What can we do to stop the McMansion movement and go back to American Red Brick?

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Red brick homes are bland and ugly as shit.
Chad ranch homes >>>>> virgin red bricks

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God damn this thing is gaudy.

How about this understated ranch home?

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I like both of these houses, although I prefer Mediterranean derived styles.

I think that house is too superfluous for me. It approaches the McMansion details too much, with a strange entrance.

I got eye cancer looking at this shit

There are good quality American brick houses in the US. I do like brick because it lasts longer but all brick costs more. Real estate development isn't necessarily about that.

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>his house isnt hundreds of years old
top kek

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That's brick veneer.

>It approaches the McMansion details too much
Admittedly that wasn’t the best example of ranch home. It tried too many styles.

How about California ranch homes?

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>How about California ranch homes?
No. Try Texas.

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I'm more into industrial modern stuff but that's probably because of playing autism blocks and getting a degree in engineering.

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>All those windows

Too many windows. I'd rather people not watch me masturbate.

Free light.

you know these things are woodframe houses? The outer shell gives only the _appearance_ of stone

Too bad we don't have rolladens. Or hurricane shutters standard on all homes

There this thing called curtains. However if you have the dosh to spend, you could get dynamic glass.

Young growth wood too which makes it extra inferior

Ill stick to me cookie cutter suburban home.

I still think the victorian's are quite attractive.

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Cookie cutter suburban homes are cancer. Well the new ones are.


Hell yeah! Texas ranch homes are top tier. Pic related is Colorado ranch home. Top tier as well.

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>inb4 too much glass
Don't be lazy.

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> his house can’t have hot and cold water go through the same pipes

Hate the balcony but here some less glass for you fags.

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How can Jow Forums not find this /cozy/

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Nothing. Fucking nothing

Beautiful. To anyone saying too much windows, you have to realize these homes are most likely very rural. No neighbors for miles. And ya know, curtains are a thing.

Britcuck style

They don't in modern homes either you numale. It's mixed at the faucet.

Letting in natural light also keeps a neet like me healthy.
Also the use of glass doesn't have to be used on all sides, even just doing one giant piece on the eastern facing side would be great to have and save you some money in the winter and summer.

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I'd like to see those McMansions replaced by nice old snout houses. I like snout houses. We meed more of them.

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I like that one, thanks. I live in California, too, although along the coast. If I move inland, perhaps I could get a house similar to that, but smaller.

>Fast growth pine frame
>Cheap stone exterior

Arabs really do have shit taste.

This house looks depressing as fuck. I rather live in this contemporary barn.

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We need to go back to traditional Canadian homes.

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architects all need to be shot. academia is producing retards

>He hasn't taken the colonial pill yet

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Millennials get a fuck load of crap for rejecting the usury scam, but they're making an impact on many levels

Maximum comfy.

Yeah man, center hall colonials are nice.

Post something you like. Yes some architectural stuff is pants on head retarded.

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What's the best way to replace (((cookie cutter housing))) in suburbs while alleviating housing costs?

big windows
high ceilings

>Living in a house that isn't built with modern amenities taken into account.
No. Buy old stuff is boomer tier.

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Red brick homes are obsolete. The future is earthships. Earthships are love. Earthships are life.

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Plenty can be done and would have to be done. Cut down on foreign real estate investment, curb immigration (the people you're competing with for homes), and actually interest rates going up would cause home values to go down because what it does to all the free/easy capital for investing. You could also make laws about real estate investing but I don't have any idea what they would look like. This is a georgian style house. I also think they look nice.

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Come home white man

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This one is too Industrial looking and tries hard for that modern ex-factory converted hipster shit.

Terrible color scheme. Too minimalistic. Weird window combos.

Pic related is a modern minimalist concept I like...

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>(((Modernist))) trash

Nobody said log cabins? Wow, they’re so comfy too.

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This is pushing the boundaries but I guess you got your tower to shoot trespassers.

>Box is more cozy than what I found cozy

>muh low IQ opinion
Sorry that you let people build giant dildos ruining the skyline of your historic city.

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What's with all the windows?

He who lives in glass houses etc etc

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Looks like fucking Coronation Street

This is the outside of the log cabin I posted too, it’s on a couple acres of land, near some water too. My plan is when the next depression hits I’ll buy one and hunt for deer, bunnies, squirrels and fish with my trusty Vizsla. This is how the white man survived the depression induced race war because lack of gibs

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The fuck is a McMansion and why should I care?

Large pieces of glass are cheaper in bulk.
>Post house with just as much glass
>Completely misunderstands glass house saying.
I recommend reading the Glass Castle.

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You know brick has not been a structural component of buildings in 100 years, right? It is all a facade for aesthetics and supports no loading.

Embrace nature white man. Come home to the future.

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these are american

everything else isnt

The only people building new homes are wealthy boomers

You need to convince them that they don't need a tacky 3 car attached garage that sits right in the front yard

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You would need so many kids to fill out that house.

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What about log cabins? :(

Jefferson had a pretty sweet house.

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A real brick house must be too expensive for Ameripoors compared to the cardboard shit.

Suck on my 100% brick walled house, peasants

>ITT: Bunch of people living in deforested shitholes where they can't afford to build with wood and use baked mud instead.

>You need to convince them that they don't need a tacky 3 car attached garage that sits right in the front yard
I tell you one thing boomers got right and this is having a garage on the front of the property However they need to not do it in the retarded fashion as your pic.

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Who gives a fuck? It's exceptionally aesthetically pleasing.

Lies. Everyone knows pic related is what a traditional strayan house looks like.

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>not living in nebulous serenity at the center of the universe while the jews and nogs hustle it out 24/7 at your feet

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>tfw live in Florida so no brick

A-are Florida Cracker homes /comfy/?

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You realize the brick is for style typically, right?
It hasn't a fucking thing to do with structure usually.

Modern ranch homes are extremely ugly.

that looks comfy af


I am fond of these too.
Not much better than a McMansion.

Typical boomer with bad taste.

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I've never looked at houses longingly until I started my $80k job. Now I'm a 30 y/o boomer at 26. What's wrong with me?!

Looks comfy

what the fuck is that walkway for?

Typical white nigger with no taste. Africa and America were made for you.

My wallet shivered in my pocket at the thought of heating costs.

Tudor is the most aesthetic architectural style.

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>Claims to have taste, only comments on what others post.
Nigger boomer.

>What is double paned insulated glass.
I'm pretty certain that all that glass is on the eastern side of the house only.

Fug this one gives me max /comfy/ feels.

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I think it is silly as fuck that you have to go through the house to get to the porch like that. The front door should be on the right and not the left.

Building codes have been pozed.
Brick is damn near illegal.
and you basically have to build a stick/steel house inside of brick house.
So what really happens if some one wants a new Brick house is they use that manufactured concrete brick textured facade.

that would solve you Nig and Chink problem

really unnatural to have such an exposed dwelling with so little physical privacy. get your head examined.

pig disgusting--get some taste.

No it's not. It's also a shitty house construction-wise. Fucking meme flags.

I know, the walkway makes no sense. It’s not the only thing wrong with that house. I already said that was a bad example.

What I like has been posted. Why do it? It seems as if this thread is dead. I will post some though.
Actually this one is next door to the childhood home that my father rented from 5-11. Many great memories. I have to say, I liked it before they "restored it". It was starting to get worse and fall apart but they didn't have to take the character out. I have a feeling it will be cool again in 30 years or so. Something about it just doesn't sit with me. But I am still fond of the architecture.

Here in Florida everything would burst into flame at dawn with that setup.

>most aesthetic architectural style.
I think Victorians are.

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I like this one better, same neighbourhood

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I'd rather live in a trailer than have to crap in a bucket in a snow/ice house.