Attached: fb_icon_325x325.png (325x325, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Doomp eet

Attached: 1531936060987m.jpg (1024x971, 98K)

Zuck is going to be executed for treason and crimes against humanity.

Attached: 1516177108988.png (545x687, 192K)

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he'll recover somehow

Attached: human replenishing exogenous carbohydrate supply with burnt slab of dough.webm (720x404, 1.32M)


Attached: 1527529170950.jpg (234x215, 9K)

Thats 0.25%, faggot OP.


The social media bubble of the 2010s was bound to burst. These companies are way overvalued, and some, like Twitter, don't even have a business model besides pyramid scheming their investors.



20% recovered slightly

Attached: 20180725_171203.jpg (1080x836, 161K)

oh fug should I hodl my crypto senpai?!?!

come on guys... just take a look at facebook's page view:

it is only 50% of it's highs in 2015!

Attached: IsraelArmyAtrocityAtTheBeach.jpg (547x450, 53K)

Tom pls


Attached: PicsArt_07-25-06.13.50.png (1440x1654, 230K)

holy shit its real

Attached: Unbenannt.jpg (773x407, 47K)

this is now a Zuck thread

Attached: wat.jpg (589x549, 217K)

More like 23%

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 3.15.27 PM.png (587x416, 103K)

or take a look at Google Trends on facebook:


facebook is only 25% is as popular as its high

Attached: 1531788041610.jpg (650x292, 55K)

crazy. i wanna buy in

>that one green candle

when you buy at market closing price without checking after hours price. dude got fucked


Attached: 1527789292052.jpg (750x946, 83K)

Who the fuck googles facebook?

Attached: zuck.jpg (490x451, 30K)

>open internet explorer
>type google into the yahoo toolbar
click the link
>type facebook into google

Why didn’t you tell us to sell before it dropped 25% asshole?

How’s that even possible to do

Attached: we run ads.webm (640x720, 2.47M)

>Observe me human, I am consuming grain based produce for sustenance as is your custom

the beginning
>of the end
of tech

So it's happening finally..

it is interest on the social network facebook

not the search term "facebook"

learn to do google trends... it is a necessary tool for investment

Attached: 1345458456435467.gif (400x223, 635K)

I know, right? I facebook google myself.


Attached: 1530470245934.jpg (1692x1167, 358K)

Can someone please explain to me how you can buy/sell when the market is closed? Are only Jews allowed to trade after the market closes?

Look at dude in background. Body language is so fucking telling.

Saved - thanks.

because retards like you need to die of hunger

it is called natural selection... you faggot!

Attached: 12345678654.jpg (640x352, 17K)

inb4 it gets shut down.

Attached: get_zucked_hard.png (985x616, 50K)

I’m not invested in Facebook, dummy. I would’ve shorted it.

Reminder- Zuckerberg in insane.

He went through a PR period where they were putting out articles about him killing his own animals that he would eat.

He would only eat things he would personally kill.

Imagine the look in Zuckerberg's eyes as he stares down something he's about to kill.


Attached: zuck.jpg (480x360, 37K)

Attached: MeghanLaughingMeme.png (1118x762, 861K)

I believe when you put in an order after hours, the trade isn't actually made, but based off of the order being placed the stock price is adjusted in anticipation of that trade being made. So that way, you can see any huge orders coming in for purchases or sales before the market opens the next business day.

lol I just sold a bunch 20 mins before that. Dumb luck is the only way I win in stocks.

Are you from the future?

Attached: all time high.png (536x394, 22K)

holy mother of keks

Attached: zucc.jpg (638x89, 27K)


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 6.26.13 PM.jpg (1184x1026, 159K)

sure you weren't invested

don't short it either
the best way of dealing with a Jew like facebook is to do not do any business with it

let the Jew die of hunger... no blood for facebook

Attached: 13076519510011516775919.jpg (500x379, 48K)

Facebook makes an insane amount of money off ad revenue though. Businesses like mine use facebook advertising primarily. It's actually the best compared to google, bing, yelp and the others.

>type google into the yahoo toolbar
*crack* *sip*

Facebook has been been in the news quite a lot recently.

6days ago

3mins ago
>Facebook shares take a hit after poor results


Attached: skynews-facebook-zuckerberg_4261628.jpg (1096x616, 45K)

boomer detected

Ah, thanks

most stock trades happen on the stock exchanges which are only open during certain hours. there are multiple stock exchanges and hours vary for each. however you can also buy/sell on different networks or you can even sell shares face to face exchanging paper shares for paper cash you don't need to do it electronically at all.

if you place a buy order on an electronic communications network to buy shares "after hours" at the market close price and the price has tanked dramatically since then the order will instantly get filled and you'll absorb an immediate big loss.

If nothing else is following it down, you're a faggot, OP. Bend over and take it.

OMG - please let it die.

Sucker berg is a weirdo but there’s nothing wrong with this activity.

Why sell now?
Why not wait until after the panic, then later when stock prices go back up , sell then.
Unless you think facebook is going under completely forever ofc

You’re a fag dude

and your ads are getting more and more expensive... because facebook is shedding users like myspace

wake up! you need to find a new online business... I suggest Amazon FBA

Attached: Facebook is done.png (660x710, 43K)

>Are only Jews allowed to trade after the market closes?
I don't know the answer but it's something like this. Stock market is rigged against small investors. Its primary purpose is to take money from idiots like me who don't have their own colocated server for high frequency trades.

>what is myspace 2.0

that's homophobic!

Attached: 1525721818549.jpg (905x768, 144K)

Can one of you dudes generate a candlestick for after hours trades? Don't have anything that can view that. Many thanks if you can deliver.
> I think it's about to freefall again.

What if people have learned to just type www.facebook.com into their browser's URL bar instead of directly into Google search like a mouthbreathing boomer?

no candle stick but this is the best I got

Attached: IMG_9B3EDD5316F7-1.jpg (1125x2436, 336K)

Is your point that it's overvalued because mostly old people use it? You know, instagram and Whatsapp are owned by Facebook too.

I believe Omnibar also tracks queries. That is why you have to opt out of "suggested search results". This technology is a decade old.

hey esse,

it's not just the search term! it is overall interest on the social media called facebook!

google trends is not just based on search of the word! it is based on tons of other metrics too!

Attached: cholo.jpg (800x600, 116K)

Perfect opportunity to buy honestly

Thanks. Enjoying watching the fire rise. This moment triggers emotional bliss for me.

Yes I've noticed this. The ad service isn't as good as a year ago but it's still much better than even google which imo is 2nd best. My business isn't an online business either.

Yes perhaps for an intraday trade. I wouldn't enter at this point unless I planned on immediately dumping it.

yfw zucc says fuck it I tried, shrugs his shoulders, and a flying saucer shows up to carry him home.

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Social media is just a collection of faggots.

Like a set, hash, array, arraylist, of faggots.

haha. nuclear codes

Holy shit, OP isn't making this up.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 3.40.06 PM.png (1300x1228, 188K)

>microwave mounted bellow counter top level in place of oven

I don't know whether to call him a cuck or absolute antisocial freak

here is facebook's main sub domain's page views for the past 9 years:


they are a dying platform

Attached: 750322007723220992.gif (480x270, 3.88M)

Who eats dry toast?

Can I get a basic gestalt on FBA?
> How much will it cost me?
> How can it be gamed?
> What makes you recommend this service?

You don't know how shorting works, do you?

You now remember you have a very old and very embarrassing myspace account, and you don't remember the password.

Attached: 1517883576405s.jpg (125x123, 2K)

holy shit lmao. he couldn't find a real, functioning human house for this shoot?

Attached: pepe10.jpg (499x499, 59K)


Ad revenue isn't an effective source of revenue in the long-term. Otherwise newspapers would still be alive.

Attached: martin luther 95 these newspaper.jpg (797x523, 58K)

shorting is when I pull down your wife's short and cream pie her!

No, do your own research... you should be sucking my dick that I'm saving you from "shopify+facebook ad" bullshit

Attached: 13789765432144.jpg (492x449, 48K)



Q predicted this.

The butter is bad for his gears.

the market will be fine. a little jolt. abandon social media tech stocks though.

I could've predicted this.

Ad revenue is a very shitty way of making money and requires constant growth like a cancer or it fails completely. The moment facebook's userbase stops using the platform, the company has nothing to fall back on and it fails.

It took them 5 years to learn that?


Attached: 1532505519115.jpg (639x628, 363K)

mine has song lyrics hidden in my pupils in every pic lol. fucking shoot me.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 3.52.54 PM.png (443x369, 132K)

Attached: zuckerbot.jpg (800x1000, 56K)

why did we do these things? what was the motive?

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Honestly, each tip you anons try to give me is more cringey then the next.

this fucking guy lmao. didn't he have to take classes on how to "appear more human" awhile back? jesus.