is this a good joke or is it distasteful, pol?
Is this a good joke or is it distasteful, pol?
Needs more N word.
Needs more "nigger".
I'm a retard I don't get it
>N word
Damn nigger you must be new here.
the black children are made of shit stains
Ohhhhhhh, its a toilet roll in a bathroom.
Did you think of that yourself?
I don't understand the joke. Those are pieces of toilet paper, not film. That doesn't make sense. If you were to wipe with that toilet paper, you would be left with a brown smudge on said piece of toilet paper, which is again, toilet paper, not film, especially not polaroid film (which is the "instant" variety needed to develop a picture without the proper dark room and chemicals, as in traditional film development.) Once you were to wipe (presumably after defecation) you'd be left with a piece of toilet paper covered in a smear of human feces. I don't see how a black baby is relevant in this scenario.
Again, to reiterate, this doesn't make sense, because by completing the process outlined by the Original Poster (OP, in common forum parlance) one would be left with a smudge of human defecate on a square of dried fibrous concentrate, which (in the eyes of this anonymous internet explorer) has nothing to do with the photography of melanin-enhanced babies.
Thank you for your time,
something more classy like spook
I think that's a shit joke
Good and distasteful aren't mutually exclusive.
Haha, I saw this post on too
reddit is definitely a superior platform in nearly every way.
it's a pretty normie joke but not bad, at least a 6/10
no, i found it on reddit like this guy
>N word
it's NIGGER you fucking retarded redditor
flag checks out
flag checks out
I don't understand the joke. Those are pieces of toilet paper, not film. That doesn't make sense. If you were to wipe with that toilet paper, you would be left with a brown smudge on said piece of toilet paper, which is again, toilet paper, not film, especially not polaroid film (which is the "instant" variety needed to develop a picture without the proper dark room and chemicals, as in traditional film development.) Once you were to wipe (presumably after defecation) you'd be left with a piece of toilet paper covered in a smear of human feces. I don't see how a black baby is relevant in this scenario.
Again, to reiterate, this doesn't make sense, because by completing the process outlined by the Original Poster (OP, in common forum parlance) one would be left with a smudge of human defecate on a square of dried fibrous concentrate, which (in the eyes of this anonymous internet explorer) has nothing to do with the photography of melanin-enhanced babies.
Thank you for your time,
Made me chuckle
>N word
I want summer to end
Dear Tim,
It's come to our attention that you do not understand the joke, namely, that niggers are shit. Perhaps you are too new to remember that film once came in a roll, to be "developed" at a local film processing business. Indeed, it's true that the image itself came as a transfer to glossy coated paper media, which, of course, is a square of dried fibrous concentrate with a smudge representing human waste.
Tim, you must be fucking blind.
Tim Horton? Are you Willie's cousin?