about this qt?

Attached: Emma_Barnett.jpg (1920x1080, 129K)

2 in 10 mill. No one can tell apart the average jew from the average white

she actually was quite cute but if you look carefully 99.9% of jews just have something about them that looks weird and wrong, in her case her eyes and her mouth

combine with her hitting the wall about 3 years ago - she went from being kind of cute and young to being "mature" and it only revealed her jewisness

She also is a feminist who made up stories about being attacked by ukip supporters ( telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11307743/I-took-on-a-racist-and-he-threw-his-hot-chocolate-at-me.html ) - certainly knows she has a role in the (((media))) to play

still, you're right, whichever men ploughed her when she was 18-23 did well

I'd put my pure white babies on her face desu

wait a second is that the kid who got his dick chopped off?

jewish girls are wild
that's the ultimate redpill

Why are jewish girls so hot?

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Hello babooshka! I have missed our chats.
How have you been?
Many JIDF shekels gained or still begging with your gold toothed hag mother on the streets of Europe?

Because rich Jew doctors and lawyers can afford hot cunts.

>Cukolding, a Jewish tradition.

Jewish culture has a matrilineal understanding of society. All offspring are a continuation of the mother's womb and not that of the father's seed, so it is in this respect that the Jew is naturally inclined to accept and even promote cuckolding as a cultural norm. The Jew male will not pass on the parasitic gene to posterity, in a strict sense, rather his job is to raise the woman up above him so that the Jewess can breed the parasite and dominate. The male, therefore, is a sissy slave worker for the Jewish family unit, while the woman is free to fuck and suck off every bull that will seed her womb. This is a natural state of the Jewish strain, which must be explained.

It is important to understand that cuckolding is not just a cultural norm for the Jew. The Jew actually needs to cuckold in order to carry on with the race, or parasite strain. What can be seen clearly in all Jewish children is that there is a natural physical and/or mental defect in the racial gene pool that cannot be explained other than by an existence of a defective parasite (Gapped teeth, hooked noses, bent shouldres, balding, skin desease, poor eye sight, weak bones and nearly zero muscle mass, pasty or sickly look, and various other health problems). This means that the Jew will try to breed outside the parasitic strain so that the parasite can survive. But, in order for the physically and mentally defective Jew to accomplish this outerbreeding, they must first spread their culture to the host Goy.

The Goy then is a seeder so that the parasidic gene has continuity. You see, the Jew is truly a parasite, such that, the female is open and free to reproduce, even at the cost of a marriage vow or the moral compass of the host nation or race.

Cuckolding is a necessity of the Jewish survival, and the goy need to be sold on it before the parasite gene is extinguished from the planet by natural means, in other words, the parasite gene of the Jew will eventually regress into a monsterous subhuman species if the parasite does not find a suitable host. Therefore, because the Jewish culture is matrilineal, the Jewess must cuckold the Jew males in order for the Jewish parasite gene to survive as a "people."

The matrilineal Jewish culture is not by accident. If the Jewish parasite were passed on through the male, which, biologically speaking, will pass to the offspring of the male Jew, then the so called "race", or parasite gene, would have a harder time surviving. Physically deformed Jewish males (that are often times also mental defectives) could not find mates as easily as a parasidic female Jewess, so having a matrilineal culture ensures an easier survival and a clear cultural motivation in cuckolding the Jewish male. This cultural cuckolding can be easily seen in the push of Jewess females to marry host goy males. The Jew male, in his cuckolded position in society, will offer up his wife, sister, cousin, or even daughter to the first non-Jew bull that comes along. It is a matter of survival. Jewish men have been watching their women leave them for taller, stronger, and more handsome white European men. They are the inventors of cuckoldry as a fetish and that is why they promote it as "intelligent." That's JEWISH intelligence, for you goyim.


>This cultural aspect of the Jewish parasite explains the reason why most Jewish men are cuckolded who over-represent LGBTQ by percentage.

The Jewish male is expected to destroy the host's moral foundations of a patriarichal society, which is easily done by a promotion and proliferation of homosexual ideas into the host society (earliest known Jewish influence of homosexual behavior was in Athens Greece around 2500bce by the Phoenician Jews that came to live there). This has a two fold effect on the survival of the parasite gene, such that, the weaker of the host nation and people will become homosexuals and thus wont be picked to breed with the Jewess parasite, and also the Jewish male now has an outlet for his cuckold lifestyle that is independent of the Jewess parasite wife that innately treats him as a subhuman that cannot breed worthy offspring. The Jew then has killed two birds with one stone with the promulgation of homosexuality. One might also note that the Jew will promote homosexuality in the host people at a very young age so as to make it a cultural norm by the time the young men of the host people are old enough to fight in wars. This has a serious effect at culling a nation before it is able to violently strike at the Jew and erradicate the parasite forever.

What can also be seen in Jewish culture is a propensity to divorce and also join political activism for the most counter-productive ideologies, which is really just one more symptom of having a matrilineal society for the survival of a parasite gene. The Jew female will often cast out the dominant husband before the age of 30, given that the marriage even lasts that long. This divorce is not necessary if the male will be openly cuckolded, but often times the Jewess will be seperated from the male at an early age. This aspect of Jewish culture is also important for the involvement in political ideologies that ensure that the parasite is protected from extinction--natural or otherwise.

The Jewess parasite, now single, will support political groups like a man, fighting a war of which there is little difference. The female parasite is just protecting her children like any mother would for any species. The mother knows that the parasite gene is going to have to pass on the parasite just like she did, so the political violence and unyielding involvenment in clearly unnatural ideologies only serves to protect the next generation of parasite. This is why one can see the Jewess parasite promoting ideologies that empower women, homosexuals (gender identity), and even more disgusting ideologies like beastiality and BDSM.

This is not the end, however. Understand, that this offspring is not human, it is a parasite and will continue the parasite's ambition to exist within the host. So, the Jew female will, at a middle age, become an activist for women's rights till about the age of 45 or 50, which is about the time that the now old Jew female parasite decides she needs a care giver. Now, the Jew male at this point will be starved for sex and will remarry the Jewess and the circle of Jewish life is complete. Or, it might be the case that the Jewess parasite lives alone with only a minor involvement in the offspring's lives. Either way, the Jewess can be expected to be in most single's events at a very old age as if a prize to behold.

The JEW PARASITE needs to promote cuckolding so that the parasite does not lose the host for breeding. Multiculturalism and interracial marriages are another corner stone to the Jewish survival. It is Jewish culture and should not be the interest of the other races unless those races of human want to support the parasite. In supporting multiculturalism, the Jewess parasite supports a potential to mate with other human races so that her parasite can live on into posterity.

>This is merely a symptom of Jewish-led regression of society as a whole.

so hawt

Attached: 29FF83D8-157F-43C2-8A81-2B9CE8D654EE.png (1800x2400, 882K)

This also works well for the Jew in a general sense because a racially aware society will also see through the push for matrilineal indoctrination, that it to say, a pure race will have no need for a parasite and will easily see the parasite as a sore to be removed from the earth. The host nations must remember that all things Jewish in Culture are either stolen from the host human races or created to promote the continuity of the parasite.

It is in the best interest of the humans in this world to finally understand that the parasite can latch onto the negroid races with all impunity, but it should not be allowed to latch onto the master race, for the master race must continue to create a world of common sense and understanding.

tl;dr: Hitler did nothing wrong.

I believe I figured out the Meta of the Jew game, and I mean all of it. I have figured out the end goal and every connection that leads up to it. The goal, being; them being "God's Chosen" People LARPers ruling over a lowered-IQ cattle race, of which, would be a Global population of mutts too dumb to be able to grasp anything of Meta, and have yet just enough intelligence to work. Extinct Whitey-Goy, fuck all.

>Jews invented Communism.
It's a proven fact. Communism seems quite similar/allegory to the 'God's Chosen People -vs- the Goyim idea', doesn't it?

>Jews invented the Cultural Marxism that so badly infects our once Huwhite societies.

>Jew gains complete media control and banking, and dual-citizenship in US politics with Israel.

>Jew orchestrates massive non-Huwhite invasions for decades while actively promoting race-mixing propaganda throughout every single one of his platforms, including advertising on TV.

>"Messianism is the belief and doctrine that is centered on the advent of the messiah, who acts as the chosen savior and leader of humanity by God."
t. Wiki

>Who acts as the CHOSEN savior and LEADER OF HUMANITY.

To do this, they need to get everybody dumbed down a bit by removing the borders/nations as you see now to encourage the misgenation, while simultaneously controlling the World via Jew Rothschild wealth (~80%, if including his own proxies like Soros et al).

The Cultural Marxist bullshit you see like Trannies on TV, Pussy-riot, and especially all of the absolute filth that comes out of the kike-entertainment media for all it's girth is just an intentional breaking down of the family unit to get younger girls more promiscuous as they find the faster maturing and more aggressive Tyrone while you drink Onions.

Communist Jews (most leaders were) started this LARP and are still pushing the EXACT ideological subversion. Why? The U.S.S.R. fell. Maybe it was the Jew who needed to fall, globally. Oh well, fuck Hitler..

Attached: (((Saudi))).jpg (218x255, 25K)

DON'T IGNORE THIS. These WILL change your life for the BETTER, but only if you want it.
Each video holds innumerable strength, and in totality; you will grow stronger than you seek.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide.

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


Just-in-case you wondered who were the 'Marxist' aggressors, you will look to Zionist Jews. Perhaps you then know why Jow Forums has so much angst against JEWs. The Soviet Union fell, but they are STILL pushing this ideology, only this time; they are seeking for Israel to be the light among the world.
>Mix 105 IQ Whites with 80 IQ browns = ~92 IQ cattle race that's easily ruled over.

Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messiah comes, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.
t. Chaim Hirshel Mordehai - (Karl Marx)

Also, see:

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




But Jew patriarchy allow NEET Neckbeards Jews marry.


And men Jews usually sexual abuse white Women.
